Zhan Long

Chapter 1023: Do not kill Boren

The autumn wind rushed through the jungle, and the swaying of the leaves almost covered the hoofs of the distant horses.

A wind elf archer with pointed ears stood in the crowd and carried a long bow to guard everything around him. No place in the hunting ground was safe. He knew this. After a while, he was a little uncomfortable. The frowning, suddenly squatting on the ground, put his ear on the ground, and trembled and said: "Someone came, cavalry, at least 10,000 cavalry, the hooves are too dense!"

Another mad warrior knocked on his hips with an axe handle and said, "Don't listen, you have already seen it!"

"Ready to fight!"

The voice of a veteran player has been a little trembling. He is a swordsman of the undead race. The effect of the undead will is on his shoulders. The attack power is 15% and the blood is 1%. But this time he has no good mood. What, with fear on his face, said: "The riding system uses the Xuan Tian shield wall to block their wave of impact, and the firepower behind them. This group of people came too fast, and actually escaped our eagle riding. **** it!"

The archer reminded: "Three brothers, our eagle rider was shot and killed half an hour ago, and there is no scout radius."

"You don't have to be reminded!" The elders were a little angry and ruined: "Prepare to fight, don't say it again!"


The hoof roared, I raised my hand and pulled out the butterfly sword, and raised the speed of the sacred dragon horse to the limit, so that I could quickly cross their fire nets, and Lin Biaoer in the arms quickly launched the gods to fly, follow me. Rushing to the other side of the shield, a row of about 100 meters of the front line is the sword of the melting of the iron rider, not yet close, all throwing a long sword to launch the blade air spin skills!


Long swords, battle axes, iron spears, swords and other weapons penetrated each other's shields one by one, strangling into a piece, a second hero snorted, Zhang Feizhi's stunts launched, greatly improving the attack power of surrounding players, and I am a sudden attack, taking advantage of the wind to quickly break through the five-fold shield, penetrating the attack to kill dozens of people, set up a green dragon and even the dragonfly to enhance the attack, while waving the butterfly, the seven-star broken Yuelu killed in the crowd In the middle, for Li Mu, Wang Hao and others to clear the way, the next is the performance time of the melting iron ride.

There are fierce collisions everywhere. The heavy cavalry's assault is just like the steel machine of war. It is full of ruthlessness and killing, and the dragon's melting iron rider is the leader of the heavy cavalry, one by one. The blade slashes the crowd, and the stun effect brought by the galloping effect is even worse. Even the other guild of the guild has many chances to be stunned to death. This is a helplessness. The kind of grievances must have been stunned, but unfortunately, after the death, they will return to the city to resurrect, and they will not be able to enter the hunting map again. They also have no chance to spray.

Swept over and washed the 200-member team in front of the battle to damage the 200-hearted iron rider. This is the absolute strength of the crush.


Soon, the moon was shallow and once again said another coordinate: "Happy brother, the forest of stars (16322, 80477), another guild in the Indian theater is waiting for an ambush, they are hiding in a small valley in the jungle. It seems that people who want to ambush the tyrants, the total number is about 2.4W, are we going?"

"More than 20,000 people?"

I hesitated for a moment and looked at Lin Biaoer and said, "Hey, what do you think?"

Lin Biaoer bit his red lips. After a few seconds, he said, "Go, you can't let the tens of thousands of tyrants be ambushed, or Linhai City will be farther and farther away from us!"

Li Mu said: "Our number is only half of them, and you are also ruined by the iron man!"

I smiled and said: "Nothing, scouts keep the information connected, we are slowly moving, and when they cross the fierce battle, we will start again, so that we will not lose too much."

"Okay, I like this method!"


In the northwest direction, go slowly.

About 20 minutes later, the month received a message, and the tyrants received the warning from Xiaolong, and they had already launched an attack on the ambush in the valley in advance, and we were less than 3 minutes away from there. .


The blade is out of the sheath, I am pointing to the northwest, laughing: "When you move at full speed, follow me to the valley, the tyrants are only 8,000 people, certainly not the opponent of this 2.4W."

The sound of a whole piece of sword-drawing, the melting of the iron rider, the sword of the people, and went straight to the northwest.

In less than two minutes, when our speed increased to 100%, there was a scene of battle in the valley ahead. Sure enough, I can see the figure of Xi Chu Bawang Liu Ying, he is waving. The long sword fights with each other's riding warriors. With a JP equipment, there is a kind of "who is fighting for the king" posture. Unfortunately, under the firepower of the other party, the speed of the 8,000 people who are in the dominance is not ordinary. Fast.

"Cut the past!"

