No. 11 seemed to have not heard Nicole's words, and continued to stare at Su Li, waiting for Su Li's answer.

After a moment.

Su Li shook his head and said, "I have no intention of violating the contract."

Seeing Su Li's answer so firmly.

Nicole was very happy.

She walked up to Su Li and patted Su Li on the shoulder: "You are worthy of being the person I have chosen, and you have a strong spirit of contract."

Su Li: "..."

No. 11 sighed: "It's a pity. If I can have a partner like you, it will definitely make people feel at ease."

Silence for a moment.

No. 11 continued: "If you regret it one day, you can always come to me. This is my mobile phone number."

Su Li shook his head: "I don't have a mobile phone."

It's been a month since I came to this world.

Every day he is either drinking coffee, walking his bird, or strolling on the street.

There is no need for a mobile phone.

Nor did he think about buying one.

No. 11 looked at Nicole in confusion: "Treatment in the Rabbit House?"

Nicole explained seriously: "I was too busy before and didn't have time to buy Su Li a mobile phone. I will buy him the latest model later."

Billy said excitedly: "Boss Nicole, I have used my mobile phone for three years. It's time to replace it with a new one."

Nicole kicked him: "Your mobile phone is not broken. It can be used for another two years."


Everyone walked out of the restaurant together.

Before parting.

No. 11 took out a headset from behind, which was the one that Ambi threw to her before.


No. 11 threw it back to Ambi: "Give it back to you, don't expect me to thank you, you know that's impossible."

Listening to No. 11's sharp words.

Ambi didn't seem to care and didn't say much.

Just picked up the headset silently and put it on his head again.


Turned around and left with Nicole and others.

Just walked out two steps.

No. 11's voice came from behind again: "Wait a minute... Why is there still that song in your headphones? You should have deleted it long ago."

Hearing No. 11's question.

Amby stopped, silent for a moment and said: "Because I know you will definitely delete it. If I delete it, the song will disappear."

No. 11 clenched his fists: "You-you'd better delete it. I hate it."


In order to help No. 11 master the trick of the knife, the two created this nursery rhyme together.

And now.

Only a few years have passed, but the two have become strangers.

Light Reflection Square.

Under the street lamp.

No. 11 stood there blankly.

Looking at Amby's figure walking away, she suddenly muttered to herself: "Stupid, how could I hate it? I didn't delete it. I kept it in the drawer."

Standing under the street lamp for a long time.

No. 11 loosened his clenched fist and smiled: "Thank you, Zero, you helped me again."

Looking at Ambi walking in the light in the distance.

No. 11 turned around resolutely and walked into the dark night in the opposite direction of Ambi.

Some people live under bright lights.

Some people live in the dark night.

No. 11 chose the latter.

Not because she likes darkness.

But because she has long realized that if there is no one silently guarding in the darkness, the other person cannot move forward freely in the light.

And No. 11.

chose to be the one who guards freedom in the darkness.


Ten minutes later.

On the other side of New Elido, Liufen Street.

After Ling, No. 11, Nicole and others parted ways, they received a message from their brother, so they immediately returned to Liufen Street.

At this moment.

Already walked to the door of the video store.

"Brother, brother, I'm back. I brought you dinner."

Ling walked into the video store while calling her brother.

As soon as she entered the operation room.

She saw her brother Zhe in front of the computer.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? I just called you several times."

"Huh? You're back... I've been repairing the video sent back by Ies, and it's almost done."

"Let fairy repair the video first, you eat first."


"Protest, fairy also needs to consume enough electricity, please pay the electricity bill quickly."



When Nicole and others returned to the city with No. 11, they sent Ies back as soon as possible and invited Ling and Zhe to the restaurant for dinner.

As a result, Ling went, and Zhe found an excuse to decline.

The purpose is to repair the video data in the hole.

To be precise, it is the video footage from the flight.The video of the sky falling to the ground was not very clear at the time, and Ling and Zhe wanted to watch it again.

A few minutes later.

With the help of fairy, it was finally repaired.

Start playing.

Ling and Zhe stared at the computer screen seriously.

In the video, they saw a stone pillar emerging from the ground, and saw Su Li lift the stone pillar and throw it into the sky.

"Brother, slow down here, I want to see how Su Li jumped up."

"Okay, fairy, turn on three times slow motion."


In the three times slow motion, only a shadow can be seen flashing by, and then Ies jumped onto the stone pillar.

"Fairy, turn on five times slow motion."

"Master, your eyesight may not be very good, it is recommended to turn on ten times slow motion directly."


"Fairy, turn on ten times slow motion."

Resisting the urge to smash fairy, Zhe turned on ten times slow motion, and they finally captured Su Li's movement trajectory in the video.

Su Li took a few meters in one step, grabbed Ies, and jumped up into the sky.

It was not as complicated as Ling and Zhe thought.

He used the most simple and unpretentious movements to complete this impossible feat.

"Brother, Su Li just caught up with the flying stone pillar. This is too fake."

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

They would never believe it was true.

Zhe looked solemn: "As the saying goes, strong bricks can fly. As long as there is enough strength, it is indeed possible to accomplish it."


Su Li is just a human.

Where does he get such great strength?

Ling said seriously: "Brother, do you remember what the teacher said?"

Zhe was puzzled: "Which sentence?"

Ling fell into memory: "Before the teacher disappeared, he said that the world is not so simple."

The two sat in front of the computer.

In ten times slow motion, they watched the video of Su Li flying into the sky over and over again.

Including the scene of landing later, just using a stone pillar, he almost killed a powerful evil spirit.

Finally, Ling and Zhe came to a conclusion.

Su Li is very strong, much stronger than they had imagined before.

And at the other side at this moment.

Nicole kept her word and took everyone to a mobile phone store that night to choose a new mobile phone for Su Li.

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