Zero no ambassador: my harem

Zero Demon Envoy's My Harem Chapter 102.

However, on the way, one mercenary with the Grunts' mercenary money converged into the army, and one Grunts' elite soldier broke away from the ranks. By the time they converged on the nearest port, except for a thousand demon-armoured elite four thousand soldiers, the remaining fifteen thousand were just mercenaries in cloth armour with crude weapons. On weekdays they stayed in tents, and on the third day after the council's resolution, they boarded 20 floating ships together under the cover of 5,000 Grunts and flew towards Goliath.

Grunt left 10,000 soldiers who remained in the mines, and 15,000 replacements, hidden in various cities and villages.

And the envelope from Horton first reached Louise, and then passed through Louise to Anrietta.

Albion's 100,000 troops attacked by way of Goliath, making early preparations; Willus, Hao Tian, and the Glent family would launch the Albion Civil War to cooperate.

Hold Albion 100,000 expeditionary force; mobilize 5,000 elite soldiers including 1,000 possessed armor elite fifty academy wizards and Hao Tian's guest former Albion expeditionary force commander Gandalf Merlin, by La Rochelle by floating ship to arrive near the port city of the House of Glent group, to be picked up by the House of Glent.

After convening Osman, Duke Valliere, and Marshal Grammont to confer, Anrietta decided that this was a good opportunity to end the war with Albion. It was decided to cooperate with the actions of Horton and Wyrus. So Grammont's 1,000 possessed armor guards plus 4,000 troops, Gandalf Merlin in a floating ship to La Rochelle; Anrietta signed an order ordering Grammont to lead all the troops on the southeastern border, with the right to recruit local noble soldiers, and can kill nobles under the count who disobeyed the order; Grammont himself fast forwarded to the southeastern border, recruiting troops, scheduling operations, and preparing for the upcoming new round of war! .

Chapter 13 - The Army Overwhelms

Albion's army of 100,000 men in a hundred floating ships sailed out from every port in a vast manner, the movement couldn't be covered, and spies from every country got the news. But Albion hadn't struck Torristine's port, did they want to force a landing? Romania, Kelmania Confusion.

Torristine was informed first, and Chen's troops are on the border of Torristine in Goria, and are waiting for them.

The port city of Goria [Hirutni] ceased operations yesterday, all commercial civilian traffic on floating ships was suspended, the idle people cleared away, and troops were sent to garrison the city. Then this afternoon, a vast floating airship carrying an army of 100,000 men appeared from the clouds in the distance.

The port staff went back and forth, clearing out the landing area. The deep-water harbor outside the city of [Hirutni] was the natural landing site, and Albion's floating ships descended from the sky, slowing down and then crashing to the surface, splashing, the water absorbing most of the impact. Pulled by ropes thrown from the harbor, the floating ships were pulled closer to the dock, and the Albion troops aboard the floating ships disembarked one after another.

With a hundred ships, it took half a day just to pick up and assemble the 100,000 troops. According to the allied armies of the five great families and other nobles, the 100,000 troops were distributed in the six sections of [Hirutni].

After the commanders of the six sections of the army got together and conferred, they rested tonight and marched their armies to the border of Goliath and Torristine tomorrow. Each of the six commanders returned to the area where the army was stationed, and the commander of the House of Grunt quietly released a carrier pigeon to inform Marshal Gramont, the commander of the Torristine garrison, of the army's movements.

After receiving the news, Gramont told the army to relax and rest tonight and prepare for tomorrow's battle.

If he could lead the army to attack [Hirutni], he would definitely be able to inflict huge casualties on the enemy. However, that was Goliath's land, and Torristine's strength would never dare to offend the continent's one of the most powerful countries. Gramont had regret in his heart, as well as anger and resentment against Goliath for leasing the port and letting Albion's army borrow it. If it wasn't for Goliath's meddling, the war between Torristine and Albion might have stopped.

The Albion army landed the next day, and after breakfast, at about 9 a.m., the Albion army marched. Each army left about five hundred men to guard the harbor, and the rest of the army set out as far as they could, marching northwest to approach Torristine.

