Zhan Long

Chapter 1119: The end of Reading


The glory of the holy light flashes, I once again stood in front of Redding, NND, after the version update, the strength of the demon king has increased too much, in the last version, I can still hold it for a while, but In this version, even if there are more than a dozen hanging pots together, it will inevitably die.

"The skills of BOSS are too much!" The flower gun and a pot of wine were slammed by the Thunder's wrath, and the look on the face was very unattractive. The blood was already terrible. The sky was thundering and coming again. It was BOSS. Thundercloud skills, countless anger and thunder intensively, instantly swallowed up the body of a gun and a pot of wine, the side of Yanzhao Wushuang is not spared, in front of the top BOSS of Reading, the so-called master is actually just a string of defense, gas Blood data only, blood and blood will die.




My Mu Yu added 6W of blood to myself and then took off a bottle of medicinal herbs. I drove the sputum and the blue yan to add blood to me. It was full of blood and immediately went up. The double sword angle was ups and downs. A few swordsman swayed on the BOSS, and when Redding chased the sword and the body of the cold was slightly delayed, I immediately cut into the shape, and when I rode together, the wind and the wind broke out together. Ding’s hate value has mostly attracted.

"Haha, are you still looking for death?"

Redding defaults that I was just being hit hard but not killed. After all, NPC can't understand the player's mechanism. When I got on the court, I immediately attracted the anger of Redding, which not only opened the endless madness, but even the last skill to thunder. It was also opened. When the king of Thunder was opened, it was a catastrophe. There was a thundercloud at the foot of Redding. Lei Guang slammed everyone around him, almost one face-to-face, Jianfeng Han, Yelai, Hanbei颂, the painting on the paper, a few people hanged together, 冉闵 is being beaten by the shocking, angered the blood to the BOSS, several times in a row, 7 seconds, over Under the aura of BOSS's King of Thunder.

"No!" My blood is also flying straight down, almost all output, but the speed is still too slow, and the attack output of Redding is not generally violent.


The fox continued three cannons, and Rayding trembled. Leiding rushed to the fox with a roar. After the axe was solved, it immediately rushed to me with the lightning speed of the tomahawk. Meng Yao really couldn’t see it. The female stone shield fell to the ground, and the son-in-law guardian came, barely blocking the damage of Redding.

The elegy of death is holding the sword of the town, waiting for the resurrection of Jianfeng and others to launch the song of Zhenyue, greatly improving the blood and defense of the people, and I also poured a bottle of Lanling flower carving wine to launch the stunt - the king's field, In an instant, everyone's attack and defense effects are greatly improved, and 10% of blood is restored every second for 10 minutes. These ten minutes are also destined to be the key to whether we can beat Redding!

"Come back!"

I once again flew to the BOSS to attack, and Redding was unceremoniously three times a battle axe, and repeatedly swayed my scorpio, this injury is not so terrible, but the same horrible -





Fortunately, 4.3W of blood can be recovered every second, which makes me barely support. The two swords sometimes attack and defend. At this time, it can be seen clearly. Redding’s Thunderfury and Thundercloud are magic attacks. Defense, but after the endless madness of the Tomahawk and other skills belong to the real physical attack, and I can barely defend against the 150% strength of the king's field, at least MISS lost more than 30% of the damage, so our hanging pot It is almost possible to pull the blood.


Redding's tomahawk suddenly bombarded twice on my chest, splattered with a ray of lightning, and the blood was lost a lot, and it was in jeopardy.

Aside, the **** of death sings and bravely shields the BOSS with the shield, the town knife slashes two knives, with the justice to restrain the strong behavior, I share the damage for a few seconds, the residual blood is retreating, the face is full of electric awning, but the face is dignified Said: "This BOSS is too miserable. In my memory, the ally has not killed BOSS for so long to kill so badly..."

Yan Zhao was standing far away and said: "About only the happy can stop the attack of Redding."

I took a few steps back and took a round of Thundercloud attacks. I said, "I can’t bear it, the firepower keeps up, we only have 10 minutes of precious time!"

The fox's blasphemy is full of guns, and Lin Biao's gods' blades, the moon storm and other skills are also falling on the BOSS, the moon is shallow and does not want to bring you treatment pressure, so it is only the release of the firefox's grip. And the ice cone, Lin Xiaowu, Baili Ruofeng and others quickly swept the arrow and kept shooting. This 10 minutes is too precious for us. I almost gambled on all the big stunts. Can I kill the thunder? Ding sees the output of this 10 minutes.

As a result, everyone did not let Redding disappoint. From the opening to the end of the king's field, 17 minutes, it was hard to hit Redding only 14% of the blood.

