Zhan Long

Chapter 1148: Strength gap

"On the city, only the long-distance system and the supply system are against the spirits, and the heavy armor is all under the city wall. Prepare to fight with them on the plains. Don't be afraid of the insects. Kill us once and we will be revived once. We must keep the city of Wangyue! ”

The gun and a pot of wine were screaming with a gun. The order of this kid was very accurate. Now it is not suitable for the heavy armor to defend the city on the wall. It is necessary to use the cost of blood to block the ground team in the Indian theater. In addition, otherwise the outer wall of Wangyue City is broken, and the inner wall is also destined to be too long.

"Let's go too!"

I rushed down the wall and ordered in the guild channel: "The heavy armor is all under the wall, and it is time to fight out of the city. It is time to fight with them!"


Li Mu, Wang Hao and others rushed down the city wall. Li Mengyao and Xuerou jumped directly from the wall and fell off a little blood and a blood bottle to make up. One left and one right protection is around me. It seems that I am afraid of this lord. It will be spiked. In fact, I don't have to worry about it. I hang it once, and the full attribute is enhanced by 30%. It is not so easy to die. Even if it is dead, it is not a bad thing. Overlord can make me strengthen the 30% attribute again. That is even stronger.

Of course, the level is so high, you can die less and die less. It is not easy to upgrade this level.


Soon, I gathered at least 3W of the squadrons of the sacred dragons, such as the Rising Iron Rider, the Fire Dragon Ride, and the Red Fire Rider. The Judges, the Soldiers, the Appearance Association, the Scarlet Contract, etc. all sent the heavyweight players. The city, we can be resurrected directly after the war, and the Indians will go to the resurrection after the death of the war, and then come over the next year, as long as we dare to desperately, the city will be able to hold.

In the distance, the dust was flying, and the cavalry regiment in the Indian theater began to charge.

Xue Ru rides a sacred horse, right on my right side, whispering: "Boss, the number of warships that are not at sea is very limited. Do you think they are from at least tens of millions of lineups? ”

I sighed and said: "Before, I turned over a lot of big maps. It’s basically impossible for them to come back from Tianzhu City. It’s too far away. Secondly, the songs, swords, and swords are cold. It may be that they are free to come and go, so there is only one possibility. They are coming from the iron skull city to the Longling, which is not at sea."

"Longling?" Li Mengyao gave a slight glimpse.

I nodded: "Yes, it is Longling, a mountain range that does not return to the sea. This is the only passage. Otherwise, it will only be able to cross the sea. Indians can bring so many dragon crystal guns, which means they are coming from land. The warship can't transport so many heavy artillery."



Right in front, suddenly the fire was rumbled, and several Shenwei guns on the city pool launched an attack, as if the nuclear bombs broke out in the crowds of Indian theater players. Although they were far away, I still could see the horror and fear on their faces. Look, yes, such a mighty heavy artillery, anyone who sees it will chill, but the Indians have no choice, they are still rushing forward, and they are rushing on the body of their teammates. They must win one of the seven kingdoms. As the cornerstone of the counterattack, the city can only survive under the wings of the demon.


Seeing the distance is almost the same, I caress the sacred dragon horse's mane, wielding a long sword and rushing out, the horseshoe rumbling behind, the dragon's riding team began to charge!


A shouting sound, the setting sun shines on everyone's slightly childish face, but it makes me feel excited. After many years, I am sure that I will be grateful and happy for having so many like-minded brothers.

Unreservedly killed, the two sides immediately entered the state of the white-blade battle, but the skills of the dragons were too many, and the sharp-edged swords began to air-raid, and our ranks, mounts, and equipment were better than the opponents. I have achieved a good record in the first contact. I am directly immersed in a crowd of dragons for nine days. The flying dragon is raging in the crowd, and instantly wipes out a vacuum on the wasteland. The player who is killed seems to be even The bodies were swallowed up by the dragon, leaving only the equipment and potions of one place.

In the air, a dragon screams, Lin Biao's silver dragon flies at a low altitude, and a frosty dragon spurts down along the flight path, forming a cone of ice at least 100 meters long. The Indian cavalry in the charge is at least half killed by the ice. Terrible.

Li Mu drove a man-made enemy to slam, sword or sweep, or stab, or block, as if no one could resist him, and a sword slid into the crowd to cut blood and splash, plus Xuerou, The impact of a one-second hero and other people, the dragon's cavalry regiment immediately shredded the opponent's assault team like a sharp knife. This is the crushing of strength, and has nothing to do with the tactics.

