As expected, Xu Yanran got Cheng's investment. With this investment, she can also be a brand. Y & M is a trendy brand new product to the market. In addition to earning enough heat, it still needs excellent quality and design.

"Mr. Xu, the designer's interview is basically over, but the position of design director is still vacant." the little assistant stood at his desk and put a data set in front of Xu Yanran.

"This is the data set of fresh graduates from the best fashion design colleges in China. Several styles are still very similar to us, but these students rely on their top students and may not be willing to come to our company."

The little assistant looks sad. The designer interview a few days ago has seen the difficulty of applying. It is particularly important for the design director to control the whole brand style. Naturally, it is not easy to recruit.

Xu Yanran silently looked at the data collection. There are many excellent works, but they are not mature, and they may not have good results when put into the market.

"Don't worry about the salary. We try our best to meet this, but it's necessary to find a designer who fits our ideas. Don't just focus on the graduates. Summarize them to me after brief screening."

Xu Yanran is still worried about the design director. The beginning of this time is very smooth, and there can be no mistakes later.

After dinner, Lele looked at the cartoon in the room. Xu Yanran screened her resume. She looked very serious from big to small. When Xu Yanran came back, Lele didn't know when to sleep.

Xu Yanran took the iPad out of Lele's arms, pulled up the quilt and covered Lele. She felt guilty and touched Lele's little face. She still picked up her laptop and went to the living room to continue working.

After a night's hard work, Xu Yanran finally picked out a girl named Jiang Yiyi from thousands of resumes. She gave Xiaozhu a haircut and was ready to interview the girl in person.

But when Xu Yanran arrived at the company, it was not Jiang Yiyi who waited in the conference room, but Lin Baoer who was arrogant.

"Why are you here? I have something else to do later. Please come back." Xu Yanran pushed the door and saw Lin bao'er sitting inside. She changed her face immediately.

Lin Baoer didn't get up, but looked up at Xu Yanran, with a gloating expression on his face and said, "Yo, what else do you have? It won't be an interview for a design director?"

Xu Yanran didn't want to talk to her much. Seeing that she didn't mean to go, she simply left by herself.

"You stop!"

Seeing that Xu Yanran was leaving, Lin bao'er quickly stood up and stopped her, "today I came to tell you that Jiang Yiyi has been hired by Lin, you can change another candidate."

Xu Yanran was stunned when she heard the speech. It was not long before she decided. How did Lin Baoer know his candidate and intercept him in such a timely manner.

Looking at Xu Yanran's puzzled face, Lin Baoer is naturally very proud. Today she is here to show off. The more Xu Yanran is frustrated, the happier she looks.

"Very angry? The candidate you have chosen for so long is gone. If you beg me, maybe I can let go of your next candidate." Lin bao'er smiled at Xu Yanran, but his eyes were full of banter and ridicule.

Xu Yanran looked into her eyes, just like Lin Baoer four years ago. Four years ago, she begged hard, but she still went back on her word, causing her to lose her marriage and failed to save Xu Qingzhu's life.

Four years later, she was still the same. This time, how could Xu Yanran easily admit defeat.

"Oh, it turned out that I was wrong. People who can be dug up by Lin are not much better. Next time, you may not be as lucky as you are now."

Xu Yanran ironically pushed Lin bao'er away and walked out of the conference room, but she was still curious about how she turned up the corner.

Now Y & M's advertising has been launched. In the next step, if there is no new product launch, I'm afraid it will be inundated with abuse and questions.

Back in the office, Xu Yanran made herself a cup of black coffee, struggled with sleepiness, cheered up and continued to screen her resume.


A burst of telephone rings. It's a strange call. Xu Yanran frowns and picks it up with a headache.

"Hello, who's calling, please?"

The voice of a little girl on the other end of the phone was very anxious. Obviously, she didn't listen to Xu Yanran's words.

"Mr. Xu, I'm Nanai. Recently, you'd better not recruit a design director from the fashion design college of C University!"

Xu Yanran was stunned by a sudden phone call. Only then did she react. The girl claiming to be Nanai on the phone was the intern girl who was dismissed not long ago.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Xu Yanran said with a trace of displeasure.

Nanai hurriedly explained: "my roommate is from the Fashion Design Institute of C University. She said that Lin's daughter boasted. Whenever Yunmeng informed the interview, Lin's salary would be double. Originally, no one believed it, but as soon as Jiang Yiyi's story spread this morning, the whole college knew it."

After hearing Nainai's explanation, Xu Yanran's whole face turned pale. Lin bao'er's cruel move really underestimated her.

"OK, I see. Thank you for telling me in time." Xu Yanran held back her anger. She thanked Nanai very much. After hanging up the phone, she took a deep breath for several times to suppress her resentment at the bottom of her heart.

"Inform the personnel department to suspend the interview for the graduates of C University and wait for my news." Xu Yanran picked up the internal phone to inform the little assistant, then picked up the mobile phone on the table and ran to C University.

With the graduation season approaching, there are many college students running around on the campus. Xu Yanran happened to meet several graduates holding a collection of works and sending resumes everywhere when she was walking around the recruitment site of the Institute of fashion design.

"Hello, classmate. Are you graduates of the Institute of fashion?" Xu Yanran asked.

The two boys looked at Xu Yanran, who was wearing a suit. They just thought it was the personnel of which company and hurriedly handed in their resume. "Yes, yes, this is our resume. Please accept it."

Xu Yanran took it over, looked through it and said with a smile, "your works are also very good. Why don't you want to try Lin's company?"

A boy joked: "Lin doesn't need to submit a resume at all this year. If you want to enter Lin, just send a resume to Yunmeng. Once you succeed, the salary will be doubled!"

Another boy quickly stabbed him and motioned him to stop talking, but the boy didn't care: "there's nothing to hide. I heard that a girl has succeeded. If I wasn't not good enough, I'd like to try."

Xu Yanran smiled and said goodbye. She went back to her car and smashed the steering wheel. Then she dialed the assistant.

"Inform the personnel department that the design director does not need C graduates!"

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