Zhan Long

Chapter 1064: Big killing

In the middle of the night, a ship lifted the sails, and the black hull was lustrous under the moonlight. A famous demon ride, a barbarian wolf ride, etc., mounted the boat neatly on the ship, quarreling and fighting. Absolutely, there will be local fighting between the different demons. The different demons are violent and mutual attacks are more commonplace.

My guest appearance of the vanguard was sitting at the bow of the main battleship, silently watching the two magical horses that were beaten together in the distance, and did not stop, nor did they say that the military law was engaged. Not chaos, I have to worry about how we should resist the next time the aliens attack the human empire.

"Starting the anchor, starting." Under the moonlight, a one-star god-level BOSS-class demon officer screamed at the Tomahawk.

Looking into the distance, a large number of strangers waiting for the transport of the ship to gather on the hillside, and on the mountainside, Lan Nasir stood there with a longbow, she was the coach of the expedition, responsible for the Chinese army, and my pioneer The official must take the first step.

The warship slowly swayed offshore, and the night wind was in a hurry. Thousands of warships sailed to the other side of the sea, and there were a total of 11 watchtowers on the map. It is all achievable, and there are still a lot of NPC warships in the port, and there is no shortage of a naval battle.


After about 30 minutes, the distant lights of the port can be seen.

I quickly ordered: "Turn off all the torches!"

A group of barbarian wolves and the half-orc warriors "who" replied, throwing all the torches into the sea. We can almost see the outline of the surrounding things with the moonlight, but if we put out the fire, the NPC on the shore will It is not always possible to see enemies coming from the deep sea.

I glanced at the cannon on the transport ship, could not help but frown, the cannon was fixed on the ship's side, unable to move, can only rely on the transfer hull to calibrate, these strange devils are not ordinary idiots, forget, can not rely on The cannon, to make good use of another unit, I pulled out the butterfly, got up and flew in front of many warships, and asked: "How many heads are there?"

A BOSS-class war will use a hoarse voice: "There are a total of 27 giant pythons in the Pioneer Camp. Are you a commander who kills a thousand knives?"

I smiled a little and didn't care about him. I just said: "Send all the giants, attack their harbors, destroy their port ships to the greatest extent, and the rest of the ships will advance at full speed and fight at the fastest speed."

"Why should we listen to you?" This BOSS-level sorcerer smiled, and a row of yellow teeth in the mouth opened in the moonlight, making a stinking smell, I couldn't help but want to cut off its head.

Without a positive response, I looked to the North Shore and said, "Lannaser has appointed me as a pioneer. If I don’t listen to this reason, I will report it to Rana Seyle. I think the long bow in her hand must not Would you mind leaving a big hole in your head, what do you say?"

This stranger couldn't help but shudder, and sneered: "I only know that the shreds in the southern capital still know to threaten others. Well, I don't care about you. After I win the city, I will take you. The head is cut down and inserted on the rifle, then erected on the wall of the city of Wangyue, waiting for it!"

I also smiled and looked at him contemptuously: "Do not worry, if there is a chance, I will not hesitate to cut down your dog's head, let alone those useless, immediately send a giant to help, if you can't take it Harbour, I will cut off your stinky head now!"

"Oh, yes..."


After all, this BOSS obeyed my order. The giant python slammed into the sea in the sea, and we were less than 300 meters away from it. Soon I heard someone shouting at the lighthouse at night. : "The devil is coming! The evil spirits are coming! These hybrids sneak into the harbor day and night, and go to report the keeper!"

It’s already late, when his voice has not stopped, a huge cockroach has turned up the sky and swept the sea, and used the body to knock a ship that was moored in the port. It’s in the game. In the middle of the night, there was basically no one on the warship, and the 27 giant pythons naturally played the role of surprise attacks.

"Going ashore!"

I carried a long sword and rushed to the past. The butterfly slammed into the air. The wind broke out in a group of NPCs holding swords. It killed a few people in an instant, and the soldiers who were smashed by the wind. Slowly screaming and falling to the ground, a touch of white soul quickly attracted to the prisoner's soul in my hand.

Behind them, the battleship "嘭嘭嘭" beached, the warriors who held the battle axes, spears, and serrated knives screamed and rushed ashore, maintaining their most primitive aggression, using the tomahawk to open The enemy's brain, open a huge mouth with a sharp tooth to bite the opponent's throat, wilfully chew the enemy's flesh and blood, bite a part of the enemy's body meat, continue to use weapons to break down the opponent.

