Zhan Long

Chapter 1018: Killing a hundred steps bow

When more than 200 people poured into the jungle, I didn't think too much. The thousand-winged wings entered the grass under the effect of the wings, and kept the stealth state in the broad-leaved grass, and slowly approached the group without retreating. This hunting is a chance for them to get a lot of merits and promotion, but for me it is a temper, and my JP equipment, whether it can take the first level of the army, look This time.

"Brushing brush..."

A meteor fire rises in the jungle. It is a night meteor skill released by a group of wizards. This skill can detect hidden players in a certain range. Players who want to fight in the world also know my skills well. I know that I can I was invisible in the grass, so I also judged that I might not have gone far.

Did not let them down, my eyes looked coldly at the other team, the number of the spirits in 300 people is actually not too much, no more than 70 people, the rest are archers, musketeers, riding battles, etc. Physical attack, and my basic defense is as high as 2.7W, and it is a seven-turn player. In a sense, I am not afraid of these physical attacks. Well, let these wizards reduce the number of players to half or less. They want to kill me is not that simple.


After formulating the strategy, he did not hesitate, quietly set up a green dragon in the grass around him, and then rushed out before the Qinglong Lianyi was discovered, and launched the assault effect. Inside, there is a meteor above it. It is the attack of the seven-star broken Yuelu. The "嘭" sounds in the crowd, and most of the spirits are broken. This group of people immediately after the attack The space folds away from the original position, like a group of bees on the flower, which is what I have expected.


The sole of the foot suddenly burst into a frosty wave and swept toward the surroundings. It was an ice-effect. Most of the wizards were frozen and their feet could not be moved within 3 seconds.

"kill him!"

A group of warrior players who fought in the world rushed over. I was very calm and looking for an angle. I directly flew the butterfly out. Six sorcerers on the trajectory instantly became corpses, while I was in the third line. Operation, pull out the town knife to come to the nearby spiritual master, and at the same time edit the trajectory of the sharp-edged spine, and more aware of the shooting of the green dragon and the scorpion, several consecutive arrows penetrate the crowd and the sorcerers will be in a string Kill, this time they realized that the real killer is this kind of equipment, so a group of riding warriors immediately rushed to destroy the green dragons, and more people rushed to me, especially the archers attack is very sharp!

In the twinkling of an eye, my chest seems to have become a hedgehog. The volley of a large group of archers will be so good, and the blood will drop to about 40%. What is even more terrifying is a group of swordsmen and mad warriors riding the battle system. Also rushed over, the battle quality of the players in the world is too high, the speed of reinforcements is astonishingly fast, a burst of swords, the swordsmanship, the battle axe projecting around, it is terrible!

I continued to be calm, and I continued to fly off the line to avoid more than 80% of the attacks. At the same time, the butterfly and the town knife were printed on the other side of the wizard.

Not far away, one of the 10 team leaders of the world, the "Hundred Steps Bow", which ranked 14th in the IBN Battle Network, opened the longbow, "嗖嗖" twice, if the thundering arrow falls on my back Take away my full blood more than 4W, while drinking low: "His helmet has a 100% chance of MISS dizziness, do not use the seven-star arrow, switch to the fastest attacking triple arrow and the widest range of The wind and arrow rain, consume and kill him!"

My heart is also amazed. This hundred-step bow is really a hole in my equipment skills, and the strategy is indeed very scientific and reasonable. The triple-arrow attack speed is very fast, the ballistic speed is fast, it is difficult to avoid, and the wind and arrow rain is a piece. Killing the attack, the attack power is average, but it is difficult to avoid. As a result of the attack of a group of archers, I can only eat it hard.

However, under my rapid pursuit, only 50 of the other 50 spirits are not afraid, but a group of melee players chasing behind them are somewhat powerless.


The blade cuts the chest of an archer and directly brings out 102,711 damage spikes, and it is not a fatal blow. My attack power is now close to the point of the runaway, and while killing the archer, I The 2W gas absorbed back was quickly destroyed, and the 7-second CD of Muyu was also cooled. In the distance, the Baibu bow opened the longbow again. My blood was less than 3W, which would be spiked. !

Do not do it, never stop!

Put your heart in a horizontal direction and directly launch the second-order skill of the Holy Spirit - the body of immortality!

A golden light descended from the sky and instantly entered an invincible state for 25 seconds. At this time, at least nearly a hundred riding warriors appeared around me, now! After a low-pitched voice, the ghost dance stunt was once again launched. After breaking through the thunder and stunts, the players around suddenly became bloody, and another storm was coming!

