When Xu Yanran and Cheng Zichu came back, they saw the two children waiting outside the door from a distance. When they saw them coming, they rushed over happily.

"Mom, you're back. You're back at last. I thought you weren't coming back."

"Mom, I miss you so much!"

Xu Lele and Shangguan Yu have always been worried about Xu Yanran. Last time Xu Yanran left without saying goodbye, the two children have been uneasy. Although they have already told them that they are just going to work, they will come back soon.

But Xu Lele was still worried. He was always uneasy, but fortunately, Xu Yanran and Cheng Zichu finally came back.

Because Shangguan Li's legs are inconvenient, he has been in a wheelchair this time. The children are surrounded by Xu Yanran, and he is watching.

During this time, they experienced a lot. Xu Yanran finally chose Cheng Zichu, and Xu Yanran's most important person and returned to Xu Yanran.

Xu Lele saw Dahaizi and Cheng Zichu standing behind Xu Yanran and smiled at them.

After so much experience, Dahaizi is very happy to see his grandson. If it weren't for Xu Yanran holding Xu Lele now, he would like to grab it.

Shangguanyu, who was comforted, came to Cheng Zichu and called grandpa Dahaizi.

"Hey, my little granddaughter is really cute, just like your mother."

Shangguanyu knows that she is not Xu Yanran's child, but for such a long time, she has identified Xu Yanran. Hearing Dahaizi's praise, shangguanyu is very excited. Her bright eyes have been staring at Dahaizi. She is a little uncertain.

"Huanhuan's eyes are like her mother. There are little stars in them."

Shangguan Li understood Shangguan Yu's mood and followed the illustration to agree with Dahaizi.

Time passed quickly, and a month has passed since the last thing.

Shangguan Li and Cheng Zichu made a lot of money from their last cooperation with Murong Shang, and the subsequent development seems to have been vigorously promoted by the old king. Convenient daily necessities have improved their quality of life.

Xu Yanran returned to her former company as usual. Xu Lele and shangguanyu also went back to normal classes.

Cheng Zichu's company here has gained a firm foothold, and because of Cheng's group, it has developed very rapidly. During this period, Cheng Zichu has not been able to accompany Xu Yanran for a long time.

Xu Yanran doesn't mind. After so much experience, Xu Yanran is very relieved of Cheng Zichu's feelings, but sometimes she still acts like a spoiled child. Their feelings are gradually becoming deeper and deeper.

Dahaizi always stayed at Cheng Zichu's home. When he was hospitalized, Dahaizi couldn't do anything. He often tossed flowers and grass outside, and gradually learned to do it himself.

So Cheng Zichu's home was planted with tulips by Dahaizi.

"Tulips are the best looking flowers in the world, just like my Ariel."

Dahaizi spoke to Xu Yanran in this way when he was talking. As a result, Cheng Zichu got excited and found a special gardener to plant another piece of rose next to him.

"This is my love for you. Although this flower field is very small, my heart was only so big. It was full of you."

When Cheng Zichu said this again, Xu Lele and shangguanyu were nearby. After hearing this, they kept laughing.

"It's the first time I've heard someone coax girls like this. It's childish. Dad, are you a child?"

Shangguan Yu also agreed and couldn't stand up with a smile.

"What do you know? This is my daughter-in-law. I just like her. You two little children who don't like yet, go away."

When Xu Lele heard Cheng Zichu say this, he couldn't help but rush forward and jump on Xu Yanran's leg.

"This is my mother. She likes me best, and I will marry my mother in the future. It won't be cheap, you childish ghost!"

It was the first time Cheng Zichu encountered such a thing. His son earned a "wife" with him.

"You go away, how old are you? You just want to get married!"

Cheng Zichu doesn't care, but he has only one wife, not even his son.

"This is my mother. Why can't she always be with me!"

"This is my wife. Your wife doesn't know where she is. You get off my wife's leg."

Cheng Zichu didn't like Xu Lele sticking to Xu Yanran so much, so he asked Xu Lele to leave quickly.

"I don't want it. This is my mother. I don't want to leave!"

Shangguan Yu watched them play there. His eyes rolled around. While they didn't pay attention, he pulled Xu Yanran behind him.

"You two stop arguing. Since you both want your mother, you can compete!"

This is a good way, and just a child. Cheng Zichu thought he would win.

Shangguanyu is still a child. Hearing Cheng Zichu's promise, Xu Lele joined in to show that he is also very powerful.

"Well, you two turn your back to your mother, and then perform 'wooden man, don't move'. Whoever moves first in this game will lose. You can compete and win your mother."

Shangguanyu was a clever little girl in front of Cheng Zichu, so he felt wrong at this time, but he was very pleased.

Shangguanyu said that when the game began, Cheng Zichu and Xu Lele were really looking at each other and didn't move.

When the two were fighting, Shangguan Yu came to Xu Yanran and said "Shh" to her. Then the two slipped away quietly, leaving two people still competing.

When the reaction came, Cheng Zichu, who accidentally lost the game, suddenly understood that they were cheated by shangguanyu.

Now Cheng Zichu was crazy. Shangguanyu watched them walking around. Xu Yanran also liked the game, so she planned to stay all the time and can accompany shangguanyu.

"When do you think they'll find us?"

Xu Yanran waited for a long time, but no one found it, so the two chatted over there.

"I don't know. My father and brother are so stupid that they can't find Huanhuan every time."

"How can we? We like Huanhuan best. Has dad done anything before? Do you think he's stupid?"

Shangguan Yu looked at Xu Yanran and suddenly touched her head. She didn't know what to say. She didn't see it.

"It's all right. I also think your father is stupid. Look how long he and brother Lele have been playing outside, but he just doesn't come to us."

"Who said I didn't find it, isn't it here? My two big babies."

The sun outside was just right, and the breeze blew through Xu Yanran's hair, followed by two children.

Unrestrained, carefree, a family together just right!

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