In such a big Bai family, Bai Chengyun sat alone in the restaurant with several empty wine bottles in front of him. His eyes were blurred and there was a trace of bitterness on his face.

He wasted so much effort to ask Bai Chengfeng to help him, but Cheng Zichu only moved his mouth, and his efforts were in vain.

So, does Xu Yanran know?

What is she doing at this time? Is Cheng Zichu also grateful?

Bai Chengyun looked up and the bitter liquid slipped through his throat, but he couldn't hold the pain in his heart.

As soon as Bai Chengfeng returned to Bai's house, he saw Bai Chengyun's decadent appearance. He went straight to get the wine glass. He sat directly next to his brother.

"What are you thinking?"

I can guess seven or eight points in my heart, but Bai Chengfeng asked patiently.

"Brother, in your opinion, am I a waste?" Bai Chengyun would not have said such a thing if he hadn't drunk wine.

"For Xu Yanran?"

"I like her very much. I really like her, but Cheng Zichu is sandwiched between us. It's like a wall, so I can't get close to her." his eyes are slightly red, and Bai Chengyun drinks it up again.

He didn't mean to stop Bai Chengyun at all. Bai Chengfeng gently shook the wine glass in his hand, and the red liquid kept shaking. He nodded, "it's really easy to steal a girl from you with Cheng Zichu's ability."

Looking at him in surprise, Bai Chengyun listened to him again for a long time. "Just by Xu Yanran's own quality, I admit that she is a very excellent woman, but her background is too complex. First, the things of the Xu family in those years, and second, Cheng Zichu is still reluctant to part with her. Therefore, if you have a little brain, you should keep a distance from her."

The brothers have been like this since childhood. Every time Bai Chengyun has a problem, Bai Chengfeng will wipe his ass behind him. It is precisely because of this that Bai Chengyun can freely open his own sculpture shop.

"Cheng Yun, I know it's not easy to meet someone I like. If Xu Yanran's family conditions are poor, I won't have any opinion. Even our Bai family can give her a lot of money. But Cheng Zichu, she's someone you shouldn't and can't provoke!"

Bai Chengfeng tells the truth about his thoughts. His only hope now is that Bai Chengyun can wake up quickly.

Just, where do people who fall in love have IQ?

After a long silence, Bai Chengyun slowly lowered his head, "brother, I understand what you said, but I just like it. What can I do?"

The two brothers were silent again. Bai Chengfeng got up and patted Bai Chengyun on the shoulder. "You are an adult, and naturally you can be responsible for your behavior. I have analyzed the pros and cons for you, and the next road depends on your choice. Remember, brother is always your backing."

With that, Bai Chengfeng went straight upstairs. Now, Bai Chengyun needs more solitude. After all, every road in life comes out by himself.

Early the next morning, Bai Chengyun left Bai's house and returned to Xu Yanran's upstairs.

When he got up in the morning, Bai Chengfeng looked at his brother's empty bedroom and sighed, but he didn't say anything anymore.

Finally, I could see Xu Yanran every day. Bai Chengyun swept away the haze before. During dinner time, he specially prepared a table of good dishes and invited Xu Yanran's mother and son to visit his home.

Thinking of her promise to Bai Chengfeng, Xu Yanran wanted to refuse, but Bai Chengyun was too enthusiastic, and Xu Lele looked forward to it.

Not wanting to disappoint them, Xu Yanran simply nodded her head.

In the evening, when Xu Lele finished school, they went upstairs directly to Bai Chengyun's house.

"Uncle Bai!" I haven't seen Bai Chengyun for a few days, and Xu Lele's enthusiasm is not reduced. "I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you!"

"Really, I've been thinking about you too. Come and see!" she directly took Xu Lele into the living room. Xu Yanran only heard a cry of surprise. When she approached, she found that the living room was full of all kinds of toys and snacks.

"Bai Chengyun, you..." she just wanted to speak, and Bai Chengyun had interrupted her.

"Lele and I haven't seen each other for a long time, so I want to surprise him. Don't worry, I won't always get used to him like this." Bai Chengyun said so, and Xu Yanran naturally couldn't refute.

Simply let the two go, Xu Yanran looked at the man sitting on the sofa and reading the mail.

Sitting on the sofa, Xu Yanran sometimes looked at her mobile phone and sometimes smiled at the two people sitting on the floor. For a moment, she suddenly felt the peace of years.

If the first person she met was Bai Chengyun, everything might be different.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now.

She was thinking, Cheng Zichu suddenly called.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Zichu's voice was a little stiff at the other end of the phone.

Xu Yanran didn't know how long he hesitated before deciding to call. After all, Cheng Zichu didn't want to admit that he was thinking about her all day.

"Cheng always has something to say."

When Xu Yanran's voice fell, Bai Chengyun looked up at her. His heart was pounding, for fear that Xu Yanran would run to Cheng Zichu's arms like this.

Seeing that he was absent-minded, Xu Lele shouted sweetly, "Uncle Bai, please play with me!"

The sweet cry spread to Zichu's ears. His eyes sank, and the temperature around him seemed to drop several degrees, "where are you?"

Before Xu Yanran could speak, Cheng Zichu quickly hung up the phone. Although there was some uneasiness in his heart, he thought that Cheng Zichu was not so idle, so he continued to concentrate on looking at his mobile phone.

The hanging heart finally fell down. Bai Chengyun played with Xu Lele for a while. The three had dinner together.

At Xu Lele's request, it was almost nine o'clock when he and Xu Yanran went downstairs.

Even so, Xu Lele still looked reluctant, "Uncle Bai, can you often come and play with me in the future?"

"Of course!" he carried Xu Lele downstairs. Bai Chengyun's face was full of doting.

"In the future, you can tell your uncle what you like to eat and play. As long as you perform well, your uncle can reward you, okay?"

"OK!" Xu Lele clapped happily, while Xu Yanran frowned.

"Lele, uncle Bai has his own things to do. He can't accompany you every day. You should be a sensible child!"

"No, there's someone at my antique shop, so there won't be anything. Besides, Lele is still young. It's when I need company. I'm willing to do my best."

Bai Chengyun's words haven't finished yet, but Xu Yanran stopped.

Looking along her line of sight, Bai Chengyun saw Cheng Zichu with a fierce face.

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