Yuusha Isagi no Maou Hanashi
9-4 Hello Again
- Pern, the dry sound echoes.
This is one of the disguised canals in Howlingport. The hidden magic team prevents you from peeking from the outside until you step inside.
The repair work on the aerial battleship Henrimanyu, damaged by Tenryu General Lernerudra, had been carried out by a very small part of the True and Demonic Empire.
That corner...
In front of Goldman, who was overseeing the work, was Sylvenia with swollen cheeks.
Near her, a witch's hat, which is the shape of my mother, is falling.
It was so intense flat-handed that its little body swayed.
"Sylvenia, I'm going to ask you again.
Why didn't you follow my instructions immediately?
Sylvenia remains silent with her eyes down.
Goldman hit Sylvenia again. Now the opposite cheek.
"Because of your hesitation, all the plans went crazy.
He was trying to kill Les Vallis and me, you know. "
"Sylvenia, I don't care if you know that masked man.
It was your sin to let that sentiment drain you and put us in danger.
If I had done what I said, I could have killed that man sooner.
Your powers do not belong to you.
Everything is magic to be poured out for the sake of and for the sake of the human race. You know what I mean?
Sylvenia stays still and doesn't move as she was struck.
Still, when Goldman raised his hand again, he shook tingly.
"... ah"
But Goldman is gentle this time and puts his hand on Sylvenia's head.
My voice leaked out of the girl's mouth by accident.
Goldman speaks as he strokes the silver hair of that beautiful mother concession.
"Sylvenia, your talent is real.
With me and you, it would be easy to eradicate the human race.
You hate the Ningens who killed my mother?
That golden-haired woman who kicked the demon clan right in front of us was just horrible, wasn't she?
"Ready? We're just two brothers and sisters in this world.
You listen to me, and I'll work something out for you.
That's how you two wipe out the human race.
That's how we're made. "
Goldman combs Sylvania's hair with those white, long fingers.
The look on his face was unusual, a warm smile.
"Our feelings are not shared by anyone else.
This is just for us. Wouldn't you?
It is something that cannot be cleaned up by the word mere vengeance, etc.
Sylvenia, please don't let me down.
You've always been such an honest, good girl. "
Sylvenia was slightly confused and let her eyes swim.
Goldman smiles and casts a healing spell on his cheek.
"I'm sorry I did something rough, Sylvenia.
If you hold on to me next time, that's fine. "
"If you get it, give me a reply, Sylvenia"
Although Sylvenia has been silent for a long time.
For its voice color.
"… Yes, welcome to"
It was like an emotionless voice, and I just answered it so small.
Away from Goldman, who remains in the canal, Sylvenia returns home.
I wasn't willing to go straight home to the bunk where I just collected the empty mansion.
Sylvenia holds her head to avoid getting her hat skipped by the occasional strong sea breeze.
Due to one recent incident, Sylvenia's magic power had now been greatly reduced.
After all, he unleashed so much magic that he was alone and comparable to polar art.
It will take a few more days for this to recover.
On the contrary, things are more serious.
Fingertip nails shine like ore.
- The demonization of Sylvenia has progressed.
Too much magic for a person to manipulate is a symptom that turns into crystals.
This symptom was considered incurable, even in the present Alvaris.
According to Caschi and others, we can delay or retain that progression - no matter, she's not here right now.
The tremendous power of the semidemonic crystalline life form Sylvenia is in exchange for the future.
The city is desolate, and Pyril soldiers are in recovery work for now here and there.
It would be like first aid, just to secure an immediate military camp.
One carriage crosses in front of her like that.
It was caged. He must be in the midst of being escorted because his cell collapsed as a result of the earlier battle between Isagi and Les Varis.
A euphoric celebration. - There it is.
Sylvenia stops and calls unexpectedly.
Speaking to the soldiers of the True Demonic Empire, Sylvenia called off the carriage.
Heading in a chilling foothold, beating the iron lattice between the concoction and the cage.
Ha Ha Happy raised his face.
