After leaving that time, Xu Yanran thought that the two people were just a simple cooperative relationship, although Xu Yanran didn't know the purpose of shangguanli.

However, Xu Yanran still found something wrong with shangguanli in her communication with shangguanli. Although she was polite, it made Xu Yanran feel something wrong.

For the first time, Xu Yanran felt that she couldn't guess others so casually, so she didn't think too deeply.

It was on this day that Cheng Zichu had to travel for a long time because of a problem in the company. Xu Yanran didn't know that something urgent happened.

The next day, Xu Yanran came to the company. The people around him had been secretly looking at Xu Yanran. When Xu Yanran looked over, he quickly turned his head and pretended that nothing had happened.

This makes Xu Yanran curious. At the beginning of the scandal with Cheng Zichu, no one in the company did so, which makes Xu Yanran curious about what happened.

"Hey, guess who sent the flowers in the office?"

"That goes without saying, it must be president Cheng!"

Several new employees are still curious about the company's gossip. People around them show great curiosity, but they don't talk about it, but they don't know. They ask some old employees to know the gossip.

Sure enough, the old employee ate melons for several months. When asked, he said that even if he was busy at work, it was OK to relax properly. It was not an important problem. Basically, everyone in the company knew it.

"Mr. Cheng, is it Mr. Cheng of the Cheng group? Are they true?"

You can see from this that you have seen the lace news. When the old staff member said this, the whole person became excited.

"OK, just know. It's not unbelievable. Keep your voice down and work quickly. The company doesn't let you gossip."

The people around me were satisfied, but no one was curious.

Xu Yanran came to the office. Before entering the door, she saw the little secretary come out from inside, "Mr. Xu, you're here."

With that, the little secretary's eyes were drifting and he was ready to slip away. Xu Yanran saw that he was in a wrong state, so she was even more confused, "stop, what's the matter with the company?"

The little secretary stopped abruptly, a little strange, "no, the company is making good progress, and I didn't see any bad reports. President Xu, what happened?"

Xu Yanran just didn't know what happened at the beginning of the company. The little secretary blocked him back again.

"Then why are you so sneaky? Are you hiding something from me?"

As soon as the little secretary listened, sweat came down, "no, no, nothing. How dare I hide it from you!"

"What's the matter with you?"

The little secretary was vague and didn't dare to look at Xu Yanran, "just, just go into the office and see for yourself!"

When Xu Yanran opened the door, she found that the whole office was surrounded by roses. It was still a very expensive blue witch. There was dew on the petals, which surprised Xu Yanran.

"What's going on? Who sent it?"

Little secretary, look at Xu Yanran, "Mr. Xu, don't be angry. Yes, it's Shangguan Li, the foreign boss who blocked you a few days ago."

I thought Xu Yanran would be angry, but Xu Yanran just looked thoughtful.

"You distribute some of these flowers to each female colleague, and decorate the company with the rest. If any male colleague wants to, wrap a bunch."


At this time, the little secretary was a little confused. The development of this matter was different from what she thought.

"Hello, is that Mr. Shangguan?"

Shangguan Li has been waiting for Xu Yanran's call today. He heard Xu Yanran's voice and showed a successful smile.

"Mr. Xu, it's rare for you to call me. I had a good conversation with you last time. I want to make you a friend."

"I'm afraid it's a little inappropriate for Mr. Shangguan to do so!"

Xu Yanran doesn't think she has such a great charm. As soon as a foreign leader returns home, she knows that she has just established a small company.

"Oh? How do you say that? I personally appreciate excellent and elegant women. They may have stayed abroad all the time. The way of expression is a little exaggerated. This is my negligence."

Xu Yanran stretched out her hand not to hit the smiling face, and Shangguan Li spent so much. She is also a big man in the business world, and she can't directly kill the relationship.

"Then I'll thank Mr. Shangguan for his generous gift. Please invite Mr. Shangguan to dinner another day."

When the conversation ended, Xu Yanran thought it was over. As a result, as soon as she came to the company the next day, Xu Yanran saw a bunch of charming blue roses again.

Xu Yanran was not sure about shangguanli's purpose, so she planned to talk to shangguanli in a negotiation with the company in two days. As a result, shangguanli's phone called.

"I think President Xu should have gone to work now. I think I should confess to President Xu. I met President Xu by chance abroad. When I returned home this time, I thought it was fate. President Xu, would you like to give me a chance?"

Xu Yanran really didn't expect things to develop like this. She didn't have any impression. "Sorry, I'm already the child's mother. I don't mean that. I still want to develop my company now."

Shangguan Li didn't think Xu Yanran would immediately promise, "I won't give up. One day you will see my heart."

Therefore, Xu Yanran will always receive roses in the next half month. He will still meet Shangguan Li at various cocktail parties, and Shangguan Li makes no secret of her pursuit of Xu Yanran.

This allows people in the business district to examine Xu Yanran's cloud dream again.

"Mr. Shangguan, I think I've made it very clear. Why have you been chasing after me? It's bad for your reputation. You should know that I've been involved in gossip for a while, and you can find a better one."

"I think I still like smiling at you. Don't you really think about me? I'm still very good. I can take care of you and make it less difficult for you to develop the company."

Xu Yanran really didn't know what attracted Shangguan Li so much. She was confused. Xu Yanran could see that Shangguan Li had no feelings for her.

Cheng Zichu came back from a business trip. He was going to find Xu Yanran. As a result, he saw Shangguan Li around Xu Yanran. Cheng Zichu didn't know that he would have a rival in love when he went out. After investigation, he found that it was Xu Huanhuan's father.

Just when Xu Yanran didn't know what to do, "is Mr. Shangguan looking for your daughter when he came back this time? Sorry, Xu Yanran is my wife. It doesn't seem very good for Mr. Shangguan to do so."

Xu Yanran was held in his arms by Cheng Zi's first day, and looked at Shangguan Li. There seemed to be sparks in their eyes.

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