At this moment, the star has landed in the middle of the skeleton monsters in the hole.

The dazzling light bloomed, and the deafening sound resounded through the world, instantly engulfing all the skeletons, buildings, and the earth around...

The surging rock elements swallowed everything around like a storm.

Wait until the light disappears.

Su Li still maintains his original posture, holding his hands in front of his chest, admiring the newly born masterpiece like admiring a piece of art.

In front of him is the huge pit created by the falling star.

The skeleton monster in the center of the pit is the most unfortunate. The moment it was hit by the star, it turned into ashes, without even a trace of residue left.

Those skeleton monsters that are farther away did not escape either. The moment they were engulfed by the surging rock element storm, they had already turned into lifeless stone statues.

"It's still the rock element that makes people feel at ease."

As soon as the voice fell.

Su Li summoned the rainbow spear, handed a shot to the ground under his feet, and instantly detonated the remaining rock elements around.

A muffled thud.

Those stone statues transformed from skeletons had cracks on them, and the cracks became larger and larger under the influence of the rock element.

Boom boom boom boom... the sound of explosions continued.

The stone statues exploded one after another, turning into a pile of lifeless rubble.

Too fast.

The battle had just begun, and a group of skeleton monsters were wiped out.

Looking at the results in front of him.

Su Li had long expected such a result, but when he saw the power of the falling star with his own eyes, he couldn't help but marvel at the powerful power of the star.

Killing hundreds of skeletons at once.

Even if these were the most common skeleton monsters, it was shocking enough.

At the same time.

In Su Li's mind, the system's voices rang one after another:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully killed a low-level skeleton individual x1, and rewarded system points x10——]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully killed a low-level Yishi individual X1, reward system points X10——】

[Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully killed a mid-level Yishi individual X1, reward system points X100——】

[Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully killed a mid-level Yishi individual X1, reward system points X100——】

Kill information and rewards kept ringing.

The system points on the character panel were also refreshed quickly.

[Host]: Su Li

[System]: The strongest role-playing system

[System points]: 11950

[Current world]: Absolute Zone Zero World

[Current role-playing character]: Rock God - Morax (Zhongli)

[Current role-playing progress]: 10%

[Ability]: Gunmanship - Rock Rain

[Weapon]: Piercing Rainbow Spear

[Item]: None

[Mall]: Seven-day Statue, Jade Pavilion, Ruotu Dragon King Individual (Bomb), Dust Song Pot...


The reward for killing Yi Hai has just been settled.

Su Li glanced at the system points and saw that they increased by tens of thousands at one time.

He took another look at the system mall and found that many good things were open for exchange, including the Seven-day Statue, Jade Pavilion, Tianxing Experience Card, and even Ruotu Dragon King...

Before Su Li could check more.

The system prompt sounded again in his mind:

[System prompt: There are twelve minutes left before the end of the task (the task lasts one hour), please complete the task as soon as possible. 】

Now we know the location of the bird cage and have eliminated the monsters that are blocking it.

Twelve minutes is enough to complete the mission.

Look up and look forward.

Su Li put away the spear in his hand, walked around the edge of the huge pit that had just been blown up, and headed towards the mission target-the bird cage.


Su Li had just left.

A few minutes later.

Two more fully armed figures stepped into this block, they were Xing Jianya and Cang Jiao who had just entered the void.

Xing Jianya held a long sword in his hand and looked around in confusion.


After observing for a while, he did not find any trace of Yi Hai.

Xiao Cang Jiao followed Xing Jianya, carrying a giant blade and looking around: "I'm so hungry, I really want to find Yi Hai quickly, defeat them and go back to eat..."

Xing Jianya suddenly said: "Cang Jiao, have you finished observing the ether density data?"

Hearing this.

Cang Jiao then remembered to observe the ether density, and like a child who had made a mistake, he quickly put the giant blade on his shoulder aside.

"Ah? By the way, I'll observe now..."


The ether concentration data was observed.

Cang Jiao immediately reported: "This letter is... I remember, this letter is C, the ether density seems to be C-level..."

Xing Jianya stopped, with a slightly surprised expression on her face: "C-level?"

Take the simple observation instrument in Cang Jiao's hand, the data displayed on it is indeedC-level is correct.


Just before they entered the void, the observed ether density data was still B-level, and now the data has not increased but decreased.

For a newly born void, such data changes are unreasonable.

Cang Jiao reached out and hammered the instrument: "Is the instrument broken? Damn, the Public Security Bureau gave us broken equipment again."

Xing Jianya couldn't be sure: "Look further ahead."

The surroundings were unusually quiet. According to Xing Jianya's many years of experience, there was no sign of burial activities here.

Turning a corner.

When Xing Jianya and Cang Jiao saw the scene in front of them clearly, the two seemed to be frozen, and they all stood there in a daze.

This is...

A meteorite crater?

In front of the two, a huge crater spanned the street, swallowing up the buildings on both sides and blocking the way forward for the two.

There was still smoke around, and it seemed that the crater had just been formed.


Xing Jianya thought of the meteorite she saw outside the hole, and she couldn't help but feel curious. Was it really that strange meteorite that smashed it?

Where are the meteorite fragments?

Xing Jianya immediately looked at the crater, but found no trace of meteorite fragments.

Looking around, she found many piles of stone fragments, which were angular and still maintained the original crystal shape.

Looking around, there were hundreds of piles, almost covering the road.

Cang Jiao said in confusion: "What a strange stone, it seems to have the breath of Yi Hai on it..."

Xing Jianya's delicate eyebrows frowned slightly, and the expression on her face changed instantly: "It's the body of Yi Hai."

From the remaining breath on the stone, it can be judged that these are ordinary Yi Hai.


This hole was obviously just born, how could so many Yi Hai die here?


Under normal circumstances, when a Yi Hai dies, the body will break into pieces of crystal fragments, and eventually completely turn into energy and dissipate in the hole.

But now.

However, a pile of stones that looked like Yi Hai's body appeared in front of her, and through the shape of some stones, some of Yi Hai's characteristics before his death could even be seen.

Too weird.

Could it be that the meteorite really killed him?

Xing Jianya picked up a piece of stone fragment and seemed to have a new discovery: "No, how could this happen? Cang Jiao, give me the attribute detection instrument."

Cang Jiao immediately handed over a palm-sized instrument: "Is this it? Here you go..."

After a moment.

The test results came out.

Xing Jianya looked at the test results displayed on the screen, and her delicate face was full of astonishment: "Rock? Is there such an abnormal attribute state?"

Cang Jiao was even more confused: "It seems... I haven't heard of it either."


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