"... eh... eh"
Cough up a few times, and then Kyung Hee looks at Sylvenia again.
"Oh, oh, Sylvenia...... I'm glad you're safe.
I haven't spoken in a while, so I forgot how to speak. "
Sylvenia looks at such a celebration from top to bottom.
In just a few days, a few weeks, look at the festivities as if they were someone else's.
"It's a blur."
"Is that the first voice I've seen in a long time!?
I'm still a magician and a water bather by myself!
Soldiers fly in on something to the scream of celebration.
The Demon King of the Confederation of the Present Demonic Nation had shown his intention to surrender by raising his hands.
Sylvenia tilts her neck.
"... how come you're in such a place, what are you doing?
Didn't they even seal the magic? Are you nuts?
"Yeah, no, the last one doesn't make any sense...
Hey, that's actually... "
Celebration lurks his voice into Sylvenia.
"... that... Lorisia is being taken hostage by Mr. Ignite..."
"... Huh?
First ear.
Sylvenia didn't know that.
"If I try to get out of here, they tell me that she's going to kill me..."
Hearing the words of celebration, Sylvenia abruptly darkened the light of its eyes.
"Oh, uh... Sylvenia,?
"No, uh, I was wondering if you're okay..."
Celebrating Sylvenia brings up a number of question marks.
Still sounds like I was going to tell you. I was pushed into jail for a worn out celebration.
"... something, awesome, looks spicy, don't you?
Mr. Sylvenia, if you can't,
You can go back to Brazzahas alone... "
He has no idea what's going on in Sylvenia.
Of course. In this battle, the Demon King of the Federation of Demonic Nationalities is outside the mosquito net.
"I'll be fine...
As long as you stay quiet, Mr. Ignite promised me that Lorisia would be fine...
So, you know, until Senior Isa gets here, like this, I just have to wait...
I can't help it, and I feel sorry for you, honestly... Ha... "
He doesn't know the truth about this battle as if.
How funny that you are still smiling to reassure Sylvenia.
"Oh, ha, yes?
Oh, maybe there's something I can do... or something?
He let his eyes shine just a little.
Now, Sylvenia told me honestly.
"Nothing. One of what?
There's nothing Yoshinob can do.
No one can help but rot and die in prison. "
"Isn't that as spicy as it sounds!?
Sylvenia tells the soldier to "go" by gesture.
The carriage moved out ragged. I can hear the screams of celebration from afar.
Sylvenia dropping off echoes her own voice in her chest.
"- No one, no one can help one, just rot and die in a cell"
I see. Suitable.
Or maybe it was about me.
Sylvenia was admitted by killing people.
The better the technique of killing a lot, the more praised Sylvenia all around us.
Both Caschi and Ila and Goldman relied on Sylvenia, thanks to which Sylvenia was able to remain in the Federation of Demonic Nations.
More companions, in which Sylvenia had even more free time to continue to extremes the art of killing people.
Sylvenia is kept alive. I've never forgotten that. Because there's no way we can do anything other than fight Sylvenia.
Sylvenia thinks so. I still think so.
Although Isagi and Lianzhui were trying to show Sylvenia a new path.
That is a form of the future for Sylvenia. But never now.
Was the reason to fight for Sylvenia 'to reward'?
To be sure of that, Sylvenia is here now.
I've been by my side since I was a young girl, to meet only one friend in Sylvenia.
(Yes, it's all dutu bad......)
I cheered on the celebration and just felt a little clearer.
Sylvenia advances her legs in anger toward the mansion where Dutu seems to be.
(I'm so sick and disgusting, I shouldn't be dutiful at all.
... I'm gonna kick your ass. I won't forgive you anymore)
I thought so, I felt heat gushing out of the back of my body.
It must be eight hits, but what happened to it?
Way off, sounding in the footsteps.
Meet Dutu and question him.
But let's ask her for her sincerity.
Even with those cheeks up, like I was made a Goldman.
Hear it out.
So determined, Sylvenia pulls open the door of the mansion without even knocking.
