Zhan Long

Chapter 1182: Jingzhong is in the country

"The people of the Polar Abyss Guild are here." Lin Biaoer caressed the back of the silver dragon and appeased its restlessness.

Dongcheng Yue held the Elsa scepter, stood on the edge of the back of the silver dragon, overlooking the earth, and said: "This is a lively, I thought that the Iron Cranial City and Zeyuan City are allies, did not expect this in front of the Holy Spirit treasure chest. The covenant is almost the same piece of paper."

On the ground, the horses with a gun and a pot of wine screamed fiercely. Not far away, a group of Chinese players came. It was a player of Longxiang. The gun finally summoned their own people. It must be said that although the dragon’s lord It’s a dragon in the sky, but the personal strength of a pot of wine is so great that at least 20% of the players in the Longxiang Guild are definitely a person who spends a pot of wine, including the riding system, which is also the dragon. In the days of the courtesy of the flower gun, if a gun and a pot of wine left Long Xiang, he can at least take away more than 1W elite riding players, this is the main force of the guild charge.

"Ning Ge, how is the situation?" A 211-level swordsman rushed over with a long sword.

The flower gun shook his head and said: "Not so good, we have to lose it. We should not act rashly. The Russians are ambushing the Americans. Let us take a look at the excitement for the time being."

"Good!" The young swordsman looked cheeky and smiled. "The people of mythology have come. We just saw the party songs, the paintings on the paper and Lu Chunyang when we came over."

“How many people are there?”

"At least 2W or more? Also, the people of Xiaolong have set up positions in the southwest of the Seven Mile Forest. What do they think, do you think that people holding the Holy Spirit treasure chest will attack them?"

"Oh, we don't care about this."



In the distance, the brilliance and flame of the skills have become one after another. The polar abyss and deep cold guilds from the Russian server have launched the impact on the war sharp guild, and can still see the brown scorpion and the grazing heart. The soul figure, the allies in the national war that have always been "the same with the gas," now finally reveals the fangs to the sky rose.

In fact, the sky rose is not afraid, but the seven, the green and other people were killed in the chaos with us, the peak-level players are missing a lot, and then the players who encounter the Russian server to wait for work, bear The pressure naturally doubles.

The blade is raised high, and the sky rose with a pair of blue and beautiful scorpions revealing anger: "Chong, kill the past!"

The Americans have no retreat, followed by the pursuit of servers in India, China, etc., in front of the Russians, this is the price of holding the treasure chest!

The gale rides with the Russian server's riding warriors, and the sky rose still maintains the tactical style of being in the unmanned environment. No one can compete with her in the riding battle, and one AOE damage is thrown out and killed. Russia is terrible, but the price is that the gale ride must withstand the opponent's heavy fire volley attack.

The battle was extremely fierce. In less than 5 minutes, 2,000 gale rides were running out. The sky rose led dozens of people to escape the road. There were countless magic and arrows on the top of the head. If she didn’t leave, she would be tragedy. .

However, the Russian defense line overlapped dozens of layers, where it was so easy to be broken, holding the treasure chest of the Holy Spirit, the blood has almost never been around 40%, and the third impact was shaken back, and a face Fury: "Rose, we can't go out, this **** Russian!"

Sky Rose bites silver teeth: "Continue to keep the impact, you can definitely kill!"

At this moment, a gale rides an excited stretched neck and says: "The lord, it seems... someone came to help us break through!"


The sky rose is also beautiful.

Sure enough, the Russian server second guild - behind the cold camp came a shocking killing, followed by one person wielding a sharp blade to break through the line of defense, and then more and more, the first person wearing a delicate heavy, Around the armor, there was an ancient flame rune, so that it was like a set of firearms. It was a bit like the way I started the Yangyan fire armor, but this person is not me.

"It's bad!" Sky Rose rushed to advance the sword.

However, the coming person is not against the sky rose. He has a single hand, and the blast is floating in the four hooves of the horse. Under the rapid increase of speed, a sword blade penetrates the body of the sky rose, and the sword is launched in the sky. Before the rush, he turned back to a skill attack, and the gods were intimidated, and the stunned sky rose for 2 seconds, and the speed was still undone.

A group of American players were stunned. The team leader of a war sharp guild stunned and shouted: "It’s Jianfeng Han, the ally of the Chinese Theater Frontier Guild, stop me!"

However, Jianfeng Han has already opened up the skills of greed and defensive power, and the defensive power has increased by 270%. He simply ignores the attack of the riding system and quickly launches the suit skill. The place where the iron hoof passes is suddenly a sea of ​​fire, and the target is directed.

"come on!"

He is also a belligerent person. He will stand up to such a provocation. He will be ready to fight against the axe, and he will be urging the horse to fight, and the battle axe will be lowered. This kind of attack is very clever. No one knows this. From what angle the axe will attack, the tomahawk's tomahawk is long-handled, and the Qinglong of the Guan Yu is not much different. This blow may be a dragging knife or a sweeping, or it may be from the sky, it is his pleasure. .

However, the sword is cold and cold, and the player who claims to be the most qualified player in the younger generation is suddenly ready to go when he is ready to go, and a **** red weapon behind him appears as a **** blade. It's just not a **** blade, but a sword-seated creature that can be invisible. It is called a "hidden sword". After stealth, it launches a disabling spur. I have heard this for a long time. Today