Xu Yanran immediately panicked. She hurriedly went downstairs to find the community property and asked. The property called out the monitoring of the corridor and elevator.

In the monitoring, not long after she went out, Lele also went out. She took the elevator downstairs alone and left the community.

Xu Yanran immediately panicked and wanted to continue to check the street monitoring, but she was told by the property that the monitoring of the neighborhood was being renovated.

Just when she was in a hurry, the security guard of the community rushed over.

"Who is Lele's mother? Someone came to you and said they found your son!"

Xu Yanran was surprised and rushed to the security room. She saw a handsome strange man standing in the security room.

Xu Yanran hurriedly greeted him, "Sir, did you find my son?"

The man smiled gently at Xu Yanran and said, "you are Miss Xu Yanran. Don't worry. My name is Bai Chengyun. Lele is very safe now. I found Lele lost on the road and temporarily placed him in my sculpture shop."

Xu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, thanked Bai Chengyun, and followed Bai Chengyun to his store.

As soon as he got to the store, Bai Chengyun saw that the store was in a mess. He quickly asked, "what's the matter?"

When the receptionist saw him coming back, he was even more anxious and said, "boss, the child you put here is gone. I just went out to the bathroom and there will be no one back!"

Xu Yanran's heart immediately mentioned it, "what's going on, how can it be like this! Where has he gone!?"

"Miss Xu, don't worry first. Let's look for it again. Maybe he's playful and ran out." Bai Chengyun comforted Xu Yanran excitedly and asked the front desk to adjust the monitoring of the store.

Lele in the monitoring was sitting quietly on the sofa waiting for Xu Yanran to pick him up, but a piece of news suddenly appeared on the TV in the store. He seemed to be very eager to turn around the store for a few times, and then slipped out quietly while the front desk didn't pay attention.

Xu Yanran stared at the news broadcast on the TV in the monitoring. Although it was very vague, she could vaguely recognize that it was the video of her making trouble in Lin Baoer. The title vaguely said that she had been missing for four years, her ex husband and a few words.

blamed! She was negligent. At that time, she was full of thoughts about ruining Lin Baoer's wedding. She completely forgot what to do if Lele knew what to do! blamed! What did she do!

Bai Chengyun also saw the news, but he was considerate and didn't ask, "Miss Xu, don't worry. Where do you think Lele usually goes?"

Xu Yanran shook her head. She didn't know where Lele would go when she saw the news. That's right! Cheng Zichu's identity was mentioned in the news just now! Lele may find Cheng Zichu!

Xu Yanran quickly told Bai Chengyun the guess, and Bai Chengyun drove directly to Cheng with Xu Yanran.

On the other side, Lele, who is concerned by everyone, is standing in front of the door of Cheng's group with a small fist and staring at Cheng Zichu.

"You bad man!" Lele shouted. He rushed to Cheng Zichu with short legs, hugged his leg and bit him hard.

Cheng Zichu looked at the little bean sprouting from nowhere in shock, pulled his collar and dragged him off his leg, "what are you doing?"

He looked at the little boy who was so excited that his face turned red. Somehow, there was a kindness in his heart, which made him involuntarily gentle in his voice, "little boy, where did you come from? You can't bite people, you know?"

Lele waved his small fist angrily, "you bad man, I don't allow you to bully my mother!"

Although he is less than four years old, his single parent family makes him much earlier than ordinary children.

Although he receives gifts from his so-called father on various festivals every year, there is never a postmark on the gifts, and he has never seen the legendary father. He doesn't even have a photo or phone. Moreover, he found that his mothers secretly cry at a picture of a man who can't see his face, and his mouth still calls "Zichu".

At that time, he guessed that the "Zichu" should be his father, and may have disappeared or abandoned them. The news he saw today confirmed his guess that he and his mother were abandoned by the hateful man in front of him!

"You bastard! Stay away from my mother in the future!"

Cheng Zichu frowned slightly. "Who's your mother? Little, I don't know you at all."

Lele was even more angry when he heard this. He kicked Cheng Zichu and asked him to let go of himself, "you bad guy! Don't touch me!"

