While taking care of the two children, Shangguan Li also had to take into account the company's affairs and look for Xu Yanran's whereabouts. For a time, she was a little too busy.

Such words lead to Shangguan Li's backwardness in looking for Xu Yanran.

Cheng Zichu has been looking for Xu Yanran's whereabouts. He stays up late every day to deal with the company's affairs, and has been looking for Xu Yanran during the day.

Coupled with the problem of jet lag, the work did not fall behind, and even pushed forward a lot, which gave Cheng Zichu more time to find Xu Yanran, and the remaining problems were handled by the Secretary around him.

After looking for a lot outside for a long time, they didn't have any news. They didn't understand who Xu Yanran went with and why they just couldn't find any clues.

The day Xu Yanran left again, she looked for something at home and even met a very dangerous person.

In the situation of Dahaizi at that time, Xu Yanran must have met with some people with information from country A. These people are not necessarily serious people, but most of them may be liars.

But even so, Xu Yanran can't contact a lot. No one knows the news of country a.

I'm afraid that even if there is news, there are very few people at the top, and these people will certainly not tell them, and will not divulge any information about country a.

Xu Yanran has been away for so long. If she goes to country a well, it's OK. Sooner or later, they will find her and go in and take her out. They're afraid that Xu Yanran won't go to country a and be taken away.

If it is the second case, Cheng Zichu and Shangguan Li may go crazy.

After such a long time, no one knows what will happen, and their abilities can cover a lot of places, but they just can't find Xu Yanran.

Two people think there must be something wrong. It's impossible for Xu Yanran to find it. They can't find it.

After the two exchanged messages, they began to look for clues.

This day is also a coincidence. Someone posted another post on the Internet, which is a description of country a,.

Most people think this is a place imagined by others. They don't think there will be such a place in reality. There are a lot of followers, which are the imagination of this idealized society.

The person who posted this post just wanted to find some inspiration here. Maybe there will be some missing clues.

As a result, when I turned the post again this day, I saw a reply without any concern. It said that his grandfather seemed to have been to that place a long time ago.

This reply was annihilated in many replies and did not stir up any spray.

The reply cheered the clue finder. He quickly found someone to check the IP address, then found the boy and checked his family.

The man's grandfather ran around in the field when he was young. It seemed that he had been missing for some time.

After finding this, he truthfully reported it to Cheng Zichu.

"President Cheng, I have a clue!"

"Where? What did you find? Are you sure?"

The person who reported these clues to Cheng Zichu. Although many of them are not so certain, this is indeed a breakthrough. If they are really successful, maybe they can find some clues.

Shangguan Li and Cheng Zichu have been checking here for a long time, but there is no clue. They don't know exactly where country a is. Not many people know it at all.

Cheng Zichu won't let go of the news. He has reached this point. Cheng Zichu wants to try.

Before he could tell Shangguan Li, he took people directly to the address left above.

After arriving, after confirming that the old man was at home, Cheng Zichu knocked on the door and went in.

The little boy at home had not finished his homework when he suddenly saw a car downstairs that looked very imposing, and many people in black came down from the car.

The teenagers in the second phase can't help remembering the plot of many novels and comics. Did they come to pick him up to inherit his family property?

When I saw the last man, I couldn't help thinking, "this father looks very young. It should be my own father!"

After going downstairs, I saw my grandfather sitting on the sofa, drinking tea, and saw him go downstairs with a serious face.

"Grandpa, there's a car outside. It doesn't look like someone we can know."

"Hmm? Whatever your business, you can't put this spirit into your study if you think all day!"

Hearing grandpa's criticism, the boy knew that Grandpa would not hit him. He ran to the door and was ready to open the door.

Cheng Zichu just rang the doorbell and the door opened. A junior high school boy stood at the door.

"Hello, I'm looking for old Mr. Zhang Jihai."

As soon as he heard that he was looking for Grandpa, the boy ran in with an excited face.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, someone is looking for you!"

"Hello, are you?"

Zhang Jihai was a little surprised. The people outside the door didn't seem to be on the same level as them. I don't know why they came to them.

"What can I do for you?"

"Well, we want to ask the old gentleman, have you ever heard of country a?"

Zhang Jihai was shocked when he heard the name, and looked at Cheng Zichu's eyes mixed with a bit of exploration.

"Who are you and why do you ask? I don't know what country. Go!"

Zhang Jihai can't see anything from Cheng Zichu, but he doesn't want to mention anything about country a, so he directly drives Cheng Zichu away.

The boy in the middle didn't expect that grandpa had such a big secret. He looked at grandpa with bright eyes and full of worship.

"We came here today to ask the old man for help. My wife has gone to country A. so far, there is no news. I just want to bring her back. We have found many places without any news. You are our only hope."

"I don't know if what you said is true or false, but I can only tell you that this place can't go."

Cheng Zichu wanted to ask something more, but Zhang Jihai never mentioned any news about country a.

"This matter is really important to me. I really need your help. Tell me the address and we will bear the consequences. I can't just leave my wife there."

"I don't know that place. I only know where people will be punished. It's a place that can't be mentioned."

Cheng Zichu looked at Zhang Jihai and said nothing about country A. he looked very serious.

"I don't know where it is, but I won't give up like this after looking at your expression. I won't abandon my wife. I'll be waiting here all the time."

Cheng Zichu returned to the car and stopped at the door of the old man's house. He would knock at the door every day. Whether the old man agreed or not, he would always wait at the door for a long time.

The boy looked at Cheng Zichu waiting at the door every day. He felt that his grandfather was like the queen mother who broke up his niece and cowherd. He was persuading his grandfather every day.

Finally, Zhang Jihai told Cheng Zichu the specific location.

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