At the moment of receiving the report, Lin Baoer knew that she had not endured the grievances for so many days. This time, Cheng Zichu could no longer turn a blind eye to her.

Lin Baoer excitedly went to Cheng Zichu's company with the physical examination report. As a result, the front desk told Cheng Zichu that he had not come back from his business trip.

It was not the first time to encounter this situation. Lin Baoer was not surprised. He went to the company to find a secretary of the left behind company.

Lin Baoer called Cheng Zichu with his mobile phone. This time, the phone was connected.

"Zichu, I tell you a good news, I'm pregnant!"

Relative to the excitement of Lin Baoer here, Cheng Zichu, who originally planned to hang up the phone, was stunned.

The child in Lin bao'er's belly is obviously not his. As for the child's father, Cheng Zichu suddenly thought of Lin bao'er's embarrassed return the next day.

Cheng Zichu doesn't want to know about the connection between these two things, but now is not the time to tear his face with Lin bao'er.

Now we still need to stabilize Lin bao'er. After all, Cheng Zichu's memory has not been restored. If Lin bao'er is aware of what may happen in the future.

"If you are pregnant, go home and take good care of yourself. I will find someone to take care of you, and the doctor will arrange it."

Hearing Cheng Zichu say this, Lin Baoer is very happy. Cheng Zichu still attaches importance to the child.

Seeing that Cheng Zichu might hang up the phone the next second, "when will you come back? I want to see you. Listen to me about what happened that day."

"I still have something here. I can't go back for a while. Let's go in a few days!"

This time Lin Baoer didn't say anything, and Cheng Zichu hung up the phone.

The Secretary standing next to Lin Baoer thought he might be dismissed this time, but the truth made his heart seem to be on a roller coaster.

"Come on, don't be like this. It's okay."

"Ah, hey, are you really pregnant?"

The Secretary can't believe it. Some people say that Lin Baoer is out of favor these days. Now Lin Baoer is pregnant. I don't know how surprised people outside are.

"There's still a fake, little secretary. I'm leaving."

"Hey! I'll see you off. The president asked me to take good care of you."

The Secretary carefully sent Lin bao'er out. The girls at the front desk felt that the secretary was a little superfluous. Even if Cheng Zichu came here, she didn't see her. I don't know why he did it now.

"What's the matter with you? Why did you send her down in person? Just lent her mobile phone, you're not afraid that the president will come back and drive you!"

"It's all right. Anyway, it's also the president's wife. And just now the president asked me to take care of Lin Baoer. Forget it, I admire her a little."

Finally, the secretary was muttering, and they didn't hear anything. After all, he is also a little incredible, which is really a Jedi reversal!

If he hadn't stood beside Lin bao'er, he wouldn't believe it.

"She's kicking a treasure now!"

After that, the secretary went back without further explanation, but now people's gossip ability is particularly strong, and it spread all over the company in a short time.

Some people say that Lin Baoer has something powerful in her hand. Their president asked the Secretary to take good care of her.

Insiders do not poke, but let these rumors spread in the company.

Cheng Zichu now goes to the old professor for treatment every half a month. Because the old professor's research is over, Cheng Zichu carries out treatment in the name of business trip.

Only a few of his confidants knew that Cheng Zichu was just out to work.

After these two treatments, Cheng Zichu's memory appeared a new memory, which was his daily life with Xu Yanran. It was originally Lin Baoer's appearance, but now it has become another fuzzy face.

Cheng Zichu's investigation continued. He found a picture of Xu Yanran. Every time the treatment was over, he took it out and had a look. The blurred faces in his memory seemed to coincide with the people in the picture.

"Xu Yanran, Xu Yanran, you are my lover."

At the end of each treatment, Cheng Zichu's heart is always very uncomfortable. An inexplicable emotion envelops him and makes him feel distressed.

Xu Yanran met and knew him on campus. After graduation, he worked with him and married Xu Yanran. Although his memory is still unclear, vague, and even some can't remember at all, he still feels his love for Xu Yanran.

As for Lin bao'er, some vague pictures have made Cheng Zichu sure that he has never liked Lin bao'er at all.

After the treatment, Cheng Zichu was about to return home. He just remembered that there was another Lin Baoer at home. Cheng Zichu felt very disgusted.

Knowing that Cheng Zichu might not go home, Lin Baoer went to the hotel where Cheng Zichu lived to stop him. Since Lin Baoer is pregnant, the child's father must go home.

Cheng Zichu didn't expect to see Lin bao'er so soon. In order not to cause trouble, Cheng Zichu went home with Lin bao'er.

"Zichu, I went to do B-ultrasound. You see, it's our child. He's so big now. He can call dad with you in a few years!"

Speaking of his father, Cheng Zichu suddenly saw a little boy in his memory and called him a "bad man".

Cheng Zichu felt a little confused. Before he remembered who he was, he was interrupted by Lin bao'er.

"Zichu, how did you get distracted just now? This is our baby. Look."

Cheng Zichu doesn't have a good impression of Lin Baoer's baby. After all, it's not his child., He is too lazy to be perfunctory.

Lin bao'er thought Cheng Zichu's attitude would be better, but she was still cold to her. Lin bao'er had to comfort herself. Anyway, the child already had, and sooner or later everything was hers.

"Zichu, I'm pregnant now. I'm not feeling well. I always want to throw up and can't eat. The doctor said this is a common reaction. It's best to have someone around. Can you accompany me at home?"

"No, I have a job to do. The nanny at home can take care of you. You don't have to do anything at home."

Cheng Zichu won't be at home with Lin bao'er. He still has a lot to do.

"Zichu, I......"

"If you feel really bad, you can go back to Lin's house first. It will be safer for Mrs. Lin to take care of you. I'm too busy."

It sounds like Cheng Zichu is driving her away. Lin bao'er doesn't dare to contradict Cheng Zichu. Seeing Cheng Zichu's appearance, he doesn't want to say anything to her, so Lin bao'er shut up.

Later, Cheng Zichu went out early and came back late. He usually lived on his side and ordered him to be called "children". Sometimes Lin Baoer can meet three or two times a week.

Cheng Zichu responds to Lin bao'er's requests, but he just doesn't look at Lin bao'er. His attitude towards Lin bao'er is still very cold. Coupled with his reaction to pregnancy, Lin bao'er vomits very hard every day.

Every time Lin bao'er asked someone to tell Cheng Zichu about her, he only got more things from Cheng Zichu. Every time he looked for Cheng Zichu, someone else answered the phone. Later, he was really annoyed and accompanied him once.

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