After Cheng Zichu and murongshang went in, Xu Yanran was waiting outside.

The people brought by Murong Shang always feel that Xu Yanran is a little familiar, but because she wears big sunglasses, she can't remember for a moment.

After a while, Xu Yanran suddenly saw the captain of the bodyguard gesturing at her. Xu Yanran reacted at once. In order not to get too excited, Xu Yanran walked normally, but she still had some hurried steps.

Fortunately, the people around did not find that their attention was on the people around them.

After Xu Yanran passed, the captain of the bodyguard took Xu Yanran to the place where the goods were stored below.

A group of people moved there. When they saw Xu Yanran coming down, they all took a curious look, but they soon shifted their attention.

The captain of the bodyguard waited here with Xu Yanran until a yellow box was transported in, and the captain of the bodyguard continued to walk inside with Xu Yanran.

Cheng Zichu also had many people who let them put the yellow boxes into a warehouse when they saw them.

After waiting for someone to put it in, the gatekeeper made a gesture to the captain of the bodyguard and took Xu Yanran in while no one found it.

"What is this? Why is it here?"

Xu Yanran looked at the big box in front of her with some curiosity. It can be loaded into people.

The captain of the bodyguard didn't say anything. He just took out his tools directly from the wall and began to pry the box directly.

"What are you doing? It's hard?"

Xu Yanran suddenly understood what this meant and wanted to help, but her strength was too small to help.

After waiting to pry it open, Xu Yanran hurriedly pulled it out. The people inside were the last bodyguard, and there were three people inside.

After waiting to come out, he helped to pry. Slowly, all the people were together. Xu Yanran also saw Dahaizi.

"Dad, you, I finally saw you. I'm sorry."

When Dahaizi saw Xu Yanran, he was also full of tears. He didn't expect to see Xu Yanran again in his life.

"Ariel, my daughter, I finally saw you. It's not your fault. I can't see you marry someone you don't like."

Hearing Dahaizi's words, Xu Yanran felt more uncomfortable. Unexpectedly, Dahaizi would say so. Xu Yanran also had some guilt in her heart.

"Well, this is not the time to say this. Shall we leave now?"

"No, you can't go out now. Wait here first. After Murong Shang leaves, you can come out."

Xu Yanran also wants to leave now with Dahaizi, but suddenly going out at this time will attract other people's attention.

Dahaizi also knows that Murong Shang is very dangerous this time. Now he doesn't mind hearing Xu Yanran say so.

When the captain of the bodyguard saw his brother back intact, an eight foot man also burst into tears.

Several people were glad there. After a turn, they all came back, and they were unharmed.

After waiting for a while, the captain of the bodyguard looked at the time and knew that it was almost time to come out. He said to Xu Yanran and the two went up again.

After Xu Yanran went up, she didn't see Cheng Zichu and Murong Shang.

The captain of the guard who had been standing at the door waiting for Murong Shang looked at Xu Yanran and thought a little.

Xu Yanran doesn't know if he recognizes anything. Now in this situation, Xu Yanran feels that she still wants to find Cheng Zichu. Dahaizi has come out. The rest is to give these goods to murongshang.

Xu Yanran found a corner and avoided the sight of the guard captain.

When Xu Yanran looked at the sea, suddenly they saw a ship coming from a distance again, and it seemed to be from country a.

Xu Yanran doesn't know if this is the meaning of Murong war, and at the beginning, she clearly said that there was only one car. What's the situation now.

Suddenly remembered, Xu Yanran looked at the captain on one side, and his expression was also a little confused.

At this time, the people around the guard captain came to him and didn't know what to say.

The movement on their side attracted many people. Xu Yanran looked at the people gradually around the cabin and suddenly found that this thing seemed to be different.

The captain of the bodyguard came up to find Xu Yanran and took her to the cabin.

"What's the matter? Where did the ship come from?"

"I don't know, but it seems that the people below know each other."

At this time, the captain of the guard directly began to knock on the cabin door. It seemed that there was something urgent to tell Murong Shang.

The little black in the cabin is still sad that Murong Shang wants to leave them, but at least he doesn't say he wants to leave with Murong Shang.

The two talked about the follow-up development. Murongshang promised that they would continue the transaction in the future and provide them with some technologies. Although they would not appear in the public's vision, some technologies could still be published.

Talking happily, they forgot the time. Suddenly they heard a knock on the door outside and realized that the time had passed for a long time.

When Murong Shang came out, the captain of the guard told Murong Shang about the ship coming.

Murong Shang, a distant ship, recognized at a glance that he belonged to the princess's family. His eyebrows were frowned. He really couldn't think how Yuchi knew about it and why she could find it.

"Who is this? Did you send it?"

"No, the ship outside belongs to weichi's family. I don't know why they came."

Because the two had known each other for a long time, Murong Shang didn't joke about it. He realized that the ship might not be controlled by Murong Shang, and Cheng Zichu was also worried.

When the ship approached, Murong Shang made people alert. He always felt that Yuchi entered the palace for their family status, and stole into his bedroom on the first day.

Murong Shang is waiting for the people over there to come out. He hopes it's not what he thinks.

The last one came out, but Murong Shang was surprised. It was an official of mu. This time, he hit the muzzle of the gun.

When official Mu came out, he recognized at a glance that the person standing next to Murong Shang was Cheng Zichu, and there was a woman behind them. Needless to guess, it must be Xu Yanran.

"Unexpectedly, our prince knows the law and breaks the law. Who is this? The prince seems to have committed treason when he was wanted in country a!"

In fact, a has laws in China. If it is outside without legal certification, no one is allowed to cooperate with foreign countries.

Murong Shang looked at Mu official and didn't speak. He was waiting for Yuchi.

Mu official seemed to know what Murong Shang was waiting for. He looked inside the cabin. It was a pity.

"Are you waiting for the princess? Unfortunately, the princess is not here. There are only people around the princess. Do you want to talk to them?"

Murong Shang looked at the official Mu and his lips closed tightly. Unexpectedly, the people around him deceived him.

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