Zhan Long

Chapter 1150: Destiny card


With the bones of the Frost Tomahawk roaring, he stood up and slammed the Tomahawk on my double swords. Suddenly, the pressure of his arms was overwhelmed, and he fell back involuntarily. The face of God's bones is a sly look, but it is very embarrassing, and laughing at the battle axe is a "cream" skill!



I fell down on the wall again, but it was really miserable. A 9-level demon can actually make me so embarrassed. This is something that I and everyone have not thought of, but this 9-level demon is that the strength is not lower than me. so horrible.

"Get out!"

The dry will block, the butterfly smashed a sword on the shoulder of this ice god, raised the boots and kicked him on his chin, almost kicked the hoe, he pulled back, and I have not had time to return Excessively, a thunderbolt passed over the top of the head, and when I looked up, I saw a horrible Thor’s bones and a thunderbolt from the sky, and a hammer of Quake fell on my shoulder!


It was a terrible attack. I almost got black in front of my eyes. I raised my hand and used the handle of the dry handle to hold the handle of Quake. The boots were raised to the lower body of his sword. The butterfly sword was close to the hilt. He rubbed his cheeks, and suddenly the cotton-padded things flew out of his skull. I pulled up and quickly flew into the city pool. I couldn’t fight alone, or I might have to be killed by these gods. !


Suddenly a burst of flames exploded, it was really irritating. The Indian players in the distance began to attack the heavy artillery. Unfortunately, I was shot again and fell to the wall, and the thunder and the bones of the sacred bones were immediately Just chased up, yelling, Li Mengyao rushed to meet, the sword straight through the chest of Thor's bones, while raising shield defense.

Raytheon's bones roared, the thunderbolt flashed on the thunderbolt, and a few meters of leaping speed was a heavy hit on the female stone shield of Mengyao!


Meng Yao stood still and stood there to bear the heavy blow, but the thunder and lightning along the Nuwa petrochemicals spread around the thunder light, causing a killing effect on a circle of dragon players, the side of the Vulcan bones is The spear swept across and fired a very hot attack. Li Mu rushed forward, and the anger of the mountain attack attacked the Vulcan bones out of the city wall. However, the head is a huge wind system magic falling, is an attack of Fengshen and bones. Li Mulian retired a few steps, and the air was dropped by one person. An ice **** bones will be heavy in the crowd, such as the core layer of the dragon, and a series of ice cones burst into a series of ice cones to form a killing injury to the players around!

"Brushing brush..."

More than a dozen rays flew up, and in an instant we were killed by a dozen of melting iron riders. The attacking power of these gods and bones is too horrible, right? But think carefully, their attack power is 4W, and one by one is the magical skills of the ancient gods. It is absolutely no exaggeration to be able to play such damage.

"Broken, kill one by one!"

I locked the two swords into a Vulcan bones, desperately letting everyone hold their breath and hold their feet, while Matcha, Mengyao, Yier, Li Mu, Yi and others also almost each of them hold a BOSS-level 9th-level demon. The city has been killed in an instant, and the number of gods and bones is not much, and there are not many, there is no way to use the dragon crystal cannon, Shenwei gun to bomb, the martial arts heavy artillery has become a display, but it is Han Yuan, Xiao Li and others took the soldiers to fight with the gods and bones, without fear.


On the inner wall, the demons derived from the fragments of the gods and bones are constantly climbing and flying, and they are printing amazing skills into the player's crowd. What is more terrible is the spread of the sea above the distant land. India The players in the theater are coming again!

At the same time, I blocked the attacks of the three gods and bones. While looking at the Indians in the distance, I couldn’t help but secretly complain.

"What to do, boss?"

Xuerou also saw this scene and asked eagerly.

Can not let the Indians kill, the player's destructive power is not inferior to the 9th level of the demon, once they let them capture the inner wall in close quarters, clearing the ink can easily use the number of advantages to drown us, and then win the city of Wangyue, rare Can defeat the Indian goddess of the theater in the second national war, and must not let her make a comeback based on the city of Wangyue.

I am a sword and block a heavy blow of Fengshen's bones. He said: "The city is inseparable from people. We still have about 8,000 molten gods riding under the city. Matcha you go and lead them to break up the Indian team. Don't let They are close to the inner wall."

Not far away, Song Han stunned: "Only 8,000 people, is that enough?"

"Not enough, you have to go, or who else?"

Xue Rennu Nu small mouth, helplessly said: "Well, when I decided to return to China, I knew I would be enslaved by the boss. Sure enough, I went. If I died in the battlefield, don't cry for me, come back and buy me a LV. It’s good to plead guilty..."