At that moment when I tried to speak up, there was only slight blood on Sylvenia's face.
A set of men and women were facing each other in the entrance hall of the mansion.
Dutu stretches his spine with perseverance with a bloody handkerchief on his temples.
Before that stands Les Vallis, who put a bandage around his whole body and teased his shoulders.
"What's going on, my men's education at Temene? Wow!
Because of this, I was about to be the strongest! That 's-! "
"... Goldman would have just been showing you around"
"Does it matter! No such thing!
Les Varis grabbing Dutu's chest.
The princess of the demon emperor has her back pressed against the wall with a distressed look on her face.
There is blood on the tip of Les Varis' nails as well.
Perhaps he left it to his anger to hurt Dutu.
That face of hers...
- At that moment, Sylvenia's vision stains bright red.
Sylvenia put up one hand.
I noticed an intruder. Les Varis turns this way.
- I don't mind releasing.
"Die -"
Shoot the flame out of that finger...
- But I couldn't.
"... Huh?
There is no magic gathered in this hand. Les Varis is making her eyes glow red.
It is the intertwined forbidden technique 'soul-bound' he unleashed on the rabbit.
Les Varis pokes at Dutu and walks over with his big crotch and grabs Sylvenia's hair.
"What the hell? Suddenly he came out.
If the magician can't interfere in the demonic world, he's no different than just a man, right?
"... Huh, Gu"
"If you don't shoot magic then, by now...!
Peek into Les Varis eyes like a hungry wolf.
Sylvenia distorts her eyebrows.
"... what the fuck - look me in the eye"
But shortly afterwards, Les Varys hands off as if he had lost interest.
Sylvenia loses support and butts on the spot.
- In the meantime, there were two things on the spot that pulled out the sword.
One is Ignite, who emerged from behind Sylvenia.
"... if you come and pick up Master Dutu.
No more wretches, Lord Les Varys. "
And -.
It is a dutu with a thin protruding sword that rings with Lynn.
"Master Les Varis. You don't mind hitting me.
But the kid just followed Goldman's orders.
I am responsible. "
Dutu, who wipes his cheeks and stands on his body with one hand to protrude his crystal sword.
"... tart"
Hall of the mansion with disturbing air.
Pinched by Ignite and Dutu, Les Varis punches his tongue.
With my ears on, I'll be like a child.
"Fine, if you want to do it, I'll deal with you..." I just want to say.
I don't know how much it's gonna cost, but when I do,
All of you will kick ass in an instant.
... weak bullies don't bother me.
Wow, I'm not gonna do it. "
The other day, he fought the Demon King to death and his health should not have recovered at all.
Still, I guess I really win. Les Varis is such a man.
But still it is the loyal knight, Ignite, who manifests his anger.
"Dutu, keep a scratch on your face......!
"Oh? You just caught on, didn't you?
If I didn't care, I'd have torn it apart.
Shouldn't you be thanking me for saving your life?
Dutu gently hands on Ignite's arm as he tries to slash him.
"It's okay, Ignite. I don't mind.
I can see what he's saying, too.
I bet my pride. I was interrupted by a single hit. "
"... if that's what Dute-sama says"
Ignite was like an unconvinced face though.
Still, I guess I knew that if I fought here, I would risk my husband.
I try to leave the room with Dutu covered in it.
"Master Duteu, all the sorcerers are waiting for you. Come here."
"... Yep"
But Dutu stopped in front of Sylvenia.
He holds his sword in his sheath and reaches out to Sylvenia, who squeezes in perfectly.
"Sylvenia, too, seems close when fighting.
Have a good night. "
"... ah"
Although Sylvenia tries to take that hand of hers.
With the eyes of Les Varis and Ignites and others, Sylvenia accidentally swallows the words.
In front of confused Sylvenia, Dutu is smiling as if he didn't know.
"I'll see how you're doing.
You seem tired of not fighting. Love you. "
Oh, and a meaningless voice leaked.
My fingers were chasing Dutu's back trying to walk away.
"Is that all Dutu needs?
