Zhan Long

Chapter 1138: After dinner, go

"Group B, there is no gain for the time being."

"Group C, everything is ok."

"Group D, no problem, search continues."


There were several small captains in the miniature earphones. I was holding a submachine gun and walking slowly in the hallway with 24 people. At the same time, I looked carefully at everything around me. Behind the glass wall, I was wearing uniforms. The personnel, who are observed in front of the computer, also use microscope research. About pharmaceutical companies are like this.

"The search on the 5th floor is completed, go to the 6th floor." I ordered in the headphones.

Looking at the person behind him, everyone immediately followed me from the fire stairs on the 6th floor, the Buster company's building has a total of 25 floors. Today we are going to search the past layer by layer.

Along the way, many people have cast a different look at us. It is indeed too easy for a group of special policemen with guns to appear in the company to attract attention.

When we arrived at the sixth floor, there were already a group of people wearing work cards waiting for us, and behind the scenes were a large number of precision instruments flashing with various colors.

An expatriate staff stepped forward and said in a crappy Chinese: "I am the supervisor here. This is a research room. You can't come in... otherwise it will damage... damage our instruments."

A base police officer behind me immediately replied in fluent English. The idea of ​​the center is that if we damage the instrument, we must pay for the price. I am stunned. The SWAT team is really hiding the tiger. This English language is far above my CET-4. what……

They seem to want to obstruct themselves. I can't help but step forward and raise the assault gun directly. I faintly said: "We are performing official duties, please don't obstruct it, otherwise don't blame us."

There is no need to be polite to this group of people. If the technology of the cultivator is really developed by Buster, then everyone here is a sinner and must be responsible for the terrorist incidents caused by the colonists around the world in the past few months. Tens of thousands of people who died were severely punished.


All the way to go, behind a special policeman in the headphones faintly said: "Head, these are the dispensing instruments, the left is the detector, the right are the analyzer, and then forward, those computers are analyzing certain genetic components, specific I don't understand it. My research on biology stops at high school."

"Well, with all the scope cameras on your guns, Shen Bing will always receive images from us at the base."


No matter whether it is harvested here or not, it can't be done anyway. This is my style of doing things.


When I searched the 15th floor, it was already marked as an experimental layer. When we entered, it was found to be a biological breeding laboratory. What the mouse is not very rare, even can see To animals such as pythons, giant geckos, and lizards.

"You can't visit here, here is the secret base!" This time, another person wearing a white coat blocked us, and the doctor's title was written on the badge.

Xing Lie took the sniper and said: "Dr., don't obstruct us, thank you."

The doctor immediately flashed aside and picked up the walkie-talkie. The voice said anxiously: "Wang, they broke into the biological laboratory. You can take a quick look. This group of special police is simply unreasonable!"

I raised a submachine gun and shot a lizard with the camera effect attached to the sight. Its eyes seemed to be a little different, quite different from the lizards I used to see in the tropics.

Not long after, the elevator in the distance suddenly opened, a group of people came over, Wang Zecheng walked in the forefront, but he did not panic, but it was calm and terrible, and there was a group of young people following Wang Zecheng, actually familiar. Take a closer look, there are some students from the University of China!

No, these dozens are students of Yuhua University!


"What's wrong?" Wang Zecheng wore the CEO's badge, and he walked over with a soft smile on his face. "This is not a student of Li Xiaoyao?"

I lifted the hat up and smiled. "It’s Wang!"

Wang Zecheng said with amazement: "How do you bring so many soldiers to my Buster? We are legal research institutions. You see everything around us. We are the pioneers of technology. There is absolutely no illegal activity!"

I nodded and smiled: "I know that Buster is a legal research institution. This is not to deal with the above checks, so I am not going to routinely check it?"

In fact, both people are talking.

Wang Zecheng said: "Look, I have brought a lot of alumni to visit Buster today. I didn't expect to meet you here. You... Wow, you all have guns and ammunition? We Buster... ...I really haven’t done anything!”

I smiled and said: "Yeah, I think Buster has nothing to do. Don't worry, I will say a few good words for Buster after I go back."

At this time, the students of a group of Yuhua University behind Wang Zecheng finally broke out. Several girls quickly gathered around, and looked at my former badge and badge: "Wow, it’s really Li Xiaoyao of our school! - Really... the legendary special policeman... This uniform is so handsome to wear!"

