
23 To Brief

"As per the Empress' brief overview, Vanguard's mission is broad and varied. By exploring beyond the Zephyrian borders, we're aiming to: (1) Discover new sOr and procure mOre (2) Encounter potential civilisations, learning about their culture and sOr manipulation (3) Create and expand Zephyrian influence, developing political relations (4) Eliminate any potential threats to our kingdom."

Gale's eyes sharpened.

"Why do I have a feeling that the fourth goal is secretly the most important? "

Xero nodded in agreement.

"It sure does feel that way, especially given that we're all the highest ranking and most powerful knights."

Amber scoffed at the sentiment.

"You sure think highly of yourself .-."

"It's true though.."

"Our other goals are important too. While Ryan is responsible for the sOr technology side of things, he will be left out of the political agenda. The Empress requests his position as prince will remain hidden. Us 7-Star Knights possess the same political powers as the royal family, so we will represent Zephyria as official ambassadors."

Hikari sighed.

"Xero is right though. We are indeed the strongest knights of the realm, so us forming an official faction does mean that we're also essentially Zephyria's premier military force."

"Well at least there's transparency." Gale remarked, before relaxing into Tedi. "Meh, I don't mind."

"Yes, I don't mind either." Yami agreed.

Hikari sighed. Again.

"I hate to butter you all up, but I must emphasise that we really are the only ones capable of this, which is why the Empress chose us, and only us. The kingdom's last attempt at an excursion went horribly wrong."

"Yea... I heard about that.." Aloe said, scractched her chin. "What happened?"

"I think it's best if Ryan explained that."

Hikari ushered the prince to join him at the front, and once he did his previous playfulness was replaced with solemnity.

"As you know, my sister succeeded the Emperor 10 years ago when my father passed away. Official reports were that he and my mother died from a blimp crash, but only the royal family knew that this wasn't the case."

Everyone showcased mild shock, particularly Gale. "So what happened to them?"

"Well, they secretly spearheaded an excursion team "Forefront" to fulfill the same goals that we now are setting out to achieve. But unlike us, their team was filled solely of a few politicians and scientists. They weren't prepared for the unknown dangers out there and.. noone returned. They were assumed dead after a week."

"But how do we know that they were?! Surel-"

"I'm sure. It was pretty obvious from their one and only transmission."

Ryan played a short audio clip of his father on the screen.

"tIt's crazy down here, we're all getting slaughtered! This was a mistake, we were so unprepared! Please send reinfo-"


"We have no additional info, but.. we assumed they didn't make it far."

As Ryan slowly lowered his head to hide his face. Elektra watched as a tear slowly fell to his feet.

"Before my parents left, they entrusted me and my older sister their sOr and technology. Ever since then we made it our life mission to not only continue his technological revolution but also fulfill their goals to explore the outside world."

He wiped his face then faced his team boldly.

"And now's the time where we can. With you guys."

"We can only do it if we are prepared." said Hikari. "Yesterday was convenient for us to battle along side eachother, but that was only the beginning."

He looked at each of them in the eyes, recognising both power and potential.

"You are all fully capable individually. Each of you have proven that, having earnt the ranks that you proudly represent today. But we must develop synergy as a team to be ready for absolutely anything. We must understand eachother's strengths and weaknesses, and learn to both compensate for and elevate each other."

"We leave in a week." Ryan's smile had returned. "Until then, we'll use this time to train together c:"

"Indeed. First thing's first: Ability Assessment."

"Ooooh what's that?????" Elektra was on board already.

"In order for myself and Ryan to create the most efficient training schedule, we must know exactly what you are capable of. Today we'll go through a series of basic physical and mental competency tests to gauge everyone's strengths and weaknesses and build up profiles for each of us."

"Yup. I'll evaluate the results, compare them against the Zephyrian standards and assign numerical values to each of your stats :3 Hikari will then use this to create a training programme for all of us."

"Us? So you'll be joining the combat side of things?" Yami was concerned, for Ryan's previous experience with the physical went horribly wrong.

Ryan stood straight and let out a deep breathe. "Yup. I won't let you guys down. :)"

Yami wasn't convinced, nor was Aloe.

"I'm gonna have to revive his dead body at the end of the day, aren't I?" Aloe thought to herself.

At the end of the day, the results were.. rather surprising.

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