That's the word that came out unexpectedly.
Though this can't possibly convey meaning.
"... ugh"
Dutu smiles flutteringly.
"Yeah. This fight is something of significance.
For the Demons to defy Ningen and hold the honors of the clan in their hands.
For that we have raised our swords in our hands. "
"... dutu...?
Would she have been the kind of person to say this?
Once Sylvenia was helped by the hands of Dutu and Caschi.
She was saved when she fell asleep in the crystal and was destined to die.
Sylvenia, who was young, and Dutu, who was twelve at the time. That was seven years ago.
Sylvenia always sought blood as a price. I was going to prove my existence by taking my life.
It was also a dutu that always showed me who Sylvenia was like that.
The daughter of the demon emperor was kinder than anyone else and cherished Sylvenia as one daughter and as a friend.
Stabilize the Dark Continent, but Sylvenia no longer needs to fight.
I didn't know what to do next and it seemed like a big hole in my chest.
It's also Dutu who stayed with me at that time.
She should have been happier than anyone at the end of the war.
Yet now he stands at the forefront and has a sword.
Sylvenia has no idea what that means.
Though Sylvenia is never a foolish daughter.
The situation was completely out of her hands.
Sylvenia's mind was saturated, as sand poured into a bump stuffed with stones to its limits.
Dutu and the others leave the room. Left Sylvenia behind.
- Or Les Varis remains for some reason, too.
"Damn...... I don't like it!
Les Varis was by the front hall, kicking a small chest.
The tree shakes with a blow, and after dancing through the universe, falls to the floor and splashes.
"The Demons all are.
Hold one or two in your belly and you don't know what you're thinking.
So is that princess and Goldman. Of course you do. "
The intent to kill, which had been in Sylvenia until earlier, was so foggy.
Before Dutu's other demeanor attitude, everything may have gotten better.
In the corner of the room, Sylvenia strokes her own hair down.
"... you're not gonna hit me?
"Earlier, Continued"
Les Varis distorts his face.
"Can you beat the shit out of him?"
"... it's weird"
"Ha! I don't have an opinion with the Demon Clan, who wants to kill one man!
If it moves that much, the wound will open.
Although Sylvenia, who is not destined to go, never intended to elucidate.
Open your mouth while sitting in your absence.
"... you couldn't defeat it alone. So."
"My brother was trying to save you. Why are you so angry?
"That's what they all say...
I don't like it. "
That's it again.
He also used to say honesty, raspberry, and celebration.
I don't know what that means. 'I don't like it', what is it?
If you have something to do, you should do it, and you will have to obey people's orders.
'Soul bondage' has already been untied.
That's not why Sylvenia asks him.
"Man of the Beast"
"- Oh!?
What, is that creeping me out!?
They yelled louder than I thought.
But I don't mind.
"Why, is Dutu fighting?
"... what? You're my best friend, right?
"I joined you on the way."
"... I don't know the details."
Les Varis speaks with his ears ears and tails nodded.
"It was the Demons who brought the story with them.
When Caliburnus died - about six months after I heard the story.
By that time, they showed me that airship.
My heart jumped. If only this guy had a hundred manpower.
So I put my hands together with them.
I don't know what the Demons are up to.
What a good thing I didn't even have to interrupt you.
Find Ningen and smash him.
That's all, they're a little too much. "
It's too much. It sure is. Sylvenia agrees.
Why not. Les Varis' words came sooo far into my ear.
I wonder why. Maybe it's because of the similarity of the sayings to Lianzhui and Isagi.
But Sylvenia tilts her neck.
"The beast man, to Dutu?
Did they tell you to make an alliance?
"Chicken. I don't like that blonde guy."
"... my brother"
With a small twinkle, Les Varis rounded his eyes and looked like he had been drained of poison.
"... is he your brother?"
"... my brother slaps my sister.
Damn, you don't know what a demon is!
Les Varis now steps through the floorboards.
Sylvenia thinks a little bit that Dutu will run out of places to come back.
"How can a beast kill Ningen?
