but then…

The shadow of Borley’s eyes flashed by, he shrugged and said with a good temper: "I originally wanted to share the good news, but it seems that you are not willing to listen, or you are still Don’t believe me? But it’s okay, you will believe me when my hair color changes."

When the words were over, Bo Lei shook his head disappointedly, then turned away sadly.

After he left, Pei Zhi, who had been holding back, couldn't sit still. He bounced off the sofa and stepped on a pair of slippers to find his thirteen brothers.

Well, David must not be disturbed, after all, research is very important, and, because of the confession before, Pei Zhi has been inexplicably afraid of David until now.

Therefore, it is more convenient to own thirteen brothers.


Before he ran out, he was quickly caught by Freya's eyes and hands.

"I'll find Brother Thirteen, and I'll be back when I go."

"Don't go." Freya shook his head, "I can't believe what Borre said."

"I don't believe it, I just want to ask."

"Don't ask."

Pei Zhi was upset when he heard this, and emphasized: "I said, I'm going to ask my thirteenth brother! Freya, what do you mean? My thirteenth brother is not an outsider."

Freya naturally knew that the reason why Pei Zhi was so anxious to ask a clear question was actually because of him, just.

"No need." Freya shook his head firmly again, and before Pei Zhi turned his face, he turned to the second floor with a dark face.

This attitude?

What kind of dog attitude is this female?

Pei Zhi was already in a stomach of anger, and he jumped up, even with the grievances from the bottom of his heart, his eyes were directly red, and after several swear words, he finally slammed the door and went out.

If I don’t look for Brother Thirteen, I won’t look for it. I will take care of you, a short winter melon.

Go to hell!

Pei Zhi cursed fiercely in his heart, but the pace of going out was still honestly in one direction.


Seeing the courtyard house under construction there, Pei Zhi paused slowly again.

"His Royal Highness?" A military lady in charge of building a house discovered Pei Zhi and respectfully said, "His Royal Highness, are you... looking for a major general?"

Pei Zhi originally wanted to nod his head, but when something happened, he didn't know how, but shook his head.

"Then, that... Your Highness is here to supervise the work?"

"...I just watched it." Pei Zhigang spit out a reason he didn't believe, then paused suddenly, and said embarrassedly, "Well, do you have any fun stand-alone game introductions? Come on? I'm a little tired of playing those little games recently."

When the military woman heard this, she suddenly realized that she immediately turned on the light brain and recommended the latest stand-alone mobile game.

It has been more than a year since Pei Zhi came to the Dark Planet, but because of the special nature of the optical brain chip, although he can't contact the outside world, he can still provide him with some simple games and browse the novels he has downloaded...

Similarly, you can also play some games.

However, the game consumes power, and although the power of the chip is said to be usable for five years, Pei Zhi is not very relieved, so he hesitated, or rejected the light brain mobile game, just found an excuse and turned around and left.

The military woman felt that today's Twenty-eight Empress Women was a bit weird, and out of caution, after seeing Pei Zichen, she immediately reported the matter.

Pei Zichen was in a good mood of being moisturized. Although he was a little tired, who made Pei Zhi a stupid, he was fooled into the dark planet by Freya with a little bit of food at the beginning, but how long later, he was directly deceived and deceived.

I feel a little worried about it.

As a result, the uneasy Pei Zichen glanced around and took a rest for the whole night. After guessing that he would start to indulge in research again, he simply went out and wandered around.

Pei Zichen was a little coincident, before he even approached, he heard the quarrel first, and then there was a "banging" sound.

Pei Zichen's heart was immediately awkward, and he was already a little bit lazy in his steps, for fear that Pei Zhi's stupidity would be directly bullied by Freya.

But it turns out that he thinks too much.

Because it was Freya who was being bullied.

Pei Zhizheng with one hand in his waist, holding a sea cucumber or something in his hand, he slammed Freya viciously.

As he smashed his teeth, he grinned his teeth and said, "Say or not? Do you want to say? Are you female or not?"

The corner of Pei Zichen's mouth twitched, and he looked at the "domestic violence" scene in front of him, hesitating to turn around and leave.

However, he changed his mind and felt that this was a bit wrong. After all, he still knew Pei Zhi’s temperament. He was a little stupid, but it was just because he was a little stupid that it was better than hell. According to normal days, Frye Ya should be able to coax the worms early.

And now?

Could it be that Freya did something to sorry Pei Zhi?

Thinking of this possibility, Pei Zichen immediately let out a light cough, and knocked on the door with his fingers.

