Recently, there was a happy event in the town. An old sailor in the town saved a man a few days ago. The man had lost his memory. Did anyone look for him, so the old sailor regarded him as his own daughter,

Later, the woman took all the money of the old sailor, cured her amnesia and left.

The old sailor was left alone waiting for the daughter to come back and pick him up.

Everyone in the town thought that the old sailor must have been cheated by the man, because the woman was very beautiful and many boys in the town liked her.

Things turned around half a month later. The woman came back with her two children and had to leave with the old sailor.

Everyone in the town blessed the old sailor because he was lucky to have children to rely on for the rest of his life.

The sheriff was a friend of the old sailor. Hearing this, he was very happy for the old sailor. He told the mayor that he wanted to hold a farewell party for the old sailor.

The whole village knew the story of the old sailor. When he treated the strange daughter, the mayor also advised the old sailor, but he was rejected.

Now the ending is very good. The old sailor lived alone for most of his life. Finally, he found a child who was sincere to him. The people in the town are happy for him.

"Hey, old friend, did you also come to bless me? Look, these are my two grandchildren. Look how lovely they are."

When the sheriff came, he saw his old friend happy, and the sheriff also felt some emotion.

"They are so cute. You must introduce them to the people in the town today. I have discussed with the mayor and will hold a farewell party for you. You will all come at that time."

Dahaizi didn't expect that his old friend had thought so much for him.

"OK, I will go. Thank you."

"When have we been so hypocritical? I'm also very happy for you. The last time I saw you so happy was when you were in love. Now we are so old."

Dahaizi felt a little uncomfortable when he heard the sheriff say so.

"Don't mention this today. When my daughter and I leave, I'm afraid we can't find you to drink. We won't go back until we get drunk today."

"If you don't get drunk, you won't return. That's what you said. I will talk to the mayor to make you unable to get up."

Xu Lele and shangguanyu on one side watched the two grandfathers talk so happily. Although Xu Lele didn't understand, he still understood some things.

"Mom, are there any activities tonight? Is it delicious? Can Lele go?"

"Of course, this is an activity that people in the town want to see Grandpa off. We will go to Lele and Huanhuan at that time."

Hearing of delicious food, the two children were very excited. How lively it was in the whole town!

"Is Grandpa so powerful? Do you want to have a farewell party?"

Shangguanyu is also surprised. He has been listening to Xu Yanran. Xu Yanran doesn't understand this very well, but it seems that Dahaizi has any communication with the mayor and the sheriff, which is more like an old friend.

"Well, I've brought it here. We'll wait until we get drunk tonight."

After the sheriff left, Dahaizi still had a smile on his face. He turned and saw Xu Yanran and smiled more happily.

"Grandpa will take you to eat delicious food today, OK? It will be very lively."

Dahaizi knew that Xu Yanran had told her two children, but he still wanted to say it again.

"We heard that. Grandpa is great. We also want to go. We'll go with Grandpa."

Thanks to the school here and Guan Yu's help, Xu Lele has made rapid progress in English in such a short time.

When Dahaizi heard Xu Lele speak, he was even happier. He took his two children to watch at home and always took out what was interesting.

One afternoon, Xu Yanran looked at Dahaizi and had a great time with the two children like an old child.

When it was dark, Emily came to Xu Yanran. She came to find Xu Yanran and them to participate in the celebration.

"Hey, Ariel, you're back. Has it been settled over there? Do you really want to leave?"

"Emily, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much. We'll stay here for another two days and leave. I'll miss you."

Emily is Xu Yanran's good friend here. Although Xu Yanran didn't say everything that happened in the past few days, she will also tell Emily some news.

"This is your child. Do you really have children?"

Emily heard that others didn't believe it. Knowing that she saw Xu Lele and shangguanyu, Emily was even more surprised and speechless.

"This is Lele, this is Huanhuan. Say hello to Aunt Emily."

Xu Lele and shangguanyu greet Emily obediently, which is about to make Emily bleed.

After a few people had a chat, Emily remembered her task and took them to the place of the celebration party. There were already many people there. It was said that it was the celebration party because they were open, with all kinds of small bands and snacks ready.

Xu Lele and shangguanyu were surprised to see such a scene for the first time, but they kept holding Xu Yanran firmly because they were not familiar with it.

When the hero arrives, the celebration has begun. Many people come up to join the fun and want to see Xu Yanran and her children.

Dahaizi accepted the blessing of the people in the town and looked at Xu Yanran more happy.

There are many people who like Xu Yanran in the town. Among them, a boy goes to the place where Xu Yanran works every day. After Xu Yanran leaves, he still regrets that he didn't confess to Xu Yanran.

Now even if I know Xu Yanran has a child, this is his last chance.

"I like you very much. I liked you the first time I saw you in town. I know this is my last chance. I won't succeed, but I still want you to know my heart."

Before leaving, he even met someone who confessed to Xu Yanran, which made Xu Yanran a little embarrassed. I don't know how to say. In fact, he didn't know many people in the town.

"No, you don't have to answer me. I just don't want to leave any regrets."

After the man left, Dahaizi also came over. Father and daughter looked at each other and smiled.

"After I knew you were married, I was still very angry. As a result, I was not angry after seeing Lele today. Lele is such a good child, and you are so obedient. Surely Lele's father is not that bad."

Hearing Dahaizi say this, Xu Yanran remembered that Cheng Zichu was silent and didn't say anything.

After Dahaizi went to drink, Xu Yanran wandered alone on the edge of the party and suddenly received a call from Shangguan Li.

"Where are you now? Why aren't you at home?"

Xu Yanran was surprised to hear shangguanli's question. How did shangguanli know she wasn't at home.

"I'm really not at home. Today, people in the town saw my father off. We had a party in the square in the center of the town."

"Wait for me."

Xu Yanran just wanted to ask Shangguan Li how she knew they were not at home, so she was hung up.

"No, Shangguan Li is here."

It's late and the party is coming to an end. Dahaizi wants to go back. After all, the two children are too young.

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