"You just asked me a few questions earlier, so..."
Les Varis looking at this one with a grudge, but also in discipline he opens his mouth.
"You've made up your mind. The Pyrrills are the ones who stand at the top of this world."
"... is that any good?
"Oh, there is. The Pyrills will no longer be killed in Ningen."
"Kill before they kill you?
"Well, here's the thing"
I see. I also feel like it makes sense.
I guess Les Varis' words are easy to understand for Sylvenia because of their simplicity.
But then Dutu is still weird.
Such a dutu is strange.
"Dutu said that Ningen and the Demons could coexist.
He said he would create a world where he wouldn't have to kill and not be killed.
That's what Dutu's ideal Alvaris looks like. "
Les Varis peels his eyes.
"What is that, a dream story? That's a stupid idea."
Sylvenia nods firmly.
No matter how much my brother changes.
Even if you turn a shark or a cheap one on the enemy.
Even if the world perishes.
- This is all I can tell, with certainty.
"Dutu is an idiot.
It can't be that you look so clever and clear.
It really doesn't seem like a dude. "
◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇
- When the hell was that?
I can't remember, though.
Probably refrained from a very important fight, which was the night before that.
By that time I was still called - 'The Brave'.
It also feels like an immeasurably old, old memory.
Night after night when the sound of patsy and burning explodes.
The boy - himself - was clawing on his cheek wand, staring at the shaking of the fire.
It's a little far from the camp, so there's no sign of people.
In the dark woods for a while he had tasted to bite solitude.
I didn't tell anyone where I was going, but I knew there would be a pick-up.
I came as I stepped on the leaves of a tree...
Blonde haired maiden.
Why that face - though it was painted black.
A teasing voice.
"What are you doing alone, you?
Barrys and Seldell are getting along with the Knights over there.
Being Alone and Lonely '
Without returning words, fold the twig at hand and throw it into the fire.
She sat right next to the boy.
'You've finally come this far. We're going in tomorrow. "
'... that was a long time'
"Three years."
"I've Been Fighting"
"Yeah, thanks to you, you're all scratched up."
Turn the sleeve of the robe. "Ahhh," she said. She had a shapely eyebrow - was it? Although I can't remember very well - hissing.
I looked up at the boy who didn't come on board, and the girl smiled like a jerk.
"What's the matter, you're low on mouth today, aren't you?
'Idiot, I'm nervous. That's all I know.'
"Silly. I came all this way to loosen that up for you, didn't I?
Is that all you know?
"... you."
groaning boy. Turn back to hide your hands trembling in tension.
The voice of my heart telling myself that this is a samurai tremor also seems to be heard by the girl in front of me.
Why are you doing this?
"Tomorrow, we'll make it."
"... I've already caught you."
She attaches her hand to the back of the boy's hand.
He is stroked by cold, slippery fingers, and shyness springs before the tickle.
…… ○ ○ ○
Call her name.
- I don't know if you were calling me.
The sweetness crept up from the back of the nod.
I wasn't really sure.
Never before have I fought with so many expectations.
That's why I was staring at the fire and trembling in this darkness.
When the boy was about to make a weak noise.
- Staring this one in the eye, she said.
"Hey, Isagi, you running away already?
'... Huh?
Listen back.
She doesn't always have a clap. I can't predict.
- Yes, I was. That's the kind of girl I was.
'Cause it's frightening, isn't it? I can't believe it's Demon King Castle.
It doesn't matter what happens to the humans. It doesn't matter. That's why, right?
She whispers along with the way she laughs in her ears.
- I'm sure I liked that very much.
"In the depths of the Dark Continent, you two.
No one's going after you here, right?
That's how you start a new life.
Oh, be, don't get me wrong, okay?
Mutual. Until we find the good guys, right?
"Why don't we set up a house and plow it in the fields?
Until it comes to fruition, you'll catch the beast.
A peaceful or nothing life.
The world may fall into the hands of the Demons, but we're strong, okay?
Doesn't that seem like a lot of fun?
