Zhan Long

Chapter 1034: Demotion

The guns, a pot of wine, Ye Lai and others have worked hard to win the position of the leader. Can you let the old guy of Zhuhai lose all of a word? This is impossible!

Thinking of this, I hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this battle of hunting in the sea city is directed by me. Since it has failed, I can't blame it. If you want to punish, please punish me."

Situ was equally sorry to say: "Your Majesty, the end will be an admiral, and will not reverse the situation. If you want to punish, please punished with Li Shi!"


Zhuhai smiled. The wrinkles on his face were like cracked orange peels. He scorned the beard. "It’s so funny, the two generals are so squatting? How is the crowd of Tianzhu City? Pride? You think that you can’t really take you with you when you take advantage of your own merits? It’s ridiculous!”

He said, he turned and went to the words of Luo Shaolin: "Your Majesty, Wangyue City, Zeyuan City, and the war are coming. The imperial concubines are like a sharp knife. How can this kind of time be tolerated? The tactics of bluntness and ignorance are also ignorant, morale is not arrogant, and sinners cannot be arrogant, and hope that you can be fair and strict!"

Luo Shulin frowned and said: "Hai Gong, Li Shi and Situ's General are all ministers of the stock market and the empire. How can I punish them?"

Zhu Haidao: "Your Majesty, the old minister took the army of Jiuli City to loyalty, but did not want to see such things."

I wish a military commander behind the sea like a fist: "Your Majesty, since the ancient times, rewards and punishments have always been the first and foremost thing in the military. Moreover, it is a major event such as the loss of Linhai City, and it must be punished!"

Luo Shaolin sighed and said: "Then will punish Li Shiluo in March, and Situ will pay for half a year!"

"How can it be so light?"

Zhu Haiqi is compelling, saying: "The old minister believes that Li Xiaoyao is arrogant and arrogant, and he has no monarch. He should take the position of his Guardian Army and let the more loyal people lead the Yulin Army!"

"Hai Gong!"

Luo Shulin suddenly slammed the throne and stood up, his face full of anger, but in a moment he seemed to find his own gaffe, and then he re-sit back to the throne, faintly said: "Anyone can not bring up the Li Shi Yulin army commander. Jobs, from now on, whoever mentions it, is not awkward!"

Zhu Hairan: "Your Majesty, can you tell the old minister why?"

The sound of Luo Shulin is as cold as frost: "Because, besides him, no one of the empire can deserve this Yulin army!"

Zhu Haidao: "The old sergeant 'Shao Shiyang' general age 29, can be a good war, will be able to serve as the prince of the Royal Forest!"


Luo Shulin’s eyes reveal a hint of killing, saying: “Who is the one who wants to be appointed by the Lonely King? He has his own conclusions. Haigong does not have to say much. The only position of the Guardian Army is that Li Shi can serve. Now, the same is true. No more mentioning this!"

I wish the sea nod. "Yes, the old minister obeys."

At this time, I was relieved and had to say something. Otherwise, I wouldn’t end up with a good fight. I said, "Your Majesty, since we lost Linhai City, it is indeed clear that the rewards and punishments are clear. Just lower your rank!"

"Li Shi, you..."

Luo Shulin looked at me, and there was a clear gratitude in his eyes. He wanted to turn the 27W army of Zhuhai into his own. It took time, so this time could not be too rebellious against Zhuhai. After a while, Luo Sholin Then he stood up and said, "I will pass on my will. The official of Li Dinggong Li Xiaoyao will be downgraded one level, and the token of the general will be taken back. The second-level town general token will be awarded! The banned army commander will drop the level 2 and withdraw the general token. , awarded a level 3 guardian general token!"

Situ salary is also like a big man, as long as it does not deprive the military power, what is the district military rank?


At this time, Zhuhai continued to work hard and said: "The Yanlong Army, Xia Junjun, Fire Axe Army, Autumn Harvest Army and other legions are still unclear in this battle, and please pay attention to the rewards and punishments!"

Luo Shulin frowned and said: "How to reward and punish?"

Zhu Haidao: "Capturing its leadership position!"

Luo shallow forest.

I hurriedly said: "There is no way for the Imperial Army to take the lead and resign, so it is very easy to cause the army to change."

I wish the sea to hold the boxing: "Your Majesty, such a big defeat, the commander should have resigned, is it right? There seems to be such a thing in the Imperial Army regulations. Why is it that the delay is still tolerating the defeat of the army?"

Not far from the Ministry of Military Affairs, Shang Shu also said: "Your Majesty, please severely punish the defeated army!"

Luo Shulin sighed and said: "Whether it is worth it! The Ministry of War, the Ministry of the Ministry came over and discussed with me."


Two Shangshu passed, and Luo Shaolin pointed at the painting next to the throne. Soon after, two Shangshu walked down the king's order, and Luo Shaolin stood up and said: "The order is passed down, and the Yanlong army leads the party." As a deputy commander, the rank was downgraded to a 4th-level general of the south of the town, and the general of the defending country was defeated by the generals. The Xia Junjun commander Ye Lai was demoted to be the deputy commander, and the rank was downgraded to a 5th-level general, and the general of the town was promoted. Defending as the new leader! Zhou Ning's Zhou Ning was demoted to be the deputy commander, and the rank was downgraded to a level 3 general of the country, and the general of the town of Liangsheng was the new leader! The Purple Army led the demolition of Murong Han as the deputy commander. And the military rank was downgraded to the 4th-level general of the town of West China, and the surging of the general will be Hu Yanli as the leader! The mad Lei Jun rushed to the Ouye 啼 as the commander, and the fire axe army smashed the North Chenfeng as the leader!"


