Zhan Long

Chapter 1083: The end of the war


The foot stepped on the broken bricks and the body full of blood. One person took the spear and gave up the horse to go straight to the wall. The eyes were full of killing, and the one who did not kill the sword and the square song was not willing to give up.

Qinglan, 181-level knight, 11th in the ABN battle network, is also the ally of a large guild in the Iron Cranial City. There are more than a dozen players who have given up the horses behind him, and farther away is dense. Archers and wizards are climbing the broken wall, not killing the songs, asking the sword seems to be hard to vent their hatred.



Like a lightning bolt flying over the corpse, I suddenly appeared on the side of the sword and the square song at the fastest speed. The town knife slanted up and blocked, and the sound of the Mars splashed, and the foot was splattered. The effect of the ice pole, the luck of the green scorpion is obviously not very good, it is blocked by ice in an instant, and my butterfly sword has been sent out, with the combo skill, the sword of the big bang, the blood continually splashing, the green The tragic screams fell to the ground and became one of the thousands of corpses.


Fang Geyu and Wen Jian almost shouted my name at the same time. At the same time, there was a glimmer of hope in the eyes. The square song swayed the cloud and pointed to the palace. I eagerly said: "The sky rose takes people to kill the emperor. You hurry past, don't worry we!"

I was so shocked that I hurriedly raised my hand for a life-birth treatment to bring back a little blood to Fang Ge, turned over and flew down the wall, and shouted: "Yong Jie took people here to hold the city wall, protect the party songs, ask the sword not to be Kill, the rest of the people join me to enter the palace to protect the throne!"


At the last moment, I can't delay it. I don't wait for the melting of the iron **** to speed up. I immediately rushed to the peak state with the speed of the thousand-winged wings. The butterfly sword with the flashing swordsman, even cut a dozen people into the palace hall, this is often ours. The Chamber of Deputies has now become a sea of ​​fire, and it has been set on fire everywhere. The body of the banned army is full of squadrons. It is not necessary to think that after the national war, the banned army is surely left.

At the end of the main hall, a golden light broke out. It was the sword of Luo Shaolin with a long sword. He had already replaced a silver armor, but the shirt was full of blood, not so silver. The salary is being smothered with a long knife in the crowd of players in the Iron Crest City and Zeyuan City. It is constantly being dizzy, slammed, and brushed up with blood and blood, and it will not last for too long.

It stands to reason that the throne of the king will be destroyed at any time, and it is not necessary to wait until the king is killed.

Looking at it carefully, I suddenly understood that the brown scorpion and the sky rose were divided into two pieces. No one is allowed to approach the throne of the king. It turns out that these two servers are not cooperative, and everyone wants to get the city of Scorpio. It is precisely because of this that the sovereignty of Tianzhu City has not yet fallen by, so good, it is such an opportunity!


Almost at a very low speed and flying, with a blazing storm, a long sword, a sharp knife to open the crowd, I fell **** red on the throne of the king, smiled slightly: "Sky rose, you have no chance!"


The brown scorpion saw me coming in, had already gnashed his teeth, and immediately shouted: "There are still 7 minutes, don't delay, killing free and occupying the throne!"

The sky rose a bite: "Up!"

Not far away, Luo Shulin and Stuart looked at me almost at the same time, laughing: "Li Shi!"

At this time, there is still time to say hello, the sky rose's sword has suddenly smashed in, the brown scorpion's spear also came with a scarlet light, side, seven, the dream, the scorpion and other people's blade The prelude of the ignited light rushed in, and in the distance, the melody and the archers were even more intensive.

People's life, can withstand the triumphant skills of so many peak masters, there should be no regrets! But unfortunately, I don't want to die now, and I don't want to die here!

Almost all of them have been drowned by blood red. Are these people trying to get in touch with our homeland, can they forgive?


The body trembled a little, the whole body suddenly lingered in the blood, the immortal body launched successfully, 25 seconds invincible!

At the same time, at the same time as the body of the immortal, the sword and the storm broke through the two groups of killing stunts, and the golden light rushed to the sky, and once again, the gods’ skills were taken to the most dense crowd, 15 swords. The gas rushed out, and a dozen players in front of him suddenly stunned by the sword and teared the body into a part of the ruins.

"叮叮叮" ringing in the ear, the system prompted me to kill a lot of people, including seven feathers, the dream, the winter horse long 嘶 and other peak-level masters, the collision of pure power, they can not penetrate me Invincible shield, but I have to accept a set of skills to severely punish, just in the moment when a set of skills rushed out, my left hand of the town knife illusion disappeared, a thunderbolt was swaying between the fingers, once again broke out a super skill--

Thunder for nine days!


Thunder and raging in the hall, this time not only those super-class players, even the peak players like the sky rose, brown scorpion have repeatedly retreated to dodge my skills, and outside the hall, a scream, Lin Biaoer, Yue Ti, Li Mu and others finally led the Fushen Iron Ride.

However, there are too many hostile players in the hall. It is impossible to guarantee the safety of Luoshenlin and the throne in 7 minutes by the melting of the iron horse!

