If it weren't for Xu Lele, Xu Yanran would come forward and educate Qin Sisi. Finally, she just looked at Qin Sisi coldly and turned to walk outside the restaurant.

Before she took two steps, someone suddenly pulled her behind her. Xu Yanran turned back conditionally and poured a cup of hot water on her face.

The hot water stayed slowly along her hair. Xu Yanran only felt the hot pain on her face. She gritted her teeth and was about to get angry, so she listened to Xu Lele's concern, "Mom, are you okay!"

At the moment, Xu Lele's voice has a crying cavity. Her heart is soft, and Xu Yan shakes her head.

When she looked up at Qin Sisi again, Xu Yanran's eyes were as cold as winter. "Qin Sisi, remember what you did to me today. Sooner or later, I will double it back to you."

When the voice fell, a broad arm suddenly took her into his arms and forced her to turn around. The man slowly opened his mouth, "no matter what account it is, it's better to calculate it on the spot."

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the restaurant was cold.

Qin Sisi looked at the person in front of him in disbelief and murmured, "Cheng Zichu, why are you here?"

"Miss, I don't think I have to report to you, but now I need you to apologize to my woman!"

In this city, no one knows that Cheng Zichu can't be provoked, but there are so many friends around him. If Qin Sisi really apologizes, how can he stay in the circle of friends in the future.

Thinking of this, she tied her neck and said with a red face, "Cheng Zichu, have you forgotten Xu Yanran's betrayal so soon? She cheated in her marriage and this child, I don't know where..."

Before Qin Sisi finished, Xu Yanran came forward and gave her a hard slap.

"Qin Sisi, some words you can say, some words you can't say all your life!" at the moment, Xu Yanran's eyes were like a cheetah protecting her cubs. Even Cheng Zichu was stunned in situ for a moment.

"Xu Yanran!" there was a stabbing pain on his face. Qin Sisi just wanted to come forward, but Cheng Zichu was trapped in his place, "apologize!"

The temperature in the restaurant dropped sharply. Because it became more and more noisy here, the owner of the restaurant had come out, but because the party was Cheng Zichu, he didn't dare to speak rashly.

"Don't let me repeat it for the third time and apologize." Cheng Zichu was very calm when he said this, but everyone present clearly felt the smell of mountain rain and wind all over the building.

Unable to withstand Cheng Zichu's momentum, Qin Sisi reluctantly stepped forward, "I'm sorry."

Firmly protect Xu Lele in her arms, and Xu Yanran doesn't open her mouth.

Today, Qin Sisi did bow her head because of Cheng Zichu's power, but she knew better than anyone that the war between them had just begun.

Yu Guang glanced at Xu Yanran's face, and Cheng Zichu no longer bothered. "From today on, all enterprises in which Cheng took shares will put Qin Sisi on the blacklist."

With that, Cheng Zichu took Xu Yanran and went straight into the restaurant.

Seeing this, the restaurant owner squeezed a smile on his face to let Xu Yanran order.

Looking at Qin Sisi's shriveled face, Xu Yanran felt very happy.

Just out of the restaurant, Qin Sisi's tears fell down. Today, she wanted to educate Xu Yanran, but she didn't want to lose face in front of everyone. Qin Sisi just wanted to pull her out of her bones.


The restaurant was quiet again. Cheng Zichu looked at the two stiff people in front of him and didn't know what to do. He wanted to tell Xu Lele a joke to make him happy, but after thinking about it for a long time, everything in his head was all about work.

After thinking about it, Cheng Zichu simply got up, "you two eat well. I'll go out first."

Seeing that he was about to disappear in his sight, Xu Yanran suddenly said, "Cheng Zichu!"

But the next word "thank you" blocked her throat and couldn't say it anyway. After hesitating for a long time, Xu Yanran only whispered, "pay attention to safety on the road", which has raised the corners of Cheng Zichu's mouth slightly.

After a bad breath, the mother and son had a good appetite and had a good meal. As soon as the two talents came out of the restaurant, a silver gray BMW slowly slid over.

The window fell, and the man inside was Cheng Zichu.

"Aren't you gone?" Xu Yanran was surprised.

But Cheng Zichu didn't seem to want to explain. He just got out of the car and opened the door for them. He slowly drove towards Xu Yanran's apartment.

Along the way, the atmosphere in the car was very embarrassing. The three people quietly observed each other, but none of them would speak.

Until Xu Yanran and Xu Lele got out of the car, Cheng Zichu just stood in place and watched their figure gradually disappear in his sight.

When she went upstairs, Xu Yanran accompanied Xu Lele. After washing, she inadvertently glanced out of the window. Only then did she find that Cheng Zichu's car was still parked in place.

Thinking of the picture of Cheng Zichu speaking for herself in the restaurant today, Xu Yanran felt a pain in her heart.

"My woman", he once said to Lin bao'er. And today, is he just pitying himself or because he has no love left?

Her eyes were slightly red, and the memories of the past flooded into Xu Yanran's mind. She found that she had only suppressed her feelings in recent years, and her love for Cheng Zichu had not decreased at all.

People on one side gently shook Xu Yanran's arm, and she woke up slowly from her memories.

"Mom, Cheng Zichu is my father, right?" although Xu Lele had such doubts for a long time, these words would have a different meaning if they were said from Xu Yanran's mouth.

Moreover, from today's situation, it seems that Cheng Zichu can also be the person who protects Xu Yanran.

Surprised, Xu Yanran hurriedly collected her emotions, "how can you think so?"

"Mom, although you didn't say it, I can feel that you are in a wrong mood every time you see him. This wrong has never happened to Uncle Bai, and you look at him strangely."

For a time, Xu Lele couldn't find a suitable word to describe it.

"Lele." he stretched out his hand and took him into his arms. "Before, my mother lied to you that it was really my fault for my father to work in the polar region. In fact, your father doesn't want us anymore, so my mother doesn't know where he is now. But we agreed to give twice as much love to each other. Do you regret it?"

"Of course not!" raised his neck, and Xu Lele's face was full of confidence. "Whether my father is or not, I will try to be a great hero who can protect my mother!"

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