Zhan Long

Chapter 1133: new job

In the morning, the sun is shining.

In Lin’s office and Dongcheng’s office, I looked at their fashion magazines with nothing to do, and I was bored, not even a decent game magazine.

"Do you think you are about to suffocate?"

Lin Biaoer suddenly removed his body and looked at me from the right side of the notebook and said, "Well, if you feel too boring, you have to go out and go, there is no problem."

Dongcheng Yue said with a smile: "It seems that the newly purchased copy machine is moving in. It is quite heavy. If you are bored, you will help those people."

I nodded. "Well, then I went out. I said that I will give you something to do. Otherwise, I will follow you everywhere inside and outside. People will say that I am eating soft rice."

“What's wrong with eating soft rice?” Lin Biaoer was quite full of 34D and chuckled: “What kind of position do you want? First, what do you do.”

I thought about it and said, "Basically, everything will be done, sending and receiving documents, managing the computer room, data query, simple programming, advertising design, and omnipotent. Think about it even if I am afraid of myself..."

Lin Biaoer smiled and said: "Dongcheng, check if there are still job vacancies?"

Dongcheng Yue did not want to think: "I still lack an assistant."

"Do not talk, say anything else."

"Well, the outside hall is still lacking a professional who looks at the effects of the costumes later. Can the happy brother manage?"

"Can try."

"Let's go, anyway, idle is also idle."



After the permission of the two beautiful bosses, I found a job in the hall, and finally I had my first job in the graceful design, the first working computer. What is rare is that the computer that I equipped is actually designed by Apple. Computer, let me have the feeling of thanking Lord Ron, immediately open the official forum of Tianming to see the lace news, etc., the main city of Tianzhu City has never lacked all kinds of news -

The hero of the League of Nations asked the sword to make a girlfriend. It is said to be a popular movie star. At the beginning of the Z word, many people are guessing and guessing, but more are the girls of countless Tianzhu City crying dumbly. After all, the sword has captured many girls' hearts with his handsome appearance and quick and decisive operation. When he heard that he had asked his girlfriend to marry his girlfriend, many MMs could not wait to hang himself at the sword's neck tree. Think about it. I feel very sad.

The team leader of the famous family, the 192-level swordsman, one of the quicksands in the early hours of the night, smashed the car on the streets of Changsha, and the result hit the green belt and rolled over. A Maserati was directly scrapped. Fortunately, there is no problem for people, just The arm is slightly scratched. In this game, I can hide the dragon and the tiger. Who can think of a small team leader who is still a local tyrant!

In addition, the most popular news is that the hero, the second league/one of the main league elders, and the 192-level undead assassin’s Jiyuan broke out 4P this morning. It is said that he went to the bar one night and took three MMs back. The hotel, the result was reported this morning by the guest in the next room, saying that the sound was too loud last night, and I don’t know how to be good.


Looking at the news, I couldn't help but laugh, but at this moment, suddenly the phone rang, actually asking the number of the sword, what did he call me?

Surprisingly, I connected the phone and asked the sword to have a very magnetic voice: "Happy, good morning..."

I also laughed: "Ask the sword classmates, nothing to go to the Three Treasure Hall, suddenly called me how is it going?"

"It’s a bit embarrassing to ask for something..."

"Cough, what are you talking about, what the **** is going on, and what are you doing?"

"Not mainly on my site."

"What the **** is it?"

"It’s a shame to say..." asked the sword to cough and smiled. "You should have some impressions about Ji Yuan?"

I felt awkward in my heart: "Cough, a little impression, he and Ai Ye can't wait to unload me eight. How can I not remember, what happened to Ji Yuan?"

Asked Jian Yan: "That... Jiyuan played with a few friends in a bar in Hangzhou last night, and then fell in love with three girls at first sight, so... So I went to open the room together, I didn't think I was JC in the morning. Knocking on the door to open accountability, you know, the three girls and he are actually everyone needs, not the kind of transaction, but JC has no way to bite, so I want to ask you for help, you are in Hangzhou I still know the status of the police. I only need you to make a phone call. Let's not be too difficult to go to the court. After all, he is a hero of ours. If you are locked in, it will be a little bad..."

I laughed happily: "It turned out to be this thing, I know, rest assured, I will let people find out the situation."