The screams are screaming, the whole coast has been smashed into a sea of ​​fire. With the approach of a warship, the first batch of nearly 20W sorcerers have all landed, and I carry a **** long sword and continue to kill everywhere. The prisoner’s soul in his hand absorbed all the souls in the few miles, and watched the countless souls drifting toward the prisoner’s soul. I felt very attentive in my heart. This time, I led the evil spirits to invade the homeland of human beings. Sin.

But this transaction is purely for the city of Scorpio. I am happy even if I am judged. However, if I can win the city of Wangyue by myself, who is qualified to judge me, who has the courage to judge me?


"The magic hall rides."

I sighed far away, and suddenly a BOSS-class warrior with a blood-colored battle flag behind him would run over. It was a 184-level god-level boss, Shen Sheng: "Adult, what to arrange for Are we going to ride the temple?"

I reached out to the jungle in front of me: "Sent hundreds of people rushing to the jungle ahead to find the official road, and cut off all those who tried to go back and pass the news."

"Yes, adults!"

A series of magic hall rides are quickly hidden in the jungle. It is really good to command monsters. But I have now entered this mission system. The alien army is all green and friendly in my interface, NND, which is simply There is a feeling of trying to hide from the tiger, but for me, there is no harm in the benefits. The horrors of Lan Nasir, Yin Ge, Xi Fu, etc., and the scent of the scent have already been seen. It is impossible to do the play, they can I lied to me, but I can never fool the eyes of the frost. The frost has the upper gods and can clearly sense the weakening and ruin of these kings.

Near the early hours of the morning, the moon fell into the jungle, and the light source replaced by it was the starry sky.

The barbarian wolf rides and the magic temple rides sneak into the jungle, and the air screams of the sword spirit cavalry. The head eagle rider is slashed and killed. The squatting ability of Wangyuecheng is almost instantly abandoned by the alien army. Lost, in fact, the original command of the Alien army is a bloodthirsty creature, where to know what the wild tactics, do not know whether I command them this time is good or bad, in case they use these tactics to deal with Tianzhu City, I I can't guarantee that the army beside the city of Tianzhu can withstand such an attack.

After a while, the densely populated army of the devils overwhelmed the jungle. It is estimated that there should be news on the side of the city, because many players in the jungle have been killed by the demons, and I have solved three of them by myself. Players who are leveling in the jungle, but even if the news leaks, it doesn't matter. Now the time for Wangyuecheng is about to close the gate!

"Adult, in front of the rainy city!" A commander of the magic hall ride whispered.

Under the starlight, a sub-primary city stands in the jungle. This is one of the two guarded city pools in Wangyue City, and it is also the imperial fortress that does not return to the sea to look at the moon city.

As soon as he raised his arm, the butterfly sword pointed to Qingyucheng. I said: "One-third of the troops attacked Qingyu City, and the rest of the troops rushed around and directly attacked the Moon City. Don't delay, quickly!"



The defense of Qingyue City is very general. The next time the army of the wilderness of the mountains and the wild has surrounded the small town, the ladders are erected, and even those who dig the graves directly board the wall with their arms. It is very scary. The players in the Qingyu City originally Less, NPC is even less pitiful, and it can withstand such a storm, it will fall within an hour!

The army circumvented, and the half-orcs, the barbarians, the dead people riding the horses, wielding the swords, and the roaring screams in the mouth, like the beasts out, I am the commander of this army, and my heart is It’s a good idea to have all the animals turned into experience for me. It’s estimated that the rhythm of the moment is full, but now you have to make good use of them!

In the distance, the city of Wangyue appears on the horizon, and the pattern of the moon is carved on the wall. This is the family emblem of the Wangyuecheng royal family, but this should also be the last moment of the emblem. After today, this family and this emblem will be This city is erased!



The second-level general of the magic temple ride raised the serrated knife and looked at the city. He almost laughed and said: "The animals and animals flea, one does not stay, kill me clean!"

I frowned, and all killed, wouldn't that leave me a dead city? What I want is not a dead city!

However, it seems that I have no time to order anything at this time. There is a scream of screaming in the prisoner’s soul left by the left hand, and the soul of the scorpion has been made. I have already made a lot of killings. It seems that this is not bad. Go by this group of animals!


In the city of Mochizuki, the army is out of the city. This is the banned army of the defending city. The number is about 12W. This is the last elite of the city of Wangyue City. As for the players, most of them are people who died in the city of Fanshu. The total number is 200W. Left and right, more are already on the way to the city of Fanshu again. It is too late to dispatch. It is forbidden to use the transfer reel during the national war. It is necessary to use special props such as Valeria crystal to realize the instantaneous movement, but the tile The Crystal of Relia is too precious to be mass-produced at all. This tactic is ineffective.


500W different demon army, the weak army of 212W staying in the city, the victory and defeat have been visible at a glance!

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