"Not good, Li Xiaoyao's king field BUFF is going to disappear." Jianfeng cold gnashing his teeth and watching Redding, this BOSS has killed us many times, and Jianfeng Han also hangs under his hand twice.

Yanzhao Wudao said: "There is no way, only the sea tactics can be used. All the Cavaliers are prepared by the players. Everyone must use the justice to control the BOSS to take more than 5 seconds of damage. The ascetic monk is also among them. Let the hatchers be used to attract hatred. To number, once you are in danger, you must attract BOSS hatred in turn, don't hesitate!"

I haven't finished talking for a minute. I didn't have the BUFF effect in the king's field. I immediately had blood. I was chopped out of the double dragon passive effect. As a result, the double dragon has not disappeared. Redding roared out of the battle axe three times. Vertical and horizontal skills, a black front, I have been killed by Redding for the third time!


Waiting for the resurrection, Yanzhao unparalleled command of the knights, ascetic squad players on the team, are all forced to pull skills, the Knights of justice to contain the success rate of BOSS at least 80%, even if Redding is the same, the ball is not Silly first rushed forward with the shield, slammed the justice to contain, and also attracted the three consecutive Tomahawk attacks of Reading!


Mars splattered, the shield is not stupid, the shield was instantly shattered, and even the man took the horse to be rushed out by Redding, but this sharp first knight is really hard, actually not dead!

The second one is Li Mengyao. With the defensive power of the female meteorite, he can withstand the three-second attack of Redding. Even for two seconds, his face is slightly pale and retreats. The attack in the game will make the player's pain nerves suffer. Stimulating, the players of Xiaolong mostly adjusted the pain effect to about 20%, and Mengyao was beaten into blood, which can be imagined.

The third person is a floating blade. As a result, after the floating knife has just put down the butcher knife for BOSS, Redding simply did not buy it. The Cavaliers players are all killed!


The sword was cold and shocked, and the horse rushed over. The sharp stalks were even launched, and the straight thorns swept across the swipe. Then they suddenly grabbed the BOSS collar, and the body even took the horse to penetrate the BOSS body. The six consecutive attacks were really gorgeous and practical. Turning around was another cold breeze and three combos, quickly locking Redding.

However, Redding's counterattack is even more fierce, and the endless madness is opened. Both axe have a fatal blow, and the sword is directly killed to the spike.


Jane simply can't see it. Jianfeng died in Redding's Tomahawk too many times, so it's simple and simple. This time there is no hidden power. Two giant magic explosions directly, which will attract Redding's hatred value. The result is only able to withstand one damage, an axe directly breaks the shield and kills it, and it seems that the space seems to be leaping before it hangs but it does not start successfully. Don't think about it, about the field of Reading has been controlled simply. Body.

At this time, I was finally full of blood, and immediately rushed to the sword.

The people alternately cover, but they are still dead. Fortunately, BOSS is continually declining under the storm of our desperate attack. For ten minutes, this luck is better. I did not hang up, but Li Mu, Wang Wei, Ye Lai Everyone hangs 1-2 times, but the blood of BOSS finally bottoms out.

"Let me give it to the last blow!" I said with a blood-stained sword, "I need to trigger the last equipment kit to burst out, or I will be busy."

It’s a bit sloppy, but the party songs swayed in the hands of the gods and said: “There is no longer controversy. This task was initiated by the lord, and Redding should be killed by him. Let's stop, Happy can break out the strongest killings."

Seeing that BOSS is already dead blood, I will shake a pair of swords, and when I ride, I will take the opportunity to explode. At the same time, I will raise my hand, and the dragon will swallow the body of Redding for nine days, and Redding is the king of the demon. First, the ranking is still above Lan Nasir. Naturally, I don’t want to be so dead. I slammed into the ground and screamed, "You wait, the Emperor will revenge for me!"


"Brushing brush..."

All players in the field quickly upgraded, even if BOSS is not directly killed by them, they can be upgraded to 2-3 levels. Most of the downgrades can be compensated back, and there are still many rewards for the completion of the mission. This mission is affirmative. No loss.


System Announcement: The player [Happy] successfully killed one of the different demon kings, "Rager Redding", and received a reward: Level 3, charm value 150, gold coins 1000000!


The experience value has improved my level 2 by default, plus this level 3, so my level does not fall and rise, it is already 199, and that 150 points of charm value is also a icing on the cake.

Looking at the 100W gold coin that I was rewarded by the system, I directly divided it. One person is 10,000 pieces. It is better than nothing. There is no way to divide the charm value. I can only swallow it. Then look at the equipment that Redding gave us. There are 4 pieces in total, which is the top. The equipment that BOSS burst out naturally makes everyone look forward to it.

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