After a series of orders were issued, almost all the commanders were dismissed, but the soup was not changed. Luo Shaolin’s appointment was still a confidant, but it’s a pity that Ye Lai, Fang Ge, and a gun The title of the leader was smashed. On the contrary, the sword that was originally the head of Wanfu was the NO.1 of the Fire Axe.

Now the major legions of Tianzhu City have returned to their original state. Only two players, I and Jianjian, have held the position of commander. Thanks to my hard foundation, it is estimated that this time can not be saved!

Looking at Zhuhai on the head, is this old guy not coming to provide 27W male soldiers for Tianzhu City? Instead, come to Tianzhu City to spoil the situation, first refresh the army of the Tianzhu City, and then take the opportunity to enter the city of Tianzhu? Unfortunately, he thought too simple. After the event of Luo Yi, don't say it is me, even Luo Shaolin will not allow this to happen.

Sure enough, when I thought of it, Luo Shulin had already announced: "The five major regiments from Jiuli City immediately began military reform, integrated into three major regiments, and the fire plowing army was 100,000, and appointed General Shi Yang was the commander. The town does not return to the sea, the Tianzhu army 100,000 people, the appointment of Lin Biao as the commander, guarding the Wushen River, the land navy 7W people, appointed Qin Yi as the leader, guarding the Imperial Monument!"

Said, Luo Shulin smiled slightly and said: "There was a war between Jiu Li City and Eight Desert City, and Li and other generals once again enemies with you. I hope that I can now turn it into a jade and work together for the Empire! ”

I wished a few young generals in the back of the sea, a young teenager looked at me with a sinister look. This person I know, Lin Biao, the madman we used to fight with when we were in the deserted city, we were under the sword of Lin Biao There is simply no effort to fight back. Nowadays, the equipment and grades are coming up. I am also the leader of the Yulin Army. Not only is it equal, but I am optimistic.


Luo Shulin’s intentions are also very obvious and simple, disrupting the original army formation of Jiuli City, causing it to lose its cohesiveness, and then dispatching it to the three directions to weaken Zhuhai’s control over the three armies. Gao Ming, these three people will soon fall into the hands of the empire, Luo Shaolin this means to play very well.

Finally, after the rewards and punishments are clearly defined, the public will also congratulate each other. After the new command of Yishui and the army from Jiuli City, Tianzhu City already has the Royal Forest, Yanlong Army, Huolijun, and Tianzhujun. There are a total of 11 large-scale legions, and others do not say that this is of great benefit to our national war. In particular, the emergence of Lin Biao, a super-BOSS-level leader, is definitely a big boost in the national war!

As for the original command of the fire plow army - the magic dragon fire plow, um, has been killed by me, the deceased has been paralyzed, do not have to recall.

The **** announced: "There is something to play early, nothing to disappoint!"

I hurriedly stood up again, Luo Xiaolin smiled and asked: "Li Shi, what else?"

I nodded and said with a fist: "The daughter of Locke the Great gave me a holy scorpion before dying, so that I can assist the future emperor to achieve great cause, and I promised that Pei will wait for Taiping to renew her. Repairing a mausoleum that is worthy of her identity, so please give me the power to dispatch to the Ministry of Housing. I want to rehabilitate the tomb of Pei."

Luo Shulin couldn't help but smile: "It turned out to be the sister of Pei's sister. There is no problem, even if you go to work! The Ministry of Housing, all obey the assignment of Li Shi, must not be violated!"

The Ministry of Housing is hurriedly saying: "I don't know what kind of scale the broken Dinggong wants to build the mausoleum of Princess Pei? In general, it is divided into the size of the emperor, the size of the prince, and the size of the monarch."

I don't think about it: "Peer has paid a life for the future of the empire. It is also the blood of the emperor. It is a rare and precious woman. Do you use the emperor's etiquette? Your Majesty, can you?"

Luo Shulin nodded: "Well, Li Shi is very important, and shallow forest can decide! The Ministry of Housing, according to what Li Shi said!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


There was not much to do with it. After the palace, the speed of the Hubu was very fast. Countless craftsmen went to the direction of the tomb of the Imperial Monument and moved the stone, and immediately started work.

Going back to Pei’s habitat, I rolled over and the boots “Shasha” stepped on the grass and walked to the front of her slightly rudimentary mausoleum. This was a grave that was rushed to dig, not worthy of her identity. After the death of the child, there was a constant war. I couldn’t help but rebuild the mausoleum for her. Now the opportunity is finally here.

"Unearth the mausoleum, transfer the princess's coffin!" A craftsman's head was loud.

I hurriedly raised my hand: "Wait a minute."

"What is it, adult?"

I stepped forward and reached out to pick up a bunch of white flowers swaying in front of Peerling, holding the flowers in my hand, looking at Pei's tombstone, bowing her head and turning around and saying, "You can start."


Some roads, once you go down, you can't go back. When you are alone, I always think of the children who have already been fragrant.

If she is not dead, how good it is.

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