The atmosphere in the car is getting better and better, and Lin bao'er's courage is getting stronger and stronger.

"Zichu, in fact, I just talked about Yanran with you. You know I've always wanted to be friends with Yanran, but there seems to be a misunderstanding between us. She doesn't know. In fact, I'm very tangled about what happened that year. On the one hand, I want to stop her, but on the other hand, she is my good friend after all."

Lin bao'er bowed his head as if he had been wronged by heaven.

"I have tried to persuade Yanran, but I can't stop it for the first time, and I can't look at her all the time. In the end, I really hurt to see you in the dark, so I told you. That's why Yanran always hates me."

Carefully watching Cheng Zichu's face, Lin bao'er said tentatively.

"When Uncle Lin and aunt Lin committed suicide, everyone thought it was because the company went bankrupt. They couldn't bear it, but only I knew that they couldn't afford to lose this person because they knew that they cheated on sweetly."

"You said Xu Yanran was your friend?"

Lin Baoer's voice just fell, and Cheng Zichu suddenly opened his mouth.

She was stunned for a moment and nodded.

After a long silence in the car, Lin Baoer suddenly realized.

"Zichu, I don't want to speak ill of Yan Ran, but between you and Yan Ran, I think you are the more important one, so I don't want you to be deceived by her rhetoric and hurt again."

With a cold hum, Cheng Zichu didn't speak again.

Knowing how wrong he said at this time, Lin bao'er simply kept silent.

At the restaurant mentioned by Lin bao'er, Cheng Zichu's face still didn't get any better.

For a long time, Lin Baoer was not in the mood to eat.

"Zichu, I......"

"In the future, I don't want Xu Yanran's name to appear in our conversation."

I don't know when, Cheng Zichu's heart seems to be biased towards Xu Yanran. Although all the signs showed that Xu Yanran betrayed herself, he now feels more and more strange.

Not knowing his inner thoughts, Lin bao'er thought he hated Xu Yanran.

"OK, OK, I won't mention it." his face was filled with a smile again, and Lin Baoer put down his chopsticks. "Zichu, there's something I want to discuss with you. I'm working in my own company now, and those people always open the back door for me. I haven't learned anything for so long. I thought, can you arrange it for me?"

Her voice just fell. Cheng Zichu slowly looked up, and a pair of eyes seemed to see her heart.

Lin bao'er blinked flustered and hurriedly explained, "I don't mean anything else. I just want to learn more. Naturally, it's good."

"If there is a suitable opportunity, I will arrange for you to go in."

Today's Cheng Zichu really gave himself too many surprises. Lin Baoer turned up her mouth and directly left her seat, giving Cheng Zichu a big hug, "I knew you were the best!"

He couldn't help frowning, but in an instant, Cheng Zichu's expression returned to normal.

At this moment, he even remembered Xu Yanran's expressionless face.

A dinner ended in Lin Baoer's endless chatter. From beginning to end, Cheng Zichu was not in a state at all except for occasionally answering two sentences, but even so, Lin Baoer was happy enough for a long time.

They were about to leave, but a woman at the front desk attracted Cheng Zichu's attention.

"I really just forgot my wallet and mobile phone. I have absolutely no plan to eat overlord meal. So, you let me leave first and I'll send the money back in person later, okay?"

"Miss, we deeply sympathize with your experience, but our restaurant also has regulations. We have to call the police to deal with your situation."

"I said, don't go too far! You can check who AI Xue is on the Internet. I won't owe you for this meal!"

"Since Miss AI is a well-known figure, she should cherish her reputation."

The front desk lady in front of her was simply unable to enter the oil and salt, and AI Xue was almost crazy.

She stayed at home for two days and two nights to write music. After finishing the work, she realized that her stomach was growling with hunger.

When she got out of the door, she came straight here. When she finished eating, she realized that she didn't bring her wallet, mobile phone, or even her ID card.

"How can I explain..." Ai Xue reluctantly opened her mouth. Before she finished, someone interrupted her behind her.

"I'll pay for this lady's meal," Cheng Zichu said as he took out his card.

AI Xue turned back at the moment when she saw Cheng Zichu, her face quickly cooled down.

"Thank you for your kindness, but no need." Ai Xue turned her head awkwardly, but Cheng Zichu still handed her card to the receptionist.

"Miss AI doesn't have to take it to heart. I'll help you in the face of Xu Yanran."

"Hypocrite!" seeing Cheng Zichu settle his account, AI Xue didn't want to thank him at all.

AI Xue, like Xu Lele, seems to have an innate hostility to him.

Cheng Zichu strode forward to stop AI Xue's way, twisted his eyebrows and said, "Miss AI is not a child. Naturally, we should know that people are responsible for what they say, so I hope Miss AI can give me an explanation."

"Explain?" Ai Xue sneered, and then looked at Lin Baoer on Cheng Zichu's side. "If President Cheng really wants to know, why do you ask me? The one around you is a good director who controls your life."

Cold eyes fell on Lin Baoer. She was a little guilty to avoid AI Xue's eyes. After a long time, she smiled and said, "I can't understand Miss AI's words, but Zichu, since we have paid for her, let's go."

If she stayed any longer, she really didn't know what would pop out of AI Xue's uncontrolled mouth.

"Ai Xue, I know you are Xu Yanran's good friend. But Xu Yanran was not the one who cheated. I hope you find out the truth and accuse others. Otherwise, I don't guarantee that you will meet people like me who don't care about you in the future."

After a pause, Cheng Zichu continued, "then miss AI, I'll see you again."

When he spoke, Cheng Zichu could add the last two words, not that he would never see him again, but that we would meet again soon.

Looking at the back of Lin bao'er and Cheng Zichu leaving, AI Xue couldn't help sighing.

If those things hadn't happened at the beginning, Cheng Zichu would have been a good partner. Unfortunately, there was no fate between him and Xu Yanran.

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