They tacitly avoided the matter. Although the atmosphere became a little strange, no one pierced the window paper and took the initiative to mention Lin Baoer.

He walked to the door in silence. Xu Yanran opened the door and let Cheng Zichu enter the house. He turned and went to the kitchen to clean up and start cooking dinner.

Lele was very excited. He took Cheng Qi to visit his new home and talked about all kinds of furnishings in the room. Cheng Zichu followed him with a shy face and carefully "visited" by the way. Finally, he came to a conclusion: Bai Chengyun really didn't live here.

The two children were having fun in the bedroom. Cheng Qi was attracted by the crystal ball on the table and looked at the crystal ball on the table. Each of them was different, but they were very good-looking.

"Wow, these crystal balls are so beautiful! But why is it snowing?"

Cheng Qi dragged her cheeks, tilted her head and looked at Lele with a puzzled face. Compared with snowy winter, she still prefers sunny spring.

"It's a secret. Come and have a look. I'll tell you."

Lele glanced at Cheng Zichu standing on the side and carefully came to Cheng Qi's ear. The two men bit their ears. Cheng Zichu didn't know what he was talking about.

"Now you both have little secrets? Don't you let me know?"

Cheng Zichu forked his waist and looked at the two big kids in front of him. His mood became better inexplicably. It seemed that there was a feeling of parent-child interaction.

Lele also imitates Cheng Zichu's appearance and stands on the bed, but he is short. Standing on the bed, he can only look up at Cheng Zichu.

"Now it's in my house. If you dare to bully your mother again, I'll drive you out!"

Lele looks great. When he bullied Bai Chengyun like this, he always tried repeatedly, but Cheng Zichu is not the person who coaxes children like Bai Chengyun.

"Then try and watch it. Cheng Qi can't be here when I'm gone. She still wants to follow me home."

One by one, they refused to give in to each other. Cheng Qi looked at Lele's small face and could only run to comfort. After all, she didn't dare to talk back to Cheng Zichu.

Just as the two were making noise, Xu Yanran opened the door of the room and saw the three people making fun. Xu Yanran was a little surprised. She had never seen Cheng Zichu play with children like this.

"There's no food in the kitchen. I'll go to the supermarket and look at them."

"I'll go with you."

Cheng Zichu opened his mouth and was ready to get his coat and key, but Xu Yanran stopped him.

"How can they be at home by themselves? Look at them and I'll be back in a minute." Xu Yanran said, only feeling that Cheng Zichu was somehow sticky.

Cheng Zichu looked back and took a look at Lele. Lele disdained it. He turned his head and obviously didn't want to talk to Cheng Zichu.

"Do you two need me to watch you at home?"

Cheng Zichu smiled and looked at the children who were angry with him. Naturally, they wanted Cheng Zichu to leave quickly.

"I don't need it! I'm already a big child. I can take good care of Cheng Qi!"

Lele vowed and looked proud. Cheng Qi nodded in agreement and drove away Cheng Zichu.

"You see, your son didn't let me here."

Cheng Zichu shrugged his shoulders and put on his coat, just like he was ready.

Xu Yanran saw that Lele rarely played with Cheng Qi once. She also couldn't bear to let Cheng Zichu disturb them. Instead of leaving Cheng Zichu at home, she might as well take him away. Thinking like this, Xu Yanran didn't talk. It was a default that Cheng Zichu followed.

The supermarket is not far from the community. They walked forward and arrived soon. Xu Yanran pushed a shopping cart and went to the living area to buy vegetables, regardless of whether Cheng Zichu followed him or not.

When Xu Yanran was almost ready to check out, he saw Cheng Zichu also pushing a shopping cart in front of him, but his car was full of daily necessities, ranging from toothbrushes to bath towels.

"What are you doing this time? I let you buy vegetables, not on a business trip."

Xu Yanran said and was ready to put things on the shelf. Just like she put them back, Cheng Zichu took one back as it was.

"I've seen it carefully. Your family doesn't have these things."

Cheng Zichu said solemnly. When Lele took him to visit, he specially wrote it down and just bought it back when he came out this time.

"What do you want these things for? I don't need them!"

Xu Yanran was helpless again, but more puzzled. Looking at the full things in the shopping cart and Cheng Zichu standing aside, she didn't understand how he became like this.

"You don't need me to use it, otherwise how can you take a bath at night?"

Cheng Zichu said, picked up the men's underwear on the shelf and put it in his shopping cart with great satisfaction. Xu Yanran is completely stunned. Does he want to live in his own home?

"Hey, is that all you want?"

Cheng Zichu shouted at Xu Yanran, pulling her thoughts back. She didn't say much in the supermarket. She could only go forward with a frown.

"Cheng Qi said she would eat sushi in the evening."

Cheng Zichu pulls Xu Yanran, who is going to check out, and turns around to go to the place where she sells seaweed, but Xu Yanran quickly stops.

"Wait, wait, I don't look like Cheng Qi wants to eat, but like you want to eat?"

Cheng Zichu didn't admit that he was broken, but dragged her away. They looked like flirting, which attracted the envy of a group of people around.

"You can eat it another day. There is no rice or other materials at home."

Xu Yanran put down the seaweed in Cheng Zichu's hand and looked at him with a few lonely filaments in his eyes. Suddenly, she couldn't bear it. The president of Cheng was just eating sushi. Who can't have anything to eat.

"If you really want to eat, I know a shop that tastes good."

"No, next time."

Cheng Zichu pushed the shopping cart somewhat disappointed. He didn't want sushi, but he just remembered the time when Xu Yanran sent himself Bento.

At that time, whenever he worked overtime in the company, she always took her Bento to deliver meals to herself. At that time, she just cooperated with Xu, and she would prepare two, one for him and one for Xu Qingzhu.

But his part would always be more than that of Xu Qing bamboo, and the pendulum plate should be more delicate. He had attracted the Qing bamboo to make complaints about it for a long time, and said that she had forgotten her brother when he had a boyfriend.

Xu Yanran didn't know Cheng Zichu's thoughts. Cheng Zichu suddenly became greedy. She was still thinking carefully about where to buy sushi for a while.

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