Zhan Long

Chapter 1152: 鎏华六六美女

Woke up, at 5 o'clock in the evening.

The hungry screaming, the most important thing is to have a good meal.

I got up and washed it. When I walked out of the door, Dongchengyue, Lin Biaoer and Tang Qi were already dressed and waiting in the hall, but there was no sound from the kitchen. This made me greatly surprised. This point is still not done. What are you waiting for? I want to starve to death.


Glance at the kitchen, I suddenly asked: "Why didn't you cook?"

"Hungry?" Lin Biaoer took my hand up.

"Well, in the game, the game is also very fast, and Tang Qi should have this feeling too."

"Yes." Tang Qi nodded: "The spiritual consumption of physical exercise is even greater than the tens of kilometers of long-distance running outside."

I said, "So hungry, let's go eat delicious!"

Dongcheng Moon chuckled: "Don't worry, there will be a super delicious meal waiting for us at 6:30."

"Oh, someone is treating you?"

“Yeah.” Lin Xiaoer smiled and said: “Remember who is the 6th in the beauty list of Shuhua University?”

"Whoever, if you keep changing, there is no concern."

Tang Qi is on the side: "Zheng Feier, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Yes." Lin Xiaoer said with a little excitement: "Zheng Feier is also our 17th grade freshman. Today it happened to be her birthday, so I will contract the third restaurant in the school. I will invite all the freshmen tonight. Freshmen, we are also invited to participate in the list, I know Zheng Feier, people are very good."

“Contracting the third restaurant, must have spent a lot of money?” I said, while looking at the costumes of Lin Yier and Dongcheng Yue, it’s no wonder that they wore flowers and lanterns, and it was going to attend the banquet.

Dongcheng Yuexiu smiled: "Can you go to Yuhua University, can you have a few money? Don't worry, she can afford this money, and there is a party after dinner, anyway, we haven't played together for a long time, just borrowed Take this opportunity to relax, soak in the game every day, the bones are almost loose!"



Wait a few more minutes, we will set off and go to the third restaurant of Yuhua University. This third restaurant is actually at the level of “Imperial Restaurant” of Yuhua University. It is usually only a foreign guest, and the grade is quite high. So I think it would be quite expensive to contract a meal in the third restaurant.

On the campus path, the four of us walked all the way, but we can still see that some people are holding books and going to study. Naturally, I don’t know what the concept of self-study is. I haven’t even gone to class for a long time, although there are Lin Yier and Dong Chengyue took care of the attendance of the class, but... the exam was still very headache, and the Tianzhu Group helped me design several cheating artifacts. This was not the red light in the final exam.

In front of the restaurant, there are already many students gathered there. There are excitement on the tender faces of the restaurant. Please eat dinner on the school birthday, maybe there is still a fragrant 邂逅?

At the entrance of the restaurant, a long table was placed there. The students of several student unions were recording a list of the participants here. It seemed to be a sign-in form to prevent people from eating. Lin Biao took me on, and smiled sweetly. : "Please give me a pen."

The student who was responsible for the signing was glanced at it. When I watched Lin Biao’s elf-like face, I couldn’t move my eyes. I coughed and said, “Please give us a pen?”

He finally came back to God, nodded awkwardly and smiled. "It’s a classmate and a student of Li Xiaoyao. Come, give you a pen, sign in the name."

Lin Biaoer took the pen and wrote the three words of "Lin Xiaoer" on the roster. The writing was very beautiful, and I took the pen and wrote the three words of Li Xiaoyao. In fact, my calligraphy is also very good. After all, I used to follow. When the old man was practicing, we learned from the Taoist school. Calligraphy is already a compulsory subject. When I wrote the name, the beautiful Dongzi month behind me passed a trace of confusion and exclaimed: "Wow, this guy’s words are written. It’s so beautiful...”

When it’s over, this guy won’t get deeper and deeper, which is not good.

Tang Qi snorted and picked up his pen to write his own name, but the tragedy is that Dongcheng has not seen it at all. The original praise is selective. This makes Tang Qi almost killed and I feel a little bad. The next time you sign, you should use the left handwriting. You can't be too good, or you will be cut.


Entering the hall, there is almost a lot of people inside.

Lin Biaoer saw so many people are also happy, excitedly took my hand and went inside, Dongcheng Yue secretly pulled the sleeve of my other hand and followed me, a pair of my right arm sleeves 拽Down, Tang Qi was helpless to follow the Dongcheng month, and the four people together seemed to be quite interesting.