Do not do it, never stop!

The arm trembled slightly, and the sky rose, brown scorpion and other people have not organized the second attack on me. I am one-handed, and the power of the sanctuary is surging, Yutian!

"What's wrong?" The brown scorpion carried a spear and his face was iron and blue, but he also felt the energy flowing in the air.

The sky rose has a chill in a pair of alums: "Well, hurry up and open invincible! Kill the freedom and destroy the king's throne!"


That's too late!

"啪嚓", a load-bearing column in the hall suddenly smashed and was broken, followed by the second one. The pillar of the golden dragon in the palace hall was broken by the force of the celestial being, and was I drove out with a "brush" and the goal was Sky Rose and others!


In the sky rose full speed charge, the boots stepped on the ground once Z characters to avoid a stone pillar, but can not avoid the second one, even if the invincible effect is open, but also under the impact of the stone column, "snap" a dozen Rice, brown scorpions and so on are not so good, the stone pillars are smashing, and the collapse of the main hall is more than half of the area. In the sound of rumbling, the sky rose, brown scorpion and other players in Zeyuan City and Iron Cranial City are directly It was buried in the ruins by the roof of the main hall. A whole white light flew up, which was the luster of the soul.


Yinlong Xiaobai flew in the air under the control of the beautiful owner, and it was a bit of a dragon in the ruins. He suddenly struggled to climb out of the brown scorpion at any time and was spiked. Matcha naturally would not let such an opportunity. When the horse stepped forward, a sword cut off the animal husbandry of Zeyuan City, and with the melting **** iron ride in the ruins to find gasp.

"Protect the throne of the king!"

I fell weakly on the side of the throne, relying on the golden stone steps, this time using a lot of power of the heavens to use the terrain to destroy the opponent, still weak for 60 minutes, then see Lin Biaoer, Matcha, Li Mu and others guarding The Great Hall of the Scorpio City.

Fortunately, we soon had nearly 3,000 people who were riding around the throne of the King, and the area was sure to be able to stand for 4 minutes.

Aside, Situ’s salary was the rest of his life. His face was full of plasma, and he wiped it. He smiled and said: “A good Li Shi, in order to kill these invading thieves, actually ruined the entire hall, you have to pay for it!”

I can't help but laugh: "Don't, I am a gentleman with two sleeves, but I don't have any oil and water, so I can pay for such a gorgeous hall. I can only be a mercenary leader in my life."

Luo Shulin squatted on the ground with a long sword and smiled. "Thanks to Li Shi, we can keep the city, let alone Li Shi destroyed a hall, even if Li Shi ruined the entire imperial city, Shallow Lin also There will be no complaints. On the contrary, Li Shi is a great servant. Shrine once again represents the people of the Scorpio Empire and thanks to Li Shi!"

I was too lazy to hold a boxing ceremony and said: "Your words are heavy, this is our duty as a soldier."



After a while, the people who asked the sword and Fang Gejun to lead the party also entered the palace. They are still very embarrassed, but the blood is full, and the total number of heroes and myths does not exceed 100. People, many of them have chosen to resurrect after many times, showing how terrible the battle of the siege.

"It seems, hold it!" Fang Ge's star-studded star reveals a hint of gratification.

I nodded: "Thanks to your stagnation, otherwise Scorpio City will definitely be lost."

Ask the sword to breathe a sigh of relief: "You can hold it..."

At this time, Fang Ge's gaze fell on the body of Matcha, suddenly trembled, and was shocked to say: "Find for love... Little demon... Xuerou you... Are you coming back?"

Matcha nodded with a smile, then sat next to me and took my arm and said, "Yes, I am going back to Xiaolong, I hope that myths will coexist peacefully with Xiaolong..."

Fang Ge couldn't help but laugh, and his expression was swept away. He said, "Forget it, I can't keep going."

Li Mu took the long sword and stepped forward, saying: "Next, just wait for the system to reward?"

"Yeah, don't know what will be rewarded?"

Looking at the standings list, Fang Ge is ranked first, and I am in second place. He even hangs several levels and has been harvesting with the group method. It is also expected that the points will be super-super.

A minute is fleeting, time is up, a ring of bells reverberates above the sky -


System announcement: Please note that the second round of the national war is officially ended. The Chinese theater has won the sovereignty of Wangyuecheng, Qingyan City, Hanyancheng and other cities, and has become the server with the highest total server-wide points. The first player in the Chinese Theater standings [Fang Gejun] won the reward [Lei Yan Cloak] (Epic Artifact), level 7, charm value 150, the second player in the standings [Happy] Get the reward [dry] (artifact ★ ★ ★★★), level 6, charm value 120, the third player in the standings [Cangyue] gets the reward [Tengyun knee pads] (artifact ★ ★ ★ ★), level 5, charm value 100, the remaining 4-10 digits in turn For: Mu Yan, Cangwu, Ask Jian, Lin Xiaowu, Jian Fenghan, Jane, and Li, the respective rewards have been paid in real time. Since the Chinese theater is the winner, all players lose their level of experience in the war. 80%!

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