Because of Xu Yanran's foot injury, Bai Chengyun personally picked up Xu Lele for several days. Although Xu Yanran always pays attention to maintaining a relationship with Bai Chengyun, Xu Lele and he are very happy every day.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Yanran simply gave herself a holiday. She had just returned to the company, and the little assistant hurried over, "president Xu, something's wrong."

These days, Yunmeng has gradually been on the right track. Xu Yanran was still preparing to contact more partners, and then gradually got rid of her dependence on Cheng, but she didn't want her plan to be disrupted before it could be implemented.

"This morning, Cheng suddenly unilaterally announced the termination of cooperation with us. Influenced by Cheng, several of our partners also asked to terminate the contract. There are several companies under negotiation, and the other party is now unwilling to answer our phone."

Xu Yanran suddenly stood up.

Cheng suddenly withdrew at this time, obviously to break Yunmeng.

"Have you contacted the people on Cheng's side? And who is the person who made the statement, is it Lin bao'er?" at the moment, Xu Yanran still takes a chance and thinks Lin bao'er is playing tricks.

But the next second she heard the familiar three words. Her feet softened and fell into the seat.

She hasn't appeared for three consecutive days, even when it should have been her day to accompany Cheng Zichu. This time, Cheng Zichu didn't contact her.

Now it seems that all this should be his punishment.

A bitter smile floated from the corners of her mouth. Sure enough, she was still the insignificant ant at the foot of Cheng Zichu.

"Prepare the car. I'll go to Cheng's now."

Cheng's downstairs, Xu Yanran just got off the bus and went against Lin bao'er. Naturally, Lin bao'er laughed wantonly when he heard the news of Cheng's termination of his contract with Yunmeng.

"The company that has worked so hard for so long has gone bankrupt. I really sympathize with you." as he said, Lin bao'er took out a pile of money from his wallet. "Don't say that old friends don't help you when you lose everything!"

Put the money into Xu Yanran's hand. Lin Baoer was about to leave, but Xu Yanran directly came forward and stopped her, "don't talk nonsense if you're not sure, otherwise one day I will doubt your importance in Cheng Zichu's heart. And the money, thank you. I'll have a romantic candlelight dinner with Cheng Zichu."

No longer in charge of the angry Lin Baoer behind him, Xu Yanran went straight into Cheng's family.

"Mr. Xu, do you have an appointment?" Xu Yanran always nodded and could go upstairs, but today, miss qiantai politely stopped her.

"I always have something to do with Cheng."

"I'm sorry, Miss Xu. President Cheng's schedule is full today. I'm afraid I don't have time to see you." the attitude of the receptionist changed too suddenly. Xu Yanran is not a fool and can understand naturally.

In desperation, she can only dial Cheng Zichu's phone.

"President Cheng, I want to talk to you face to face about Yunmeng." Xu Yanran hurried to speak when the phone was connected.

After a period of silence, the voice on the other end of the phone was Nimu.

"Miss Xu, President Cheng is in a meeting now. After a while, I'll tell president Cheng you called."

Although Nimu's attitude is as respectful as ever, Xu Yanran understands the difference.

Before, Cheng Zichu would connect her even in a meeting. Knowing that she came, Nimu would even wait downstairs in person. Now, it is obvious that Cheng Zichu wants to teach her a lesson and tell her that she is no different.

Knowing that this is not the time to be angry, Xu Yanran can only endure her anger and sit downstairs waiting.

Half a day in the morning, Cheng Zichu never appeared. When she got off work, the eyes of everyone fell on Xu Yanran. She just couldn't see it and waited patiently for Cheng Zichu.

This is still the case in the afternoon.

She didn't eat all day. At six o'clock in the evening, Xu Yanran was a little out of strength. She fainted occasionally, but she insisted on not leaving.

There was another moment of darkness in front of her. Xu Yanran lowered her head and slowed down. A pair of black leather shoes had stood in front of her.

She got up quickly, but the whole person fell gently and directly to the ground. Falling into a warm and powerful embrace, Xu Yanran smiled and lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, she was already in Cheng's president's office. Cheng Zichu stood in front of the French window with his back. The figure was a little lonely.

Hearing the movement here on the sofa, Cheng Zichu turned around, but for a moment, the indifference in his eyes had replaced care.

"What's the matter?" he turned around again. Cheng Zichu seemed to appreciate the lights outside the window, but only he knew that the figure of the man on the sofa was reflected on the black glass. There was no color picture, but he couldn't move his eyes.

"President Cheng, the cooperation between Cheng and Yunmeng has been very happy these days, and you know better than anyone that our project has been profitable. I don't understand why you want to terminate the contract suddenly at this time."

Xu Yanran slowly straightened up and saw that there were all kinds of food and even chocolate on the tea table.

Her heart was warm, but she forced herself to be cruel.

"I never have a reason to do things, just look at my preferences."

"Cheng Zichu!" with his attitude, Xu Yanran couldn't talk at all. "We are all adults. I hope you can do things rationally and objectively, and don't confuse feelings and career!"

"Mr. Xu, don't forget that the reason why I promised you to help Yunmeng was because you promised to be my mistress. Now Mr. Xu repents, I can do it naturally." Cheng Zichu slowly sat down at his desk and hugged his arms, which was quite arrogant.

"Are you well?" when Xu Yanran hesitated how to speak, Cheng Zichu suddenly asked again.

Xu Yanran was stunned by his warmth at this moment. When she reacted, her tone was a little unhappy. "What does president Cheng really want to do? Let's just say it. There's no need to come between us."

A pair of eyes locked the person in front of him. For a long time, Cheng Zichu finally sneered, "president Xu is really happy, but I don't want to say."

"I know. My foot is hurt these days, so Bai Chengyun has been helping me. From tomorrow on, I will keep a distance from him and give me time. After all, he is one of my few friends after I return home."

Hearing the word "friend", Cheng Zichu's smile was quite strange.

Reading these two words repeatedly, he walked slowly to Xu Yanran's side.

With his big hands on the sofa, Cheng Zichu kept approaching. The distance between them was less than 10 cm. Xu Yanran even could clearly count the eyelashes of his eyes.

"What about me? What am I?" he said, with some unspeakable charm.

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