Zhan Long

Chapter 1116: Amazing

At 3 o'clock in the morning, the human face lion and beast on the fourth floor of the Devil's Well has been killed. At this time, the system prompts that the BOSS has been refreshed, and this time it is relatively close, it is less than 100 meters away from us. It was an old mage with a long stick and a white robe. When she was approaching Li Mu and a hero of a second, he immediately whispered in a trembling voice: "You are ignorant." Adventurer, do you still have to go to the Devil's Well? It's just that you don't know how to live!"


"This time is the Master's BOSS." I said in the team channel.

Jianfeng Han Road: "My magic resistance is relatively low, I will not go to the boss of this BOSS."

I asked: "Who is the magic resistance?"

Goodbye is also the lacrimony: "Let me come, my armor, wristbands and boots are all the magical resistance of JP. All of them add more than 100% of the magic resistance, and the shield also adds 3000 magic resistance. It should be able to stop this BOSS."

Fang Ge阙 nodded: "Then go on, be careful."


At this time, I also shared the attributes of BOSS in the team channel, 210-level five-star God-level BOSS, this property is really not covered -

[Windrunner Okado] (God level BOSS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★)

Rating: 210

Spiritual Attack: 35500-47500

Defense: 27000

Qi and blood: 2,2000,0000

Skills: [Wind] [Hurricane] [Wind Dragon Raid] [Storm Field]

Introduction: Okado, a genius born to be the master of the wind system, Okado is already familiar with all kinds of wind magic when he was young. After he became an adult, he became the leader of the younger generation of the empire. Into the palace became one of the court magisters, after the imperial war, Ocado broke out, fell on the mainland to become the strongest wandering mage, and got the title of the windrunner, until many years later, the **** find Ocado, with his power to force him to use for himself, Okado has finally become a member of the devil


The old Master stood tens of meters away from us, and did not start, just waiting for us to start, and I stood with a group of melee players such as Jianfeng Han, Ye Lai, Hua Gun, a pot of wine, and Matcha. No one wants to get started first. After all, this BOSS is up to 5W basic spiritual attack. Who wants to try it?

Goodbye is also the tears slowly move the horse forward, carrying the knife, suddenly slamming, the golden bell cover, the knife is slightly shocked, and a green aura enveloped under the feet, that is the skill to improve the resistance of the magic , the ascetic know-how, such a look, his one-of-a-kind resistance does not seem to be under me, and the blood is too thick, the skin is thick and rough, it is indeed more suitable for me as this tank.

A single palm smashed out and flew out directly with a ray of light. It is the first skill of Foguang!



At the beginning of the Buddha's light, he was attacked with a defensive power. This made the windrunner Okado screaming a lot of blood. His face was stunned and angry, and the staff slammed the ground and slammed the heart. The wind energy lingering under his feet allowed him to gain the ability to fly. Without seeing the staff shake, he saw only a storm bursting out at the foot of the goodbye and tears, followed by an attacking wind blade, waiting for the wind blade to stop. A dragon screamed, and there was a wind dragon on the ground that swept through the goodbye and tears. The number of injuries was flying, very scary.





Another wind blade, goodbye is also the blood of tears has already bottomed out, his face pale: "I am, what is this magic attack, too horrible? I asked to change T!"

Even so, his knives are still on the shoulders of BOSS with the skills of Taishan, and I also flew out, said in the team channel: "Starting the output, the hanging pots set fire treatment goodbye is also tears! ”

I am not close, but I am far away from the waste of the wilderness to consume the blood of the BOSS, while setting a few green dragons around to attack together.

Goodbye in the field is also very optimistic about the situation of tears, blood and brush straight out, BOSS hurricane wind dragon raiding wind blade is too strong, and the last skill has not been released, once released, goodbye is also tears Poor 20% of the blood will definitely not be guaranteed.

Lin Biaoer holds the dagger in one hand, and carries an iron umbrella in one hand. The body is like a butterfly dance. It penetrates into the gap between the wind and the dragon of the BOSS. It suddenly hits the dagger and pierces the chest of the BOSS, bringing out the gouge effect and gently sipping. A silver plaque was printed on the ground, followed by a blasting storm. It has to be said that Lin's operation is extremely ornamental.

BOSS's fury broke out instantly, and the wind dragon raided the wind blade directly to Lin Biaoer, but the beauty lady was not afraid of these, the iron umbrella "哗" opened, the magic attack was blocked, and at least the exemption was exceeded. 30% of the damage, which makes the goodbye is also stunned, the ability of the Moon Spirit race to deal with the magic attack BOSS is truly unique!

At this time, I also remembered that our dragons and beautiful ladies and cavalry regiments came. In fact, this BOSS makes it difficult to resist Mengyao and Yue Yaoyan. The two men’s ranks are not low now, plus iron umbrellas. Blocking the Cavaliers' advantage with the Cavaliers, it is almost impossible for BOSS to kill them.