I couldn't help but smile: "If you can lead the 8000 Fushen Iron Rider against the attack of Qingyi Tuo Mo, I will buy you 10 LVs!"

"it is good!"


Xuerouhan Iron Sword trembled back to the gods and bones, turned to the horse to rush down the wall, and then the next moment, the city gate opened, 8000 melting God iron riding under the leadership of the female **** of war "little demon" rushed to the far side at least Millions of Indian theater people, this is obviously not an order of magnitude war, but she is a demon, they are the melting iron ride, I have confidence.

Not only Xiaolong, the Judges, Appearance Association and other guilds quickly sent people out of the city to go to war, the total is about 20W, which also makes Xuerou's success rate even greater.

"Shen Wei gun!"

I chopped off the head of a **** sacred bone, and raised a hand to grab a fairy lion helmet that was bursting out. I slid into the squadron of the Guardian Army and pointed her finger at the distance under the city. "Aim at those adventurers who join the alien army, give me a blow, kill them all!"

"Yes, general!"

A group of heavy artillery battalions who are battling the 9th-level evil spirits immediately went to the cannon. After a few seconds, a mushroom cloud shock wave broke out in the crowd under the city. Due to my order, they basically did not have any accidental injury. Xuerou led the person. It will not be attacked, and the people who clear the ink ribbon will be terrible. The power of the Dragon Crystal Cannon and the Shenwei Cannon is enormous. The bombardment from the wall with a high degree of superiority enhances the firepower and range. Even the Shenwei can bombard a few miles away. The goal, lethality can be imagined.

On the wall of the city, the barbarian soldiers were carrying heavy Shenwei artillery shells on their shoulders. The ammunition we brought this time was very adequate, and it was well prepared. The number of people who wanted to win over Qingyuan was better than the number of people. disappointed.


However, the battle on the wall is still inextricably difficult. The attacking power of the 9th level is so high that the speed of the Chinese player's war damage is not as fast as it is. Fortunately, this event can be revived indefinitely and re-participated in defense, so most players After being killed, they will re-board the city to defend the city. Our people will basically not play down, but the opponent will kill more and less.

Down the city, Xiaolong's 8000 Fushen Iron Rider formed a red line to enter the other party's crowd, and the matcha with the cold iron sword was really dazzling, just in front of this line, watching them deep into the opponent's crowd. Suddenly there was a feeling that I was sending them to death. The body trembled a little, my movements were delayed, and I was immediately slammed into the corner by an ice god's tomahawk.

Turning over and turning around, I will give one ride to the ice **** bone. When I look into the distance, I find that the silver dragon flies over the sky. I don’t know when the dragonfly has already flown out. The silver dragon’s dragon is in front of the crowd. With a strong flame, the Matching Iron Rider led by Matcha almost entered without loss.

Fortunately, this time, Xiaolong has Lin Biaoer and Xuerou.


Time passed by, and more than an hour passed.


Another decaying head flies, I can't remember how many of the gods I killed, this is the bone of a goddess of fate, just the moment she killed her, a purple skill book Flying in the air, I raised my hand and caught it in my hand. This is a strange thing that I almost singled out. It’s about my charm value. If I broke the book, would it be a magical skill?

With a shake of the arm, the attributes of the skill book fly in front of you -

[Destiny Card] (God Level Skill): Lock a target for a flop. When the red card is turned over, the attack damage to the target is always 200% crit. When the green card is turned over, the attack is attacked. Invalid, lasts 60 seconds, learning needs to consume 30 points of glamour value, requires level 200, requires professional full warrior.


I like this skill!

Do not hesitate to learn, fate cards, this skill name is also appropriate, 50% chance of killing surge, 50% chance can not cause any harm.

First find an opponent to try, look at not far away, a Vulcan bones and Li Mu killed right, so launched the fate card, locked this Vulcan bones, began to flop, "啪啪啪" three times flip, is a red card !

I quickly rushed over, and when I rode a thousand and burst out behind it, it was directly five fatal killing numbers. With the effect of blasphemy, this damage is terrible.







The last hit of the hurricane 斩 actually broke a fatal blow on the basic value, which is equal to 8 times the damage, and the number of attacks in the moment is somewhat explosive. Li Mu and Wang Hao are both scared and screaming. .

Not long after, there was a cheering in the distance. It seems that the appearance association had killed some of the gods and bones.

However, there are only two books, and no one will explode the god-level skills. It seems that the explosion rate should be around 0.01%, and it will not be higher.

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