"Well, thank you. After this incident was settled, I changed the day to Jiyuan, and Ai Ye personally went to Hangzhou to go to the door to invite you to drink and eat!"

"By the way, please take me to the bar where Ji Yuan went to see..."

"Ah, good..."


Actually, there are still such things. The image of Ji Yuan in my mind has suddenly become a stalwart. It is really a god! I admire me and hate me.

Turn off the phone, dial the phone of Shen Bing, after a few beeps, Shen Bing smiled and heard: "Little handsome, what are you looking for?"

I said: "The heroic Jiyuan had a bubble in a bar in Hangzhou yesterday. I was caught in the hotel's open house 4P last night, but as long as it is not MYPC, it can't be convicted, so Shen Bing went to the police. If you don't have conclusive evidence, it's all right. After all, it's all young people, and you can't control what you want."

"Ah, is there such a stimulating thing?" Shen Bing smiled: "Let me calm down the excitement. I will check it out and see who is responsible for the case. It will be released if nothing happens. Anyway, it is not a big deal." ”

"Well, look at it."

In less than two minutes, Shen Bing called another phone with the landline: "Liu team, today, are you detaining a person named Ji Yuan, playing the 4P... Ah, really, can you determine what is the situation? Well, since you can't confirm the money transactions, then forget it. Ji Yuan is a friend of our base Li team... Hey, yes, it is Li Xiaoyao Li team, um, there is no problem. Well, when you have time to go back, let him ask you to drink, just a word!"

After hanging up the landline, she immediately said to me: "OK, no problem, release immediately, how can they not give us the face of Captain Li? Ha, your reputation and status in the Hangzhou police are absolutely unimaginable. High, in their minds, you are our flag, a hero-level police officer, do you know?"

I also laughed: "Well... then thank you, Shen Bing, and trouble you."

"You're welcome, when do you want me to eat?"

"I am very busy recently, and I am tight!"

"It doesn't matter, please let me eat spicy food!"

"...I still have a good meal, go back and say, I have to work hard."



Aside, the staff responsible for the computer simulation of the clothing design is also a beautiful woman about 25 years old. More than 70% of the company is a woman. In fact, it is a welfare company. She added my QQ and is sending me a costume modeling document. At that time, suddenly turned to look at me with horror, excited eyes are small stars: "You ... your QQ is celebrity certified ... you are the **** of the game, the dragon leader is free and easy... you ... you really Is it?"

I have some helplessness, I know that I should open a trumpet.

So, while I was busy with post-processing of the pictures, I had to deal with this "fanatic fan" next to me, but I learned a lot of computer technology when I was in the special forces, although the professional level is far less than that of Shen Bing. However, this simple processing is certainly hard to beat me. At my level, database management is a piece of cake, which is even less.

At about 11 o'clock in the afternoon, I got the job at hand. When the beauty on the side was entangled with the mobile phone number, a group of people came outside the company. The person in front was very familiar. When I looked carefully, I found out that it was Lin Tiannan. He actually came to his daughter's company personally, but it is really rare, but Lin Tiannan really regards the child as more important than his own life. Even I can see that such a father is very worthy of respect.

Lin Tiannan followed several bodyguards. He followed the company's corridor and suddenly saw me. When he saw the pictures on my computer, he nodded and smiled and said: "Li Xiaoyao, are you here too?"

"Well, I am accompanying my nephew and Dongcheng, so I am looking for a job here."

Lin Tiannan’s smile is very gentle: “Well, it’s good, yes, I’ll come over to dinner with me at noon, and you’ll go there.”

"Good uncle."


Unconsciously, my relationship with Lin Tiannan has eased a lot, but I know that there are many reasons for this. One is that my relationship with my nephew is getting more and more intimate, and the other is the appearance of the old man, to some extent. Let Lin Tiannan re-examine me, but the most important thing is that I should step into the realm of Yang Yan? After all, such people are one of the few in China. Even in modern times, the world view of the strong is respected. To a certain extent, Lin Tiannan respects me.

Of course, if I want him to be my father-in-law in the future, then I should respect him more. Anyway, the relationship between me and him and my nephew is developing in a good direction. This is obvious.


At noon, accompanied Lin Tiannan to eat together, it is precisely this local level of people to pay, so we have a few juniors ordering will have no scruples.

I went back to the company to go to work in the afternoon, but there were a group of uninvited guests around three o'clock.

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