
19 To Destroy

Inferno Burno. Inferno Spurno. Lightning Slash. Lightning Slice.

All of these were named sOr attacks. These moves varied in effort and difficulty, but all were at least significant enough to be given titles. If you were to recieve a named attack, you were worthy of trying against.

The Yakuza fleet did not warrant attacks of this nature. Not because they were necessarily weak (by Zephyrian civilian standards), but because Vanguard was just too strong. Especially Gale.

The skies were Gale's domain. You'd assume such given her previous position, but she truly dominated the air. Her [Tempest] sOr was the most powerful of it's kind, and it being paired with the most skilled pilot made for a dangerous falcon. And the Yakuza were about to be massacred by its' talons.

She blitzed through the air, manouvering so swiftly yet with much ferocity. Her movements were elegant and masterful, instinctually manipulating her wings to dodge the (few) cannon blasts Xero didn't counter. Her bladed feathers efficiently sliced through through each and every jet, disabling their engines and setting them up for Yami and Hikari to joyfully bash, crash and thrash into the abyss.

They weren't jokes in the sky either (Yami on his own accord and Hikari due to the bear that enabled him), but the display they put on did seem like it was just fun and games. True, they did not find joy in killing these Yakuza (all of whom rightfully had "Only Dead" bounties for their crimes), but the did enjoy fighting together. This was the first time they battled alongside someone who could not only match their prowess, but synergized with it too. They darted around, destroying these mobster jets together. At one point Yami even threw some jets at Hikari to swing at with his hammer. An overwhelmingly violent yet justice-driven version of baseball.

This, coupled with Xero's insanely accurate ice snipes all the way from downtown, made for a complete and utter massacre, an even larger stomp than Elektra and Amber's battle.

All 4000 Kyodai of that Yakuza fleet had perished within 2 minutes.

Gale, Hikari and Yami landed back onto the island to witness Aloe, Elektra and Amber in an awkward yet wholesome embrace. Elektra noticed Gale and ushered her to come over, who didn't resist but was mildly concerned.

"Are... Are you guys okay? What happened?"

"Ahhh We're fine, get in here \u003c3" Elektra cried, as she pulled her winged friend into the frey. The winged friend did not complain.

"Can I joiiiiinnn :D ?????????"

Ryan appeared at the front of the Inn-u (mouth of le shiba), excited at the opportunity of such hug. Elektra's face lit up at the sight of him, and dashed to embrace the prince. He displayed worried eyes for her.

"Ahhhh I'm so glad you're okay c:"

"No, I'm glad you're okay c:"

"We're both glad that we're both okay C:"

Yami was unamused.

"It's only been a day..."

Aloe shared the sentiment.

"What a strange bunch." she commented.

Amongst the ridiculousness, Hikari slowly walked past the hugging weirdos and confronted the two people behind Ryan.

"Where the heck were you?" he said sternly.

In front of him stood Cialo and Rojë. They matched in black suits and designer shades, with absolutely no visible emotion whatsoever.

These two staffed the island, maintaining the forest, lab and mansion. After all, Ryan was still royalty, and he also couldn't look after everything himself.

They were also background checked, combat trained 6-Star Knights, handpicked by Hikari to be Ryan's personal bodyguards. Their roles were to protect the Prince from any and all threats, so it came to Hikari's surprise that they hadn't shown up sooner.

"There were a few Yakuza trying to get in from the other side of the island." Rojë answered, unwavering in her stance in front of her superior. "We handled it while you all were preoccupied."

"Okay. Next tim-"

"Relax, Hikari." Xero interrupted. He jumped off of the balcony and landed beside Hikari, placing his hand on his shoulder. "We had it under control."

Hikari yielded.

"Fine. Cialo. Rojë. Please clean up the damage then see to the Island's defence systems. I'll be here at the mansion."

"Yes sir."

As the bodyguards went their way, the Prince put his arms around Hikari and Xero's shoulders.

"Okay, so NOW we should get you guys settled in :3"

Xero gave him a "get your hands off me look."

Ryan didn't budge.

"I've got Call of Judy 3 and spare controllers..."





Xero hurried into the Inn-u.

Ryan had a way with people.

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