Yuusha Dakedo, Maou Kara Sekai Wo Hanbun Moratte Uragiru Koto ni Shita

Talk about it later, part 2. Demon King suffering from incurable disease: Love It, Love It Disease.

One day, as I sat in my chair reading a book, the Demon King sat on my lap.

"Yusha. What are you doing now?

With a sweet cat's voice, she rubs her body.

Still smelled good today. I loosen my cheeks to the soft feeling characteristic of the Demon King.

My daughter-in-law is cute today.

I'm reading a book.

"Well, I'll read it with you."

That said, she peeks into the book I'm reading. But the consciousness was right for me, and she had touched me very hard.

"If you're touching a brave man, you might die too happy"

Its cheeks are sloppily loose. I guess the word is true that she is too happy to die… just now, the heartbeat that passes across her skin is so intense.

It's been a long time since we met, but the Demon King is really cute that he's still so thrilled to just touch me.

"Not when you're dead. I miss you."

"But I'm sick. You're invaded by incurable diseases, so it's not weird when you die, is it?

"Sick? It's your first ear... and you're not gonna die, are you?

If they say something like that, I'm getting anxious!

I can't live without a demon king anymore, can I? I couldn't eat alone anymore, and I couldn't walk outside. I had a body. As a result of being spoiled by the Demon King, he evolved into a hell of a scumbag human being.

The Demon King is already part of my flesh. When she's gone, she'll die to me - so I was scared when they said I was sick.

"But it's okay! I suffer from 'I love the brave, I love the disease'. If the brave die, I die, and if the brave live, I live. So, don't worry, okay?

The demon king was suffering from such a cute disease.

Well, then, you're all right! Yeah, good... this heavy and deep love is also more just fine for me. If I wasn't loved this much, my low self-affirmation would make me anxious right away, so the Demon King was truly the ideal daughter-in-law.

"Well, we'll always be."

"Uhm! We've been together forever, ever!

In the daytime, we hug each other with flirting.

Oh, what a happy day.

Too happy to die, what a strange expression.

As much as I was really dying, me and the Demon King were happy.

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