
17 To Anger

Graudus and Lâche. These were the names of the "Wakagashira" and "Sateigashira", the Diamond Yakuza's first and second lieutenants, who stood right before them. They were clothed in the typical Yakuza attire, wearing dress suits of blood red and navy blue colour respectively. Graudus carried a sheathed katana by his waist, whilst Lâche sported two pistol holsters on both sides. They stared into the eyes of the individuals who's memories they had invaded and ingrained their names into.

A casual, condensed reminder of Amber's backstory: Seven years ago Amber's path to achieving her dream of serving under Intel was cut short by a group of jealous classmates, who's vandilism of her dormitory provoked her into violent retribution and, consequently, loss of opportunity. This resulted in both parties being expelled, with Amber becoming a vigilante in the aftermath whilst the two pursued an equally scumbaggery career within the Diamond Yakuza, rising through the ranks. Though Amber's mission to personally inflict justice often involved tearing down such crime syndicates, she had never encountered Graudus and Lâche specifically. Regardless, she did not forget about them in the slightest, and awaited the day of revenge.

Elektra's history with these two doesn't go as far back, but their actions had caused an equally heavy grudge. Two years ago, Elektra and her partner Matthew had agreed to represent the ZPF to sign a peace treaty with the Diamond Yakuza. They agreed to come alone for a 2 on 2 meeting, however these slimy pieces of scum set them up and ambushed them with 100 of their top guys. Matthew decided to distract them whilst Elektra escaped and called for reinforcements, but when help arrived it was too late. Matthew had been tortured to a vegetative state, and the gang had left the scene.

"What do you want?" Elektra said sternly. No ounce of funloving Elektra could be sensed within the entire universe.

Graudus smiled.

"To kill the one that got away," he taunted, before turning to Amber.

"and the one that didn't get anywhere."

Amber's fury intensified tenfold.

"We are going to kill you." she hissed, pissed. "You're too weak to take us on."

"You're right. We are. But that's what they're for."

He pointed his thumb behind him, to which the fleet of 200 Diamond Jets had finally come into view and had concentrated thousands of (Rare) [Kindle] powered missiles towards their exact location.

Graudus and Lâche then threw something towards the ground, which then seemingly activated to create a personal forcefield surrounding themselves. It was powered by Super-Rare sOr [Peridot], a material durable enough to protect them from the incoming blitz.

When Amber and Elektra noticed the missiles it was too late. Amber could not react quick enough to counter, whilst Elektra was paralyzed by the trauma of falling to these mobsters by cheap, dirty moves.

Lâche matched his partner's grin, feeling so smug in his lil forcefied.

"Goodbye. ;)"

**Time Slo-Mo** (1 Second)

Yami positioned his wrists together, palms out and charged up his gauntlets, rapidly increasing his muscle density and strength.


Hikari swiftly jumped onto Yami's hands, who cocked back then immediately thrust him powerfully upwards and towards the missiles that honed in on their location. As Hikari flew, he spun his hammer rapidly, the hammer gaining momentum and illumminating to a bright gold.


Hikari swiftly swung at and parried each and every single missile in the air deflecting them downwards (since it's slo-mo, the missiles remained in place, just that their trajectory had changed). A bright golden trail of light in the sky, the after image of Hikari's flurry of swings.

**End Slo-Mo**

The missles soared downwards, through the clouds and into the unknown abyss. They eventually detonated (probably), but any sound of explosion was muted by the thick layer of clouds that essentially represented the floor of Zephyrian Territory.

Before Hikari could fall into said floor, Tedi soared in majestically in time to allow Hikari to land on her back. The bear was flanked by Gale and Yami, who had also flew in to save him. Good friends, but flufferino reigns supreme.

"Xero!" Hikari yelled, subconsciously squishing le fluff. "Give us some cover!"

"Yes sir!"

Amber looked back towards Xero, who had positioned himself high up on one of the Innu's balconies (left eye to be exact) . He looked back at them and returned both a comforting smile and an encouraging nod.

"We got you. Take em out."

In that moment she both recieved closure. Though Amber had lost the position she had dreamed about, she finally got to do something much better: inflicting justice and fighting alongside her absolute favourite person in the world.

Similarly Elektra gained more than she had lost. As she gazed upon her new teammates which ventured forward through the sky and towards their their enemies, her heart warmed. It reminded her of Matthew, who put his life on the line for her. Though he was out of commission, Elektra now had entire team who she could rely on and find comfort in (oof cheesy, but legit nonetheless).

They fully put their faith in the reat to handle the accompanying fleet, and turned their focus back towards the pathetic thugs in front of them.

Both Yakuza lieutenants' smiles had now disappeared, as they cowered within their lil forcefield.

They really didn't intend on a direct confrontation. They had planned to kill them on the spot with the missiles, but those were gloriously blocked. The back up plan was to dock onto the island and overwhelm them with the 4000 "Kyodai" members aboard the fleet, but they were now preoccupied. They had no choice but to fight, and were certainly not prepared for it.

Amber and Elektra's killer auras reappeared, perhaps to a greater degree. Their red and lavender auras started manifesting into pure fire and electricity. With the potential of pathetic cheapshots or ambush tactics gone, nothing was holding them back. They were ready to kick ass.

And asses did they kick, literally.

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