Pei Zhi was originally angry with one Buddha and two Buddhas going to the sky. After holding back his grievance for dozens of hours, seeing his thirteen brothers, it was like a flood that opened the gate, and he cried "Wow".

Pei Zichen refused in his heart.

But Naihe's two legs were overused before, so they reacted half a beat slowly, so that Pei Zhi threw him straight.

The hot tears soaked Pei Zichen's chest instantly, and the corners of his mouth twitched. After all, he didn't directly throw away the stupid brother, but patted the other party's shoulder for comfort.

Freya, who had been silent, saw this, opened his mouth, closed it again, then hung his head and continued to say nothing.

Just as when Pei Zhi had just smashed it, the silence seemed to be a sculpture.

Damn, could it really be this guy who did something I'm sorry Pei Zhi?

Pei Zichen's turquoise eyes squinted slightly, and he glanced up and down at Freya a little unkindly, and said directly: "Regardless of the Zerg or the Dark Planet, the female partners are not in harmony, what do you think?"

Freya raised his head swiftly, as if to speak, but Pei Zhi jumped up first, dissatisfied: "Why? I don't! Thirteenth brother, my special woman...I...I didn't do anything. What do you say? Why? Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu..."

"Shut up, you!" Pei Zichen wished to seal his stupid brother's mouth to death immediately.


It's a pity that Pei Zhi can't get the meaning of his thirteen brothers in his early years, just staring at Freya, stalking his neck, like a bald hair that has obviously lost, but he still thinks with high morale. The little **** desperate to the end.

It's even more stupid!

Pei Zichen couldn't bear to look straight away and looked back at Freya. He could see that this guy seemed to be eaten to death by his stupid brother. In fact, it was the other way around.


damn thing!

With faint turquoise eyes, Pei Zichen suddenly stepped forward, and before Pei Zhi didn't even react, he straightened his palm into a knife and stunned the opponent directly.

Then, with one hand, he dragged Pei Zhi around and left.

"Wait! Wait!" Freya finally said in a panic, "You...Brother Thirteen."

"Something?" Pei Zichen looked at Freya who was blocking his way, and said with a blank expression, "We, Pei Jia Cong, even if we are stupid, we can't be bullied."

"I, I didn't bully him, I..."

"Oh, that's our surname Pei. Even if we are an idiot, we can't be wronged."

Freya's complexion changed a little, but after all he did not dare to let Pei Zichen leave with Pei Zhi like this. He even had a hunch that if he left like this, if he left...

Possibly, maybe my partner will be gone.


But what should I say?

How should I put it...

With the confrontation between Freya and Pei Zichen, Bo Lei got the latest news. He touched his chin, looked at the subordinates who had recruited them again, and chuckled: "You guess Freya will How to choose?"

Do you choose to confess what was once unbearable and tear the so-called wound again, or continue to pretend that nothing exists and pretend to be deaf and dumb?

The subordinate worms looked at each other, because they were all young worms and didn't know something about that year, so they couldn't understand the maliciousness hidden in Borei's words, and they mistakenly thought that the so-called choice meant helping to find the way.

Ever since, a subordinate worm said: "In fact, we just want to get the most accurate news through Her Royal Highness. Isn't it any harm to Her Royal Highness?"

"That is, the height of His Royal Highness Flya... well, if there is a chance to be taller, that would be a good thing."

"His Royal Highness Freya..."

"His Royal Highness Freya..."


The smile on Bo Lei's face and the satisfaction in his eyes, because these subordinate insects said the words of His Royal Highness Freya on the left and His Royal Highness Freya on the right.

It's a pity that none of these young subordinates were able to notice, until one of his henchmen finally coughed and found an excuse to send these guys away.

In the quiet cave, there was originally a faint glow of fireflies, but it was quickly swallowed by darkness.

The deep black air current did not know where it came from, but swiftly flooded the entire cave and plunged into the body of his confidant.

Fortunately, when it was about to immerse into the opponent's heart, the black air flow suddenly stopped, and finally faded slowly.

Once again, he escaped from the dead, his confidant said that he was not lucky, but: "Master, why do you have to choose Freya? The others can also be used as pathfinders."

The few here refer to the females of the mother Emperor Capello who also lost in the competition for the throne.

"Moreover, compared to Freya, we are more sure of using the others."

It's more certain, but in fact it is just that those worms have been arranged with their worms a long time ago, and they only need to be guided a little to make those guys charge into the battle.

The author has something to say: at the end, a bit slow...

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