Cheng Zi looked at the dishonest child in his hand with a headache for the first time. He didn't know exactly what provoked such a little ancestor, and he never liked children, but somehow he had a natural sense of closeness to the child in front of him. Seeing that he was angry, he couldn't help bending down and coaxing patiently, "you seem to hate me? Why?"

"Because you are a bad man“

Cheng Zichu looked at Lele's childish face and bent his lips. Just when he wanted to talk, there was a call behind him.


Before he turned back, a woman rushed out behind him and picked up Lele.

Cheng Zichu's face changed instantly, "Xu Yanran?! why are you here?"

Xu Yanran held Lele, looked at him nervously, turned and wanted to go.

Cheng Zichu grabbed her arm, "Xu Yanran, do you know this child?"

Lele waved his little hand and slapped it on Cheng Zichu's hand, "don't touch my mother!"

Cheng Zichu looked at Lele in shock, "what do you say, this is your mother?"

"It doesn't matter to you." Xu Yanran was very flustered. She threw down a sentence coldly and wanted to escape. Cheng Zichu's hand dragged her like a pair of pliers.

"Xu Yanran, make it clear where the child came from and who it was!" Cheng Zichu almost roared out his last sentence.

He's going to be crazy about this lying woman! First, the pregnancy test report, then the one at the wedding, and now holding such a big child, is there a truth in her mouth!

"I said it had nothing to do with you!" Xu Yanran struggled desperately. Yu Guang glanced at Bai Chengyun who had parked the car and looked at him. In a hurry, she shouted, "husband, come here quickly. I found my son!"

Bai Chengyun looked at Xu Yanran in surprise. Xu Yanran secretly gave him a begging look.

Although Bai Chengyun didn't understand what Xu Yanran wanted to do, he thoughtfully didn't refute. He stepped forward and grabbed Cheng Zichu's arm. "Mr. Cheng, this is my wife. Please let go."

Cheng Zichu's face became more and more ugly. The expectation just raised in his heart suddenly disappeared. His anger soared, he released his hand coldly, his thin lips pursed gently, his sword eyebrows wrinkled tightly, and his cold face was like cold ice. "Xu Yanran, you are really good at hooking up with a new man so soon!"

Bai Chengyun couldn't listen anymore and spoke favorably, "Sir, although I don't know what contradiction there is between you and my wife, please speak with respect."

Cheng Zichu was murderous in his eyes and looked at Bai Chengyun coldly. "I remember you, the youngest son of the Bai family, who played sculpture, right? When did you mix with the woman I didn't want and have children?"

Xu Yanran's heart is sour, but her face is full of indifference. Anyway, before she has enough ability to protect Lele, she must not let anyone find Lele's true identity!

"Cheng Zichu, don't forget that we divorced four years ago. Since you can be with Lin Baoer, why can't I have a new family."

Cheng Zichu looked at Bai Chengyun and Xu Yanran's family standing together, and there was a stabbing pain at the bottom of his heart.

This woman!

Four years ago, four years later!

He really hates the way she looks with other men! She just forgot him and had children with others! How could she!

Xu Yanran was stabbed by the anger and sadness in Cheng Zichu's eyes. The bottom of her eyes suddenly showed a sense of tide. She quickly lowered her head, held Lele tightly, grabbed Bai Chengyun's arm with one hand, pulled him around and left.

Cheng Zichu didn't stop him. He looked deeply at Xu Yanran's back. His love and hate were intertwined, almost tearing his whole heart apart.

"Ding Ding" a cell phone rang.

Cheng Zichu picked up his cell phone and heard the respectful voice of his assistant, "President Cheng, you asked me to find the man who had an affair with Miss Xu four years ago. I found his hometown address. Do you want to..."

"No need." Cheng Zichu interrupted coldly, "don't check again."

With that, he hung up the phone.

Xu Yanran's indifferent and indifferent attitude deeply hurt him. She had such a big child with other men for a long time. She didn't love him at all! It's like a joke that he took a lot of trouble to re investigate what happened four years ago because of her words!

He finally glanced at the direction Xu Yanran left, and resolutely turned around.

Xu Yanran, from now on, I will never soften my heart for you again!

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