In front of the hall, Zheng Feier, the main character finally appeared, a white princess dress, a low-neck tube top, a good material can not wrap a pair of plump and straight "big white rabbit", a pair of ready-to-see, Zheng Mayfair's face looks very elegant and beautiful, but can be on the top ten of the Huanhua University beauty list should be related to her body and dare to wear dare to expose it?

"Ah, it’s coming!"

Zheng Feier smiled and greeted her. She took Lin Biao’s hand and pointed to the right side and said, “Hey, there is the main table, and the nephew is sitting there, hehe...”

She looked at me and smiled. "Isn't this a little bodyguard's little brother?"

I am a little embarrassed. It seems that I am already famous in the world of Shuhua University. Even Zheng Feier knows me and knows my existence, but it is no wonder that after all, the influence of destiny is so big, I am already The second person in the CBN battle network, second only to Fang Ge, not to mention the University of Yuhua, I am afraid that few people don’t know me.

Lin Biaoer didn't want me to eat, and smiled and took my hand and said, "Hey, it's not as simple as a small bodyguard. How can he sit with me?"

"Of course." Zheng Feier smirked: "And Dongcheng Yue and Tang Qi, you are all sitting at the main table, the table is big enough to sit 18 people, my good friends at school are not too many."


In fact, I can invite all the students of the first year to come to the banquet together. How many good friends are there? I think this Zheng Feier is already "Yuhang timely rain, Linan Hu Baoyi".


The students have been in the seats, and soon the hall is almost full. It is said that there are several floors upstairs and the tables have been filled. Dongcheng has seen the menu and whispered in my ear: "Average table How much do you guess the price?"

"2000?" I said.

Dongcheng Yue smiled: "Zheng Feier is the daughter of the richest man in TJ City. Are you too young to be a family? Tell you, the price of each meal here today is more than 20,000."

"Wow..." I grinned and said with amazement: "There should be more to eat, this table 20,000 I have to eat at least 5000 back!"

Lin Biaoer was listening to Zheng Feier seriously. The result was that I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard my words. I glared at me and thought that I was disturbing the serious and serious atmosphere that she had worked hard.

After a while, there are several students sitting at the main table, most of them are beautiful women. Among them, 8 of the top ten women in the list of the beautiful women of the University of China have already been there, attracting students from the surrounding tables to envy them. Immediately, I and Tang Qi were pulled out of the table and thrown down the stairs. The school flower, what is the concept, is the goddess in the hearts of everyone, they can't get it, you don't want to get it, the school flower is destined to watch only can't The existence of play, otherwise it will be greatly devalued.

However, Lin Biaoer and Dongchengyue seem to have no devaluation at all. They are still willing to mix with me all day long. Now I think it is still a little touched. After all, every girl wants to have a few preparations. Fetus, but the two of them seem to not even want a spare tire, especially Dongchengyue, she has too deep feelings for me, even a baby does not want it.

Has always been shallow edge, but since the Wife.


Half past six will soon arrive, and the table is full of delicious food. Many dishes can’t even be named. I and Tang Qi are already eager to try. When can I eat, the purpose of our visit is not In order to see the beauty, but to eat a meal!

"Who are you waiting for?"

On the table, a junior sister asked.

Another girl in a dark blue dress smiled and said: "When the most important thing is people!"

My heart sank: "Who are you waiting for?"

Seemingly seeing my doubts, Lin Xiaoer smiled and said: "Being waiting for Mayfair's boyfriend!"

"Oh, there was a boyfriend!"

"Hey." Dongcheng Yue said next to him: "Do you think everyone is like me, no boyfriend!"

She said sour, even I felt so sad, so look at her and say, "Let's look for it!"



Zheng Feier was on the phone and then smiled and said to us: "Five minutes, five minutes later, he went to pick up a friend and has already arrived at the square."

"Yeah." Lin Xiaoer smiled and nodded. "No hurry, we are not very hungry."

When she had just finished speaking, my stomach was screaming, and I couldn’t wait to find a place to sneak in. Lin Biaoer looked at me silently and said, “Would you like to eat?”

I also know that this is not good, and I firmly shake my head: "No, after all, I am also a person who knows the truth."

Dongcheng Yue chuckled, Tang Qi cast a contemptuous look, modern young people really do not have a lot of courtesy, a district temperament actually has no respect for Yang Yan masters...


In a few minutes, I finally came. Two young people in suits and suits came. One of them was a very handsome young man, about Zheng Feier’s boyfriend, and the other one surprised me and Tang Qi. Actually it is - Wang Zecheng? !

How did Wang Zecheng come?

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