Usually do not need to bring a badge, but this time is to make it look, so everyone wears a badge.

I glanced at them, one of them was the girl that Wang Zecheng took with him last time, and there was another one who seemed to be in the top ten of the Huanhua University’s flower list, but I don’t know much. I usually pay little attention to it. After all, I Except that the police team is a game, basically it doesn't go out.

I nodded and said, "Students, please don't influence my work. I will take people to continue searching."

A group of girls have spread out, with a flower-like expression on their faces. The special police team behind me is definitely a male model team. Young police officers such as Xing Lie are handsome and handsome, wearing this body. After being equipped with a live ammunition, the uniforms are even more upright and resolute. Such people are no less inferior to the girls in their lethality.

Wang Zecheng smiled far away and said: "Captain Li Xiaoyao, then you have worked hard. Bust has nothing to entertain. Please forgive me. I will reward you when I have time!"

"Don't wait for time!"

I smiled at him and said, "Which is Buster's restaurant?"

"20th floor, what happened?" Wang Zecheng was a little surprised.

I laughed and said, "I have brought a total of 100 police officers this time. I am bothered to have trouble with us at lunch. We will finish the meal after we have finished eating."

The look on Wang Zecheng's face is unpredictable. I must have thrown my teeth from the 15th floor, and Wang Zecheng is not far behind. Some of the staff who are reminding and sturdy are angry. I can even be sure that many of them are The colonists waited for Wang Zecheng to make an order.

I am looking forward to their ability to start, 100 special police do not have to fear them, not to mention I am here, there are smart railguns, A-level colonizers are just cut vegetables.

However, after all, they did not start, Wang Zecheng swallowed his voice, and his face was filled with a smile again. He said, "Okay, I will tell the restaurant to prepare food for 100 people. I don't know how you taste, do you like spicy food or beets?"

I waved my hand and smiled. "This is not stressful. We are not picky eaters. You are ready to prepare. We continue to perform the task."


I turned around and could even feel the anger in Wang Zecheng's chest, and Xing Lie secretly laughed, whispered: "Wang Zecheng, an idiot, must be mad."

"Don't care, be vigilant, they can do it at any time, we really want to anger them this time."



As a result, we were too underestimated by Buster's tolerance. Wang Zecheng insisted on not having a seizure. At noon, he still gave us a good meal and a drink in Buster, and there was no poison.

In the afternoon, the return journey, the mission can not be nothing, we took a lot of video files and sent them back to the base. When we returned to the base, Xu Bing had modeled the entire Buster building on the table. And confirmed a few blank spaces that we can't enter. If Buster really hides something, it can only be in those places, and Xing Lie stole a gecko back in the biological laboratory, although in him The pocket was smashed, but preliminary analysis has confirmed that the gecko has at least 30% of the genetic technology components in the body, and the analytical and reconstructive methods of DNA are surprisingly similar to those of the colonists.

Unfortunately, just because a gecko can't confess the entire Booth, we can only wait, waiting for the old fox of Buster to reveal his tail.


At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I changed my armor and drove my A4 to design a company to start a normal life.

When I walked into the general manager's office, Lin Yier and Dongcheng Yue were very happy. I saw that I had to return all the tails to be the biggest expectation of the two MMs.

"Wang Zecheng is not embarrassing you?" Lin Biao asked.

I laughed happily: "How come, he doesn't dare, we have a gun in our hands..."

Dongcheng Yue is speechless: "If Wang Zecheng is really the latter of the colonization technology, he does not care if you have a gun."

I said, "I don't have to worry about it anyway. He also asked me and my 99 brothers to have a good meal in their restaurant..."

"It’s really bad for you to eat..."

"What is this, very delicious."

I have to be as relaxed as possible so that the two MMs can be less worried.


In the afternoon, I was busy in the company for a while. When I got off work at 4 o'clock, I ate too early for dinner. After I finished eating, I went to the game. Lin Biaoer was busy searching for the Yueyue suit, and I... went online to see what it was. Things can be done, there seem to be a lot of things to do, but there are not many things to do.

This week's LOL Water Friends competition is postponed until next week. This week is a bit of a thing, ha, I wish everyone a happy life~~

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