About Qingming Tuo Mo will not think that the strength of our two sides will form such a disparity. The dragons are running all the way, the damage is absolutely below 1:20, even under our "frontline" tactics, they want to kill Any of our melting iron rides is very difficult, and the attackers of the frontline Xuerou, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan and other frontline players are unbearable for Indians.


"Be careful with heavy artillery." In the air, Lin Biaoer shouted loudly.

When the voice is not falling, there is a dark dragon crystal cannon falling in our crowd. The "嘭" is a shock wave. Fortunately, the equipment of everyone is also very good. Only one **** red horse is killed by the iron horse. It’s just that 50% of the blood is lost, and it won’t be killed unless... The opponent’s heavy artillery is so accurate that 2-3 shells can be dropped at the same time.

Obviously they can't do it. In the game, this technology can't reach it, and it's not a laser-guided bomb.

In the distance, killing the sky, rushing out of the city at least 200W Chinese players, and the Indian players outside the city strangled together, although you can see the opponent formed a tactic of the package, but this is hard to beat us, Li Mu with a melt The tens of thousands of people riding on the iron iron will be easily resolved. There are too many people. I can’t see where the Qingmoo extension ink is. I don’t want her to see it. Qingyi Tuomo knows that once I find her The trail will fly immediately to kill her, and she is afraid that she will not be able to command the battle on the first scene.


After two hours of slashing, the two swords and the body have been dyed with blood, and our players outside the city are still around 200W, but the opponent has already at least 500W troops outside the city for the body, immediately after our people are killed. Back, this advantage is what they don't have.

Behind him, the people of Xiaolong are almost like me. Everyone seems to be fished out of the blood. Li Mu is ugly, and now it is becoming a murderer.

Then look at the activity points of this version, and sure enough, the players in the Chinese theater almost occupy most of the position -

1, Happy (China) version points: [894230]

2, Fang Ge (China) version points: [842110]

3, Sky Rose (United States) version points: [821120]

4, Cangyue (China) version points: [774290]

5, brown scorpion (Russia) version points: [760020]

6, Cangwu (China) version points: [742230]

7, seven (US) version points: [721290]

8, Magic Mountain (Germany) version points: [702200]

9, Mu Yu (China) version points: [672990]

10, for the pursuit of love (Portugal) version points: [653220]


In the first ten miles, Chinese players accounted for five, and there are a total of six matcha that are now nationals. This is no accident. We have three main cities, and Tianzhu City, Wangyue City and Huoyun City are attacked together. We have The chances of brushing monsters are naturally more, and the most direct reason for the ranks of the dragon players is that our 1-5 waves are almost always in the direction of the sea, fighting against the attack of the evil spirits, winning The scores are naturally much more than others. Players who enter the city in the early days are waiting for the rabbits in the city. How many monsters will be sent to the door for you to get points?

It seems that my first position is not very stable. I must continue to kill more monsters to keep it. Anyway, I must try to get the MVP for this revenge. This is also worthy of my five-handed sword. A five-star overlord artifact set.

Just thinking, suddenly "beeping" behind him, under the explosion of the spirit flower worm, finally a whole section of the north wall collapsed, countless dark moon spirits screaming on the wall, the city wall broke...


Although there are not many leftovers, but their purpose has been reached, the periphery of Wangyuecheng has fallen, and then it is about the crazy counterattack of Indian players.

Everyone is upset, I am eager to boost morale, raise a long sword, and say: "We are still under the city, then don't be afraid, send people to protect the transmission array, we also have the compatriots of Tianzhu City can come to reinforce us! ”

The crowd nodded and regained the courage to face the enemies.


In fact, I also know that the pictures sent back from Tianzhu City can be better. Fang Songyu, Wen Jian, and Jian Feng Han both took their own people to enter the city to defend themselves, but the four outer walls of Tianzhu City were The spirit worm has blown up three, the situation is in jeopardy, self-protection is difficult, and it is even more a problem to increase the support of Wangyuecheng.

Scorpio City is not the worst, the most miserable is the city of Huoyun, which has been killed by the spirit umbrella to the palace gate.

It is said that the battle situation in Jiuyi City is not optimistic, and the Magic Mountain has been killed for four times. However, the combination of the Linghua insects and the parasitic insects still pushed the troops to the inner wall, and the direction of the Iron Cranial City and Zeyuan City was equally bleak. I didn't think that the 8th-level evil spirits would be so mad, and they were beaten a bit, and they have not fully reacted.

Looking at it this way, the situation in Wangyuecheng is the best.

I just hope that after the seventh wave, I will not send troops any more, otherwise Wangyue City may really be unable to keep it.

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