We launched the attack from the rear of the other side. How fast is the maneuver of the Fushen Iron Ride, swiftly rushing down the hillside, and the next moment has already slashed the blade in the crowd, while the other party temporarily The organization's shield defense is even more vulnerable. What's more important is that the average level of this guild will not exceed 164, and the average level of the dragon's melting iron is already 176. The overall level is disparity, attacking MISS. Also high, crushing the momentum of killing!

I took the butterfly and rushed to the forefront, and I didn’t have a thousand wings. It was so hard to cut, and the equipment that was obtained was not so good, and it was directly disarmed into a soldier. This kind of thing is more good.

At first, we saw that the number of our melting iron rides was only 1W. The people of this guild wanted to win the game with us. But after a charge, they changed their minds. It’s not the opponent’s decision. After the beginning of the rout, and then began to be chased by the melting of the iron ride, experienced nearly one hour of killing and resistance, the 2.4W people were slashed and killed, leaving less than 5,000 people to escape, we did not Chasing, did not dare to chase, for fear that the force scattered will fall into the trap of the opponent.


There was an eagle in the air. It was the figure of the eagle riding, but the name was red. It was a eagle hunter belonging to the Indian theater. Their scout radius finally extended to us.

Lin Biaoer smiled slightly: "Dear, go and solve the flies!"

I also smiled, the boots slammed into the ground, and there was a cyclone in the jungle. Everyone saw that I disappeared in front of me, and in the air, I flew quickly. This 172-level eagle rider explored the face of the player. : "Damn!"

The real **** person is actually him. He directly erupted a wave of 19-level combos and rided the skills of the thousand-hundred wilderness. The eagle’s feathers were smashed and died. The feathers of the eagle’s feathers also fell from the sky with blood. I was spying on intelligence in front of me. It was just looking for death. It would be better to send an assassin to sneak a spy to be safer.


Landing, embarked on the hillside, the people who dominated the storm are taking a rest, they have been reduced from 8,000 to less than 5,000 people, it is really miserable.

Liu Ying carrying a **** sword, holding a horse, his face is not very good, but still came over courtesy, said: "Li Xiaoyao, thank you for your reminders and reinforcements, otherwise my people must all have to The burial is here, they are really mean."

I said: "The eagle tyrants of the eagle tyrants are not all gone. It is definitely not possible to have no ears here."

The piglet fast track: "There are a total of 51 eagle hunters in the glory of the tyrants. Most of them have been exhausted because of the physical strength of the flight. They were shot by the Indians when flying at low altitude. The two eagle hunters we sent before also I don’t know where to go, I’m sure it’s hanging. This group of Indians is so overwhelming.”

I looked behind him and said: "The total number of online fighters is at least 5W. How come there are 5,000 left? Is there any other force?"

"Nothing!" Liu Ying was annoyed and somewhat decadent.

The pig runs quickly and smiles. "You should also see the masters of the Happy League. In the main battlefield of the Huize Plain, we have at least 70% of the players killed in the battle, and others are constantly on the way. The combat power was lost, especially after entering the forest of the stars, and it was ambushed by three forces in succession. The loss was too great."

After the pig ran fast, the 176-level senior knight drunk rain cold maple took the long gun and took the horse and said: "The deputy alliance, we have finished the rectification, what should we do next, continue to deepen, or retreat?"

Because of the identity of the vice-president, the pig did not decide to run. He looked at Liu Ying. As a result, Liu Ying held his fist and said: "It’s better to go back to the other guilds and continue to push to the vicinity of Linhai City. !"

I am ashamed, frowning: "There are 5,000 people left, and what is going on, and then only need a wave of their strength to make your army completely destroyed. In my opinion, from here to the east, in If there is no scout, go to the Huize Plain around the edge of Longhu Lake, at least not to be ambushed again, meet the rest of the guild, at least 2W people will come out again."

Liu Ying said faintly: "There is no need to ask the dragon to ask questions."

I smiled: "But the gains and losses of Linhai City are related to the interests of Xiaolong. You continue to send points, which only makes us lose Linhai City. This is the last thing I want to see."

Piggy fast track: "Boss, the owner of the Xiaoyao said that there is a point, we will withdraw from the vicinity of Longhu?"

Liu Ying still kept a little calm and nodded and said, "Okay..."


As a result, the people who dominated the storm retreated, and our dragons continued to march, smashing the living forces of the Indian theater in the forest of stars and sky.

As a result, when the tyrants took less than 30 minutes, suddenly the moon was pale and pale. "Well, 5,000 people in the tyrants were killed in Longhu, and most of them were destroyed!"

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