The Albion army stopped for lunch in the field at noon and arrived at the border around 3:00 pm.

Golia was so powerful that it didn't have to defend itself against Torristine, and there were no cities on the border for defense; Torristine, on the other hand, was very jealous of Golia as a great power, and built three cities for defense along this border. From the northwest to the southeast, they were [Toni] [Toth] [Toli]. Gramont mobilized all the local and noble armies in the southeast region of Torristine to put together 50,000 troops, including 20,000 troops directly under Gramont. Gramont stationed 30,000 troops in [Toth] and 10,000 troops each in [Toni] [Tory], and would come to the rescue from [Toth] if the main force attacked on either side.

At the border, the six parts of Albion's army command got together to discuss how they were going to attack Torristine.

"We have 100,000 troops, Torristine must not have thought we could attack through Goliath. We can't attack by surprise, we'll focus all our forces on the next city and then we can export our army to the hinterlands of Torristine." Haus commanded.

"There are three cities on this border, and our military strength is superior, so we might as well divide our forces into three and take one city each. After that, we'll march in long and hard, and whoever takes the city and village will be the one who gets the city." This was the opinion of the small noble allied army command.

Commanding Haus frowned and looked to Grant and McGann again.

"What is your opinion?"

Grant commanded, "I also think it's better to divide the troops, or else who's going to count what we shoot down? If our army and the McGann family join forces, we'll attack [Tony]."

Commander Grunt looked to Commander McGann, "What do you think?"

McGann commanded a nod, "Well, I guess that's okay."

"You guys, you guys. What about you guys?" Haus commanded and looked at Mani and Pace command.

Mani and Pace each had only five thousand troops, if they fought as one combined army, how could they fight for the spoils of war with the thirty thousand, twenty thousand Hausgrünter McGann? So the two commanders said, "We are also in favor of dividing our forces."

The Haus commander pressed down his anger and coldly said, "Fine, then I, the Haus family, will attack [Tot] alone, do you have a problem with that?"

Mani, Pace, and the minor noble commanders looked at each other and said, "Then let's combine our forces and attack [Tori]." This way the two families were at a disadvantage with a troop strength of 10,000, while the allied forces of the minor nobles were more equitable with their many troops but mixed affiliations.

Several commanders dispersed, leading their armies to each of the three cities. Grant, McGann family each 20,000 towards [Tony]; House family 30,000 troops to the west to [Tony]; Mani, Pace 5,000 each and small noble alliance army 20,000 towards [Tory].

The allied army of the Grant and Magan families moved out for half a day and arrived outside [Tawny] in the evening. The defenders of the city of 10,000 as if facing the enemy, tightly closed the gates of the city, bow and arrows, flying pigeons, ready to die and inform the situation to the city of [Tawny] Grammont.

After observing the situation for a while, he found that the defenders were no more than about 10,000 men and wanted to attack the city.

Commander Gramont dissuaded him: "We have been marching all day and our soldiers are tired. We will rest for today and attack the city tomorrow."

Commanding Magan thought about it and agreed with his companion.

So 40,000 troops were stationed outside of 【Toni】 City, and 3,000 soldiers kept a night vigil to be on the lookout for possible night attacks from the 【Toni】 City garrison.

The defenders of [Tony] City only had 10,000 troops, so how could they dare to take the initiative to attack? It was a blessing that the enemy army didn't attack the city.

On the other hand, the Haus family was stationed in the field at night and was still half a day's march away from [Tori] city.

On the other hand, the 30,000 Albion troops belonging to a different army were still more than a day's march away from [Tory] City.

Marshal Gramont received two letters from the city of [Tot], one was a plea for help from the city of [Toni], stating that it was powerless to stop the enemy army in the face of 30,000 to 50,000, and the other was a letter commanded by Gramont, informing Gramont of the division of forces and stating that it would delay the progress of the siege and would not allow the McGann family to defeat the city of [Toni], allowing Marshal Gramont to focus on holding back the other two enemy forces.

Gramont, knowing the situation of the enemy army, gave it some thought and decided not to reinforce [Tony] [Tory] and to focus on defeating the Haus family's 30,000 enemy troops first.

