
4 To Tire

"Hi Sir, what would you like to order" the cashier asked, staring straight at the young man with next to no enthusiasm.

The young man looked towards Elektra, who knew exactly what to order. She had changed into the young man's extra hoodie and shorts, something more casual and not at all alerting of her rank or status.

"Honey Peach Royal Tea, Extra Large, No Ice, 100% Sugar, Lychee Popping" she recited.

As the cashier took her order, 10 miles away another woman stood in front of the machine inputting the options for her own beverage, with as much dead energy as the cashier.


White Mocha.

2 Sugars.

Extra Caffeine.

She watched with heavy eyes as the machine processed her order. Aloe wasn't a negative person in the slightest, she just had an incredibly long day. Her field of work made it so that an "incredibly long day" would mean much much more tiresome than most, even for 7-star Knights.

"This is taking forever." she said in a soft tone.

When her coffee was eventually completed, she took it to a table and sunk into one of the surrounding chairs. The cafeteria was completely empty and silent, so she felt comfortable in her own posture. She turned her gaze slowly to the clock on the opposite end of the room.

It just hit midnight. Finally. Her shift was finally over.

So she thought. As she slowly picked up her drink to take a first sip, a worrisome male voice invaded the room.

"Dr Aloe, you're needed!", a the doctor shouted as he burst into the room. He hurried towards her, her expression unchanging.

She paused for a second, then her coffee in her hand slowly continued for her mouth. "What is it, Gin?"

"Two people were severely injured during a PF chase! We need you to come up ASAP."

"Can't you deal with it yourselves?" she said, as the coffee continued it's trajectory towards her mouth, as if she didn't acknowledge him at all.

"No officers were majorly harmed, however the two thieves being chased sustained heavy injuries that only you can handle at this time."

"Oh? So an officer was responsible? Rank and Division?"

She had finally taken her first sip of the coffee she had longed for.

"Chief, ma'am." he replied nervously. "Electra had sliced their getaway vehicle in half, the impact as they landed causing minor wounds all over their limbs, but more importantly, paralysis."

She paused for three seconds before abruptly spitting out her coffee. Her eyes widened.

"She did WHAT?!"

Before the coffee had reached the male doctor's coat, two orbs that were sitting on her table had speedily levitated upwards. The light blue orb shot out a small amount of ice, freezing the coffee in the air, and the red orb shot out a flame to disintegrate the newly frozen structure into nothingness. All of this happened in one swift motion. (they were powered by Super-Rare sOr [Frost] and [Blaze] respectively).

"Which ward?" she said, having slumped back to her originally tired posture.

"Avant, ma'am."

"Box." she commanded, as what seemed to be a large medical kit floated beside her, in which the orbs entered via a slot on the side. She slowly stood up to then took a seat on it's surface, and floated out of the room. She took a left into the main atrium, then ascended to the 32nd floor towards the Avant Ward.

Though her time at CMC (Central Medical Centre) was rather tame compared to her placements, it was still very tiresome. Being so skilled and potent came with incredibly large expectations, expectations that she fulfilled but regretted the fatigue it came with. This were not to soon change at all, as today she was appointed as Support for Vanguard.

Once she reached the Avant Ward, she dismounted the box, which remained floating besides her. The two injured thieves were right in front of her, lying hopelessly yet furiously in their beds.

"Scan." she commanded, to which a yellow orb popped out of her box and scanned the two.

"Diagnosis." she commanded again.

"Minor abrasions on both patients' limbs. Severe rips in both spinal chords. They're conscious and suffer no brain injuries." the orb (powered by Super-Rare sOr [Sight]) said in a friendly male voice.


She looked at both of them, still tired. Typically she'd obviously feel a sense of compassion, but she knew that if Elektra were to let this happen, it was probably just. That said, this was all too bothersome, and she was on the verge of falling asleep.

"You deserved this didn't you? She would've spared you if you didn't."

They looked at eachother, then back at her, enraged but unable to move.

"Meh. I'll treat you anyway, but you're going to rot in prison after we're done."

Her facial expression remained unchanged.

"Gel. Spark. Blade." she commanded.

As she stood there arms crossed, eyes droopy, as three more orbs appeared out of the box. The light grey orb (powered by Super-Rare sOr [Gel]) floated towards the man on the left and injected a gooey substance into his wounds, before repeating the same process for other. The gooey substance immediately hardened to a clay-like consistency. The light purple orb (powered by Super-Rare sOr [Spark]) then shot a jolt of electricity into each of them, instantly flipping them over so that their backs were exposed.

The two grunts shared both a sense of fear and confusion, yet could not move to express that.

The dark grey orb then (powered by Super-Rare sOr [Blade]) opened up, and a small knife from it's hatch, and made a singular cut into each of their backs. The Gel Orb again injected its' substance to fill the wound, re-attaching the ripped spinal cords. The Spark Orb sent an additional charge around their bodies, not only flipping them over but reigniting their senses and ability to move. All four orbs then swiftly retreated back into the box.

The two fool-proof-fools were, miraculously, instantly healed. Her power came not from a singular Ultra-Rare sOr (which was the norm for 6 and 7-Star Knights) but from a myriad of Super-Rare sOr, all being utilised by the orbs stored in her medical kit. She had full control and mastery over these orbs, as demonstrated.

The fools, now gaining full control of their bodies, saw this as a cheap opportunity to attack the Doctor and escape. While thankful for the treatment, they were not intent on going to prison (however any would argue that immediately attacking any nurse (let alone Zephyria's Warden) was a prison-sentence waiting to happen). Fools be fools I guess.

They both suddenly jumped out of their beds and rushed towards Aloe, who was both unimpressed and unenthused. They both leaped at her with vigour, but she did not flinch.

"Screen" she said monotonously.

An orange orb (powered by Super-Rare sOr [Screen]) was immediately summoned, forming a force field around Aloe. The fools collided with the forcefield and were sent crashing back into their beds.

"What a drag." she thought.


They immediately knocked out (though sustaining no further injuries) due to the collision.

Funnily enough, Aloe had also become unconscious. At the sheer mention of "sleep" itself, she gave in to the fatigue. Before she could hit the ground the box caught her and carried away, back to the atrium and up to the 100th floor, where her private chambers were located. The box activated her automatic door, entered her bedroom and laid her down onto her bed. It then tucked itself underneath it and depowered. It was not off, however, but on standby mode (you know, in case of the random bad guy).

Gin had just reached the ward when they attacked (he had taken the stairs for no apparent reason), so he only caught the last part of the encounter. He felt powerless that he was not up for the task, but he was impressed with what he saw.

"She fell asleep in battle." he said to himself. "What a badass."

To have fully healed and effortlessly apprehending these thieves while on the verge of slumber made that an understatement. Aloe exerted precisely 0.001% of her effort during that enounter. She was THE badass.

As his shift came to an end and him feeling moderately embarassed at his lack of action, he finished up by adding restraints to the unconscious thieves, then exited the CMC, determined.

Aloe's coffee remained unfinished on the table.

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