The tragic sounds, the surrounding riding system has already died, but the people who fought in the world really want to kill me, one by one, still rushing over, do not want me to get a chance to escape, even many Berserkers are direct Leaping from the sky and killing me, this will make me unable to fly to the sky, and then cull.

As the corner of the mouth rises, I will wait for them to get close!

The right hand holding the butterfly suddenly raised, and suddenly the thunder swayed above the blade. The air suddenly slammed, the thunder raged down, the storm raged, the ice blade danced, and the thundering nine-day skill broke out with me as the core. Continuous bombardment raging, suddenly hang a large group of people, I put a heart, the sword rushed out, went straight to the hundred-step bow, solve the team leader of the battle world!

Baibu bow also saw that I locked him as the target of attack, and immediately turned and went, and I quickly moved into the seven-star position with the blade, and raising the sword is a seven-star broken Yuelu!


The hundred-step bow judged the timing very accurately. When my attack fell, I launched Jinghua. In 1 second, I lost my seven-star broken Yuelu, but I raised my hand and the dragon stunt launched, and directly grabbed him. However, the response speed of the Baibu bow is too fast. The stunt is launched in the skating track of the dragon, and the whole body is covered under the protection of the golden shield. The 11 seconds invincible stunt!

I didn't have any thoughts. When I turned around, I broke the combo effect against an assassin behind me. I attacked him twice in 6 attacks. The boots slid forward and dragged the remaining 4 attacks. On the name of the rider, the player immediately absorbed nearly 10W of blood, but the surrounding archers and musketeers attacked too fiercely, and the Baibu bow continued to shoot far, and it hurts!


The body was bent, suddenly rushed to the sky, leaving a stream of swirling air in the jungle, while Mu Yu added a bit of blood to himself, NND, good risk, the moment of the invincible body disappeared, I actually Only 1W of qi and blood, joined the Baibu bow with the ultra-long-range skills of Lin Xiaowu's Meteor Arrow, and a pre-judgment of the arrow, I am about to fall.


The body stays in the air, fills a blood bottle, and the speed of returning blood from the rain is judged to be safe.

However, it was not as I intended. In the distance, a bird’s beep sounded. The next moment, a dozen black shadows came to me. It was a war eagle riding, but it was not a pure war eagle, but a war eagle equipped with a gun. Riding, 178-level NPC, strength, about the same as the 6-level alien magic, the ground also heard the roar of the fire lion centurion: "Warrior ride, kill, kill this bastard!"

It turns out that the air is not safe?

I smiled a little and put a butterfly sword on it. The blood has returned to about 70%. I don’t want to smash this group of people. The town’s knife rushed over and knocked on the horse. The eagle rider was torn into pieces, the sword was slashed and slashed, and the god-level skills took the wind to break out. Now I have been trained to 19th level by the wind, the cooling time is 5 minutes, and I can scream a fierce 15 swords. The prelude skills of the 19th-level god-level skills broke out in the air, and actually formed a shock wave form, just like the glow of the sun, while the 15 swords continued to send out a **** rain, and two eagle riders were killed in the air. In the air, the broken limbs fell off the volley, and a group of players on the ground who fought in the world must have been shocked.

Between minutes, 14 eagle riders were all killed.

I once again looked at the jungle on the ground. Suddenly, the hundred-step bow was pale, carrying a long bow and shouting: "No, we lack the power to suppress him. Everyone will retreat to the south with me!"

The remaining 100 players in the world together with the Baibu bow quickly retreated, and the Centurion of the Fire Lions looked blank and angered: "You are the timid adventurers, you join the Fire Lions Have you forgotten the courage vows of the time? Such a generation of rats is simply not worthy of joining the Fire Lions!"

I clasped the butterfly sword, hung in the air, and suddenly rushed down, aiming to lock the hundred-step bow, not killing this person, the next king hunting is always a threat to the Chinese theater, his attack The force will not even be much less than the Lin Xiao dance, plus the calm judgment and tactical awareness, the threat is not small.

This hundred-step bow has no invincible skills, and has been unable to avoid my slaying. He turned to look at the air behind him, his eyes stunned, and the leather boots sprinted on the plain, loudly: "Archer, slow him down! Our people It’s coming soon!”

A row of archers turned and stood and aimed at me to start shooting.

I didn't go to the tube, the butterfly had already gone, and Baibu bow rushed to avoid the trajectory of the sharp-edged spine. Just when he was on a broken line, I accurately predicted the lock, and one-handedly put a hundred-step bow. From the ground caught a few tens of meters of air, the town of Yue knife a horizontal, combo skills broke out, directly killed the team leader in the world.


At this time, the sound of the hoofs in the distance echoed, and the martial arts cavalry came to the world, at least 5,000 people!

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