As for the [Tony] city on the trust of Grant command, so the book was sent back to [Tony] let the command of the defenders to pay attention to save troops, indicating that Grant command is our side of the people, he and Grant command with a good fight "fake war".

But once the wind was blowing or the stalemate was over and the casualties were large, the forces would try to save themselves and reduce the casualties. Grammont also sent a letter to the defenders of [Tory] City, informing them that 30,000 enemy troops would arrive in a day's time, and that they would have to beat the enemy at all costs in the first round of battle.

Then, come on, Haus family's enemy army. Gramont went to bed full of anticipation.

chapter xiv. the duel on the plains

The next day, the Glent and Magan families began their attack on [Tony] City.

Grant commanded that if the two armies went on together, it was bound to be unclear in command and instead dragged on, so let the Grant family go first. The McGann family didn't need to oppose their companions over such a trivial matter, and agreed.

So in the case of the Glent command and [Tony] City's defending generals began to cooperate, the attacking side sent those mercenaries up, looking hooting and hollering very lively, but in fact, those mercenaries were all out of work, not daring to fight hard with the defenders at all. On the front side, Grant commanded to send his family's army, shield soldiers to cover, siege soldiers to blast the gate, long-sword soldiers and spear soldiers to throw ropes and climb up. The defenders commanded to pour oil along the wall and light it with torches, and the archers mounted on the wall fired a series of shots at the attacking troops. But in fact, the attacking side was slow, and the ropes were not quickly climbed up, but were cut off by the defenders; the defending side had poor accuracy, and nine out of ten arrows missed the archers, and those who were hit were only arms and legs. The first time I was in the room was when I was in the room with my wife and son.

The [Tony] side of the game, the [Todd] side will usher in a life and death showdown.

The Houses pulled out their battalion at nine o'clock during the day and reached the plains outside [Tot] at two o'clock in the afternoon.

To the Haus' surprise, Torristine's army was already waiting outside the city in a square formation. At a glance, Torristine's men and horses were also around 30,000, and the army was not bad and powerful. The middle 10,000 or so were wearing earthy armor, and should be the direct subordinates of Marshal Grammont of Torristine.

The Haus family was disturbed, Torristine actually had so many troops in [Tot] city.

Gramont saw the smoke and dust from afar and knew it was the enemy approaching. He drew his sword: "Men, the enemy is attacking. They have just arrived on the march and must be exhausted, all of you, at my command, charge with me. Kill!!!"

The troops directly in the rear drew their swords to the sky together and shouted, "Kill!!!"

The sound was so great that it thundered from the flat ground. It frightened the Haus family soldiers in the distance.

The 20,000 men of the local noble army of Torristine were spurred on by the sound and raised their weapons as well, shouting for death.

With the army available, Gramont was slightly pleased inside and chanted aloud.

"Glendor Ez Ez Ez Ez Hammer." [Golden Puppet]

The Gramont family had been practicing earth magic for generations, but it wasn't the same as the mainstream practice, but specialized in the line of metal puppets that had been perfected over generations. The first grade [Bronze Puppet] used a long spear and was hollow, afraid of beheading; the second grade [Black Iron Puppet] used a machete and was solid, powerful and afraid of magical attacks; the third grade [Silver Puppet] used a long sword and was flexible, not afraid of swords and fireballs, and could deal with hundreds of heavily armed soldiers with one puppet; and the fourth grade [Gold Puppet] used no weapons, was hollow and had its armor attached to the spell-casting armor; the third grade [Silver Puppet] used a long sword and was flexible, not afraid of swords and fireballs. On the wearer, no magic below the third rank could injure the golden puppet, the wearer could exert the power of a hundred men and rampage through the army, and as long as it stood on the earth, the golden puppet would continuously absorb power and transfer it to the wielder, and could theoretically keep on fighting.

The golden light rose up, drawing both the enemy and the enemy's attention away, and the bright golden armor covered Marshal Gramont a little bit, revealing a pair of berserk eyes. Raising his longsword high, Gramont rushed towards the enemy troops in the distance, "Follow me!!!"

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