Isagi shuts up. Biting my lips with a bitter look.
When she saw it, she smiled bitterly as she leaned over her brow troubled.
'Oh no, don't look like that, will you? I didn't mean to be mean. "
'... no'
Shake your head small. It is not.
I thought maybe I could accept her words.
Throw everything out and you'll be happy with just the two of you. That's not a bad life.
I just remembered a little bit and became jealous.
It's a serious thing to be a brave man to be disturbed throughout this period.
I was afraid tomorrow would come.
- Yes, that's what I thought.
It would be a fierce battle.
I felt like my heart had been eagled when I thought Barriesd, Cerdel, or O-O - it was her name - or that my loved ones might die in battle.
To a leaning shark, she is.
'Me, too, I think it's a little better, don't you?
... but I knew doing that wouldn't solve it. '
'... yes, you are'
"It's hard to be anywhere, you got away with it.
It's painful to think about the person you left behind. I'm sure? '
Girl laughing like a cat with her golden hair up.
Ever since I first met her, her grin rocks Isagi's heart.
Gives me courage.
- He was giving me courage. I remember.
... I realize it was.
How could Isagi have come this far in this world with no edge or itch - Alvaris?
I felt like I'd never figured it out before.
- That was very, very important.
"... leja"
Under the moonlight. Alone.
"... what the hell, Isagi"
"I'll win."
Isagi swears, staring at the fire.
"So tomorrow, please, - Reja."
"... hehe, let me handle it. Spring? This, Alvaris' most powerful magician, - to Mr. Ha. Hehe. '
Her hands were layered on the rabbit's hands.
"Let me try to save this world. So... '
When she returns to her hometown, Dinas City in the Kingdom of Parabeliu, then -.
Without being able to say the words that follow, Isagi holds - Leha's hand.
"Together, Let's Go Home"
"... yeah"
The tremor behind the brave Isagi's chest had subsided.
The truth is that defeating Henrimanyu wasn't the primary purpose of creating an Adventurer Alliance either.
The truth is, how did you get here?
Why do we keep fighting?
The truth is,
- Whose?
The next moment.
- Isagi's consciousness awakened.
"... What is this place? - Huh!"
When I wander around, I run a severe pain that also clogs my breath.
Bones called bones, blood called blood, meat called meat. Feels like everything is scratched and grumbled with a knife.
Pain like being poured in boiling hot water from eyeballs to the back of your nose.
All the roughly conceivable hardships strike in an instant, and the rabbit's vision is blinded.
Every breath they cause repeated rabbits to hurt.
I'm not talking about checking for body damage.
If it suits the pain properly, it's going to freak out soon.
(... Damn, make it hard...!
I can't open my eyes. Is it maybe crushed?
Isagi explores memory.
I remember as far as being blown away by the magic of Sylvenia and falling into the sea......
(... being alive would mean it worked...)
- If I can say that my condition is alive now.
Isagi tried to mimic Les Vallis' tangled breakthroughs in appearance.
By the banning technique that continued to have effects, the demonic world around the rabbit had always been turned into a field that would continue to normalize.
I was trying to escape into the ocean while maintaining the effect as it was, but I didn't have a breakthrough.
Lost his magic, Isagi was on the verge of jumping into flames - and there he lost consciousness.
I wonder how long I've been drifting through the ocean.
I wonder what the current situation is.
To what extent is my body defective? Can we still fight?
- And who the hell helped me?
In case of any doubt, I don't have an answer.
Only consciousness fades in the intense pain that tells us this is reality.
Heard voices, dreams or illusions?
"... Was there a life?
At that rate, it was like five fifths... you're a lucky man. "
(... who...)
That's definitely supposed to be a clue.
No, I don't have enough strength to stay awake.
"Rest now.
When I need your help, it's bound to come... "
That's the last thought I had left, two.
(... lost, or...)
The regret and.
Of blonde maidens, seeping and invisible in the light - that smile.
That blonde girl didn't show up for the next dream.
Just darkness holds the rabbit in its chest......
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