However, I still took advantage of this five-star BOSS!

"Hey, all go to hell!"

The first time to release the last skill, the storm field, the hurricane circling in the instantaneous field, the damage is amazing, my body slams back, and goodbye is also a tear, a gun and a pot of wine are close, directly Spike, not only that, but also two hanging pots and several archers were also spiked together, the whole situation instantly became a mess!



Fang Ge阙 forced the real Wu Shield to withstand the impact of the storm field. At the same time, a spiral ice dance put the BOSS against it, the flow cloud fan trembled slightly, the flame circling around the body, the robe danced fiercely, the long hair flew, the gas field was full. The low-pitched roaring gas was completed, and the Vulcan roaring skills were suddenly launched. The flames of the flames swept around, and even the BOSS was rushed back and forth. The storm field skills were interrupted by hard-boiled!

Everyone was amazed, and they immediately continued to kill BOSS.

The windrunner Okado continues to wreak havoc, and the magic even sends down our members to kill on the spot. Even the first-line knights such as a hero are killed. The eight-snake spears are slamming and the luck is not good. Actually, it exploded. Suddenly, the players of the two famous families quickly approached and planned to take the Zhangba snake spear.

I immediately coughed and said, "There is a wind lord!"

If the wind glimmered, he whispered: "You must not move the eight-snake spear, that is the thing of the dragon."

The two players slammed and stopped, and continued to perform remote output. After a second of heroes were smashed and smashed back to life, they picked up the eight-snake spear and equipped them. Lin Biaoer smiled at me without speaking, but the meaning was not Yu, Xiaolong has long been no Wu Amon, if you really grab the equipment of our main players, then wait for the revenge of Xiaolong!

At the moment, no guild in the entire Chinese region is willing to face the revenge of Xiaolong. This is beyond doubt.


In the field, one by one magical raging, and our remote is also quite powerful, Lin Xiaowu, Dongchengyue, simple output is first-class, and the glass fox is also shining after acquiring new skills, illusion The effect, facing the BOSS is three consecutive shots, each shot of "嘭嘭嘭" has at least 9W damage, such output can be circled!

Although the attacker of the windrunner Okado is very scary, but the body is still the weak body of the mage, where can withstand such indiscriminate bombing, in less than 20 minutes, a tragic downfall under my sword, this The last sword was robbed by my wind, so it is good, and I hope that my charm will be the highest. The killing of BOSS by me can also maximize the benefits.

As a result, the equipment that BOSS burst out is even less. There are only five pieces in the area, but the attributes of the equipment are quite bright.

[Amazing Staff] (Artifact ★★★★★): Staff, Spirit attack 14500-18900, Spirit attack power 175%, Spirit penetration effect 50%, 10% magic bloodsucking effect, skill cooling reduced by 30%

[Void robes] (artifacts ★ ★ ★ ★): cloth armor, defense 2950, ​​120% of the spell damage, damage reduced by 25%, the upper limit of blood 30000

[Void Ring] (Artifact ★★★): Ring, Spiritual Attack Power 115%, 15% Magic Bloodsucking Effect, Skill Cooldown 20%, Blood Limit 17000

[Windwalker's Cloak] (Artifact ★ ★): Cloak, Defense 4720, Defence 70%, Spirit Attack 85%

[Windwalker Pendant] (Artifact ★ ★ ★): Necklace, Spiritual Attack Power 145%, Total Spiritual Value 20%, Total Mana 40%, Stunt: Popular, allows users to fly unlimited 5 minutes, consume 100 points of anger, cooling time of 60 minutes.


Clear color artifact!

And this time in addition to several JP equipment, the magical attack of the proud sky can be described as a group of arrogant, the defensive power of the emptiness robes is the leader in the robe, the other three equipment is also quite good, but all are the Master The player's equipment has basically nothing to do with those of us.

At the beginning of the ROLL point, the proud pole is the most focused battle, a group of wizards ROLL together, the results are simple, Dongcheng month, snowy Qianyang and other people have not more than 70 points, only the square song ROLL out 83 points The number, directly took away the proud stick, it seems that the mythical lord is to change the rhythm of the long stick.

The second piece of equipment, the void robes, was simply taken to the ROLL.

Void ring, spirit attack and spiritual bloodsucking are quite good attributes, and are taken by the snowy volcano.

The Windrunner's cloak was taken to the ROLL by the Arctic's Big Three.

The last artifact, the windrunner pendant, the flying pendant equipment, the East City still did not ROLL, and was simply ROLL away!


All the equipment is finished, the mission of this popular traveler Okado is really simple, to kill us dozens of people, and then give a bunch of artifacts, but also, the next time the national war, our top spirits overall strength It is even stronger!

Go ahead and explore the fifth floor, and this layer of BOSS is my ultimate goal - the violent Redding, a monster with a king-level strength!

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