Zhan Long

Chapter 1174: 5000w transaction price


Asking the sword to continue to bid, it seems that he is already determined to win this ring.

Liu Ying’s face is finally reddish. Presumably, he has a ceiling on the capital investment in equipment. Too much investment in the ring of the stars is not sure to invest too much in the overall equipment level of the guild. Run a few words in a whisper, Liu Ying stood up and raised his arm again, saying: "1500W."

This should already be the highest price that Liu Ying can afford.

At this time, another person stood up in the crowd, a golden armor, carrying a spear, it is the sun-like blood lord Wang Zecheng, arms raised, said: "2000W!"

"Fuck!" Liu Ying screamed angrily. He sat down and quit the battle for the ring of stars.

Not far away, Yanzhao unparalleledly leaned under the ginkgo tree in the auction house, holding a long sword and laughing: "2200W!"

The first time the price of Yanzhao Musou was so high, it really came to help!

Liu Ying has already died down. Wang Zecheng smiled and said nothing, waiting for someone to ask for the price. Sure enough, a few seconds later, he asked his voice in the VIP room of the sword: "2500W."

Wang Zecheng bit his teeth, aside, a beautiful hanging pot MM is leaning against Wang Zecheng's body, and Wang Zecheng's left hand is walking upstream of her hips. This MM smiled and said something to Wang Zecheng, Wang Zecheng looked up and looked up. At the auction floor, clear the voice and continue to vocal: "3000W!"

Sure enough, it is the president and major shareholder of Buster China. This power is not available to others.

Wang Zecheng is so eager to win the ring of this star, should it be to strengthen the strength of the first swordsman of the rising sun? Look at the CBN battle network rankings, ranking 102 in the leisure time, ranked 17th in the Chinese Theater Swordsman occupation, the ranking is actually not high, the dragon can win his swordsman player at least 5 people, but Wang Zecheng seems to be able to draw The top swordsman is only free.

The top swordsmen of Li Mu, Wang Hao, Matcha, Yueyue, etc. are the core players of Xiaolong. Others simply can't dig, asking swords, sword tears, and sword sighs are the core figures of heroes. Yanzhao is unparalleled. Liuyi is the main deputy leader of Prague. Jianfeng Han, Lu Chunyang, paper painting charm, Gongziying and so on are the core of each super guild. They can't dig, and the high is not low. Wang Zecheng wants to cultivate the guild. The top swordsman can only put the treasure on the leisure body. Fortunately, although the sun is like a blood, although the swordsman is not a professional, but he has the first-class knights such as the Lord, Su Yan, etc. Such as blood support.

This year, where the faces of the major guilds are, there are not many registered members, but how many first-class players, so the 斩龙公会 has a special light on the outside, and the top ten dragons in the CBN battle network accounted for four seats. It is already feeling like a day.


When I was thinking about it, I asked the sword to continue asking for price: "3400W!"

Asking the sword's voice is low and calm, Beichen's "less master" identity and majesty make people look, and asked Jianyi to increase the price, Yanzhao is unhappy, and immediately raised the bid to 3700W, which is already a huge amount. The transaction number is so large that I and Lin Yuer and Dongcheng Yue are happy to watch in the VIP room. No matter who they are, anyway, the three of us are going to make a fortune.

In fact, if you trade privately, the price of this ring of stars can be as good as 2000W, and after the auction, the price may at least double.

The mystery of this can be an insight. Once the property of the Ring of Stars has been published, it has become the biggest topic of Tianzhu City. Now there are countless players who are paying attention to the affiliation of the Ring of Stars. After all, everyone thinks who can get the stars. The ring is one of the top swordsmen in the Chinese theater, so the competition for the ring of stars is not only a victory in the property, but also a harvest in popularity, the effect is not only as simple as the ring of the stars.

If there is a super-capital group behind me, I am willing to invest heavily in the ring of stars!

But unfortunately, the old man gave me a few hundred million, and then did not mention the money, and my girlfriend is the little princess of the Tianzhu Group. After she got married after twenty-four, she didn’t have any money in her hand. It's not good, so I have left the money that the old man gave me. Now it's time to rely on the game to make money.



Ask the sword to ask for the price again.

Wang Zecheng stunned, and the beautiful hanging potter on the side leaned against his hips and leaned against him. It seemed to be talking about something, but Wang Zecheng showed a disappointing look. Obviously, the price increase has exceeded his limit. After all, leisurely It’s just a guild member, not himself. Wang Zecheng can’t afford to spend money like this.

Sure enough, Wang Zecheng no longer bids.

Fortunately, the Yanzhao under the ginkgo tree carries a leaf in the sky, smiles and continues: "4500W!"

Not far from the VIP room, the sword couldn't help but smile: "Uncle Yan Zhao, be careful not to drop your teeth!"

Say, ask the sword to take a deep breath and say: "5000W!"

This time, Yan Zhao’s unparalleled clap smiled and said: “The young master of Beichen’s family does have strength, and the old man admits to lose. This ring of stars belongs to you, I don’t want to...”

Aside, Liu Wei smiled and said: "I am afraid I can't afford it?"

Yanzhao unparalleled touches the nose: "Every penny I earn is hard-earned money. I can't go to the game for 50 million at a time. Although the ring of stars is really super strong, I still forget it. I really buy it. Can't afford it, the price is a bit too much, and the price/performance ratio is not that high."

The whirlwinder held the staff and nodded and smiled: "The lord of the lord, indeed, bidding again and losing some of the two losses, but it is cheaper to sell the ring."

Said, the whirlwinder looked up afar, his eyes just fell in the VIP room window where I was, and I was sitting in the shade of the tree, and suddenly I said: "Hey, they seem to see it. Who is selling this ring..."

Lin Biaoer carrying the flaming ray of the dragon tooth blade, did not sigh with a smile: "The four-character ID, people slightly move their brains and know that this ring is from the king-level BOSS silver Ge, and then, you laugh at the window Like a flower, they can't see it!"

I rolled over and dropped the window and smiled. "It seems that I am still too bad at disguising myself..."

Dongcheng month eats and laughs: "Don't pull the scorpion, ready to collect money!"



The next moment, the sword has already equipped the ring of stars, and his 5000W is also included in my binding account in real time after deducting 5% of the handling fee.


System Tip: Congratulations, the "Star Ring" (artifact ★ ★ ★) you auctioned has been sold for 50 million yuan, after deducting 5% handling fee, 47.5 million yuan has been remitted into your bound bank account!


I am very happy, I immediately opened a remittance to Lin Yier and Dongcheng. Although the relationship between the three of us is very good, this account is still clear, each person transfers 1584W, more than 6,000 yuan, so that the two MM will have I have to eat a few more chances and I will almost eat it back.

After getting the money, the two MMs are naturally happy, this is the most profitable since we entered the game, and as our equipment has gradually formed, it can basically be used to sell money after hitting JP equipment. The early stage is our struggle period, and now is our income period.

Dongcheng Yue called Lin Biaoer to continue to do the search for the fourth component of the Moon Suit, and Lin Biaoer now has the epic artifact Dragon Blade. The attack and defense are not a problem. The two MMs are enough to bear the kind. The level of the task, so I did not let me go, just asked me to do the task to strengthen my strength.

I didn't want to go to the place, or go to the Cold Dragon City. After a night in reality, the game should have been a few days away. See what the cold dragon city has to do, don't think, Li Mu, Wang Wei Xue and others are also doing tasks in the cold dragon city, especially Xuerou, in order to obtain the blade air spin skills, is playing the task of the Legion system.


Not far away, ask the sword to come out of the VIP room, Yanzhao Musou, Ye Lai and others congratulated, asked the sword to wear the ring of stars, smile and chat with a few people, want to come to this battle After the resurrection master is in the ring of the stars, the 25% bloodsucking is also very beneficial to the battle. Don't think, the current blood-sucking effect of the sword must have reached the upper limit of 40%, killing 100 blood, 40, this kind of resilience is terrible. With the superb explosive power, the sword at this time is definitely a challengeable opponent.

Only now has entered the national war, I and the sword have become friends again, so in the absence of competition, there is no chance to fight.

Summon Raspberry!

After a long scream, the raspberry appeared in the form of a girl, holding my arm and smirking and laughing: "Brother, I am so muffled inside, you don't know let me out and breathe, my brother is a bad person!"

I was speechless for a while, and I sent the eight deserted city. The raspberry almost hangs on my arm and refuses to come down. I have no choice but to say: "Well, let's go to the Dragon City to see the current situation. Let the dragon change and let the brother ride." ”

The raspberry licked the small mouth and unwillingly yelled at me with a fierce scream. Then the arms turned into dragon claws, and the body was transformed into a dragon **** in the colorful light, golden, The red interaction shines, and the dragon scales have a very nice color under Xuyang.

Riding on the raspberry, went straight to the cold dragon city, and arrived almost in minutes.


A piece of snow is still raging on this lonely city. A group of dragon city sergeants are training to shoot and shoot. I am far away from the dragon volley and ask: "Is it in the executive hall?"

A dragon knight turned and looked at me, respectfully said: "The creamy adults are in the new dragon domain!"

"New Dragon Field?"

"Yes, in the east of the Tomb, the adults of the Frost and the Shu Shu are preparing to open up a new dragon field. Adults can go there to find them."

"Okay thank you."

Turned and flew to the tomb of the dragon, the earth slid rapidly under the body, obviously the area of ​​the tomb was too small, and there was a death atmosphere, so the frost did not intend to establish the dragon domain in the tomb.

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