Dahaizi doesn't know how to face Ariel. He goes fishing early every day. When he comes back in the evening, he goes to bed after dinner. The two communicate very little.

Every time Ariel wants to talk to Dahaizi, Dahaizi always avoids it, or there is something, and he doesn't want to communicate with Ariel.

When she went to work every day, many people came to see Ariel, but every time Ariel asked what they were discussing recently, she hesitated and didn't want to talk to Ariel more.

"Don't ask. It's not a good thing, and it doesn't matter to you. Those people seem a little wrong since you lost your memory. Do you still have a headache?"

"No, I just have some dreams. Maybe it's my previous memory!"

Emily frowned when she heard Ariel say that. Then she remembered what her father had said to her and looked at Ariel. She wanted to stop talking.

"Does Dahaizi know about it? If he knows, maybe, maybe..."

"What's the matter with you today? Talk haltingly. Dahaizi doesn't know. When he came back from the hospital that day, Dahaizi seemed to avoid me and didn't talk to me."

Emily probably understood why Dahaizi didn't have a good chat with Ariel, but Dahaizi had better say it in person. Just when they got home, they separated.

When she got home, Dahaizi was still away. Ariel had been used to it in recent days. She went to prepare dinner first and waited for Dahaizi to come back.

As soon as Ariel sat on the sofa, her head hurt again. Ariel fainted just as she wanted to stand up and make a phone call.

Still in the previous dream, Ariel in the sea felt suffocation. The feeling of lack of oxygen made Ariel very uncomfortable. She struggled hard, but it didn't work. She was still falling.

At this time, there was a cry in her ear. This time she understood. The man seemed to shout "Yan Ran!"

Is that her name? Ariel had some doubts. When the man swam towards her, a wave swept her away. The man in front of her gradually disappeared, leaving only a cry that didn't sound like a man's voice.

In a daze, Ariel heard Dahaizi's voice, "Ariel, Ariel, wake up!"

Ariel, who opened her eyes, saw Dahaizi squatting on the ground, and she seemed to be lying on the sofa.

"Dad, is that you? What's the matter with me?"

"God, you finally woke up. When I came over, you were lying on the ground, sweating all over. Are you all right, my little princess, you have a headache again?"

Dahaizi looked at Ariel with a sad face and stroked Ariel's forehead. His voice choked like a child.

"It's all right, Dad. I just hurt for a while. I'm fine now. It's all right."

Ariel's comfort made Dahaizi much better, but they still had lingering palpitations.

Thinking of the things in her dream, Ariel felt that the "sweet" in the man's mouth was the real her, and Dahaizi must have hidden something in front of her, and the strange behavior of people in the town recently was finally explained.

"Dahaizi, I just had a dream. When I fell into the sea, it seemed that someone wanted to save me. Instead, a big wave swept me away."

These should be Ariel's memories, Dahaizi thought.

"Really? I don't know. You were rescued by fishermen on the sea. There were no men before."

Ariel just had a dream, which made Dahaizi some anxious to get rid of it. Ariel understood that there must be something she didn't know.

From the time she returned home, Ariel had no sense of familiarity for a long time. Even if she lost her memory, she couldn't forget it so thoroughly.

"I also heard that man call me Yan Ran. Is this my Chinese name? Why didn't dad tell me?"

Where did Dahaizi tell Ariel about this kind of thing? Looking at the calm Ariel, Dahaizi was a little frustrated.

In fact, it's nothing. I just didn't expect this day to come so soon.

"Just say what you want to ask. Dad will tell you everything."

Unexpectedly, Dahaizi would say so. Ariel panicked at once, "no, no, I'm just curious. It's not what you think, I..."

"It's all right, son. I'm very satisfied to hide it now. I'll tell you anything you want to know."

The loving old man in front of her was really kind to Ariel. They were like real father and daughter.

"Who am I? Am I Yanran?"

"I don't know. I just saved you. Ariel is my daughter's name. I agreed with her that our first daughter is Ariel."

Ariel knows that the old man's love makes people sad.

"Do you know me?"

Dahaizi looked at Ariel and shook his head helplessly. "I also want to know you. Maybe I'll have a daughter long ago."

It seems that Dahaizi doesn't know anything, but Dahaizi saved her life. Without Dahaizi, she may not know that she is calm in that place of the sea.

"Although you are not my relative, you have saved me, raised me and treated me as your own daughter these days. I won't forget you. I don't know who I am now. If you don't dislike me, I can always treat you as my father, and I will often come to see you in the future."

Ariel's words can't help but make the old man who has been lonely for most of her life burst into tears. She thought she would hate him when Ariel knew the truth, but she really found a daughter.

"It's my fault. I should have told you earlier. I won't blame you whether you want to leave or stay in the future."

Ariel felt a little uncomfortable listening to Dahaizi's words. The old man was too difficult.

After the two said it, Dahaizi insisted on taking Ariel to the hospital and trying to recover her memory as soon as possible. Ariel didn't want to promise. Dahaizi didn't have much savings. In this case, he basically had to take all his savings.

"You don't have to worry about me. I don't spend too much alone. Besides, I can earn it myself. It doesn't matter. If you don't mind, it should be borrowed from me."

Dahaizi made Ariel agree to the treatment after saying good or bad things.

When the residents of the town heard about it, they all said that Dahaizi was crazy, and there were people around to persuade him, but Dahaizi didn't agree.

After Ariel's treatment, her memory gradually began to improve every day. Dahaizi took nourishing food to take care of Ariel every day, which moved Ariel very much.

The doctor checked and looked at Ariel's recovery speed. After a while, she could basically recover her memory.

Ariel and Dahaizi were very happy when they heard about it.

After a long time of treatment, Ariel finally succeeded in restoring her memory.

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