Following Shilo, the next tent awaited me was the Sacubus alp.

"Pfft. You're finally here."

She seemed to be waiting for me, right in front of the entrance.

It is a garment that can only hide locally and is crawling on all fours.

"What's wrong? Something's falling off?

"……… I wonder if it looks sexy."

"Uh, oh, sorry."

I never thought it was a sexy pose because I didn't feel anything amazing.

Alp has a good fleshy figure. The chest is also very large, and when I touch it, it feels like it is munching. But I'm not fat, the creepy part is tightly creepy. I guess the style is good.

But no... I didn't touch the harp line at all.

"Ugh. You can do whatever you want with me, okay?

Now he's got his legs open and his tongue nodded. I'm telling you something, but it was strange because my interest was free of shards.

"Why don't you just get dressed? You've got a cold."

"... Why not! You're not, are you? Look, I must be very jerky, right? Why are you so flat!

Oh, I'm so angry. Well, you're right... I was thinly guessing that Alp was trying to excite me. This time, he is fulfilling the task assigned to the Marquis of the Six Demons.

"Even if they say so…………"

With cheeks, observe the alp again.

He is as tall as his height and head, his face is sharp and neat, and his boobs are still as exciting as this. His hips were shrugged, his buttocks were bonked, and his thighs were glossy and exposed.

Looking through the area, I shake my head.

"You're not horny."

"Where!? I think it's a coveted body when I see it from a man. Especially these tits!

Although I felt confident when I said it myself.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm super lolicon right now...... boobs are just fat. You're not so different from touching your own butt."

I rubbed my own butt on this one. Yeah, soft. In terms of fat, it is up to me to think that my buttocks and boobs are not very different.

"Ko, these are my boobs... the same as my butt? Don't be ridiculous."

I guess the Alps were proud in terms of pornography. It was pretty lame.

Though, it's true that right now I don't feel porn in the alp.

"No. Your face should be more rounded. You don't have to be sharp, and your head can be lower. There doesn't seem to be any boobs. To a certain extent, the style is better with the torso. I don't even need extra fat on my thighs. It's a little fractured, and when I touch it, it's a puffy mess."

The shape opposite of the alp is what I'm looking for right now.

"And the expression is a good smile. It can't be the face of a female dominated by troubles."

Continue to solemnly fail.

Sacubus's girlfriend regretted being told that by me as a virgin.

"Ku... what, you watched me lick around in my brave days. You lolicon!"

"Beh, I didn't see anything... I was young then. I thought my boobs were supreme, but I met the Demon King to get to the truth. Sorry, Alp."

I turn my back on the alp staring at me as I suppress my chest.

And a word when you leave.

"Let me back out when you're a little girl."

Saying so, Alp cried like he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Eh! Bye! Loricon! Heck of a virgin!

"Doesn't matter how virginal you are!? It's good to have you stop insulting me because I regret it. First, let him diet the fat hanging on that chest!

"Ko, this is my charm point! Look... I will never let you captivate me."

"If it's something you can do!

Saying so, I leave the tent.

"You lollicon! Remember!!

Until the end, Alp was crying.

I hear my pride has been inspired. Honestly, if I were to serve it on Lolisa Cubus, I think I would normally have been tempted...... well, aside from whether I was excited or not.

"Well, no alps either"

Both the Marquis of the Six Demons were pompous. Both Shiro and Alp have sweet prospects.

You may not expect this. The anxiety centered on the moment I put my face on the next tent.

"Whoa, you're a brave man! You look good, but you don't look better in the lower body!


Devil the Devil Marquis. They burned my hands in battle, but I think he was a little weak.

To put it bluntly, it's stupid.

"Oh man, I looked out for a man for you! Enjoy yourself."

See, this is how I say things that are off target. Two Satanic men in the tent were also laughing bitterly. As long as my boss is an asshole and pathetic.

"... you, I told you when we were fighting, we should work out our heads a little bit better, right? Even though the power is in the Four Kings class, they'll keep saying you're stupid for as long as you want to be like that?

"Ah? I must be a genius. Do you understand how amazing I am to a normal creature?"

"Is that so?"

Are you an unconscious idiot? Still, I'm the type of person who absolutely submits to what the Demon King says when it comes to battle, so I don't pull my legs... but I'm also the type who can't keep my eyes open. He's a tough guy to handle.

I don't hate it though.

"Then call me the next time we open again at the banquet. I'm not in the mood today, so I hope the demons there will return home."

"That's right, then you don't have a choice. Hey, get out of here. You can go home, too! I'm going home."

Devil is stupid but honest, so he is admired by the surroundings. Looks like you got my word and decided to send two male demons home. Did you two know this was going to happen, or you're going home lightly?

And Devil also started muscle treading, so I got out of the tent, too.

That's it...... I figured it was subtle that the Demons were anything but battles.

Can't you help it? Maybe it's weirder if you can get my libido back and execute orders that don't have any slaps.

"Bad for the Demon King, but let's do it right......"

I thought so and visited the next tent.

"Wow... I don't have enough booze."

"That's delicious! It's poison, but it's addictive and it's not bad."


We had two sixes and a nun to drink.

Marquis of the Devil, Marquis of the Devil. And it is nito.

I don't know why Nito is here... but I shrugged my shoulders in front of the three already ready to go.

It's bad for the Demon King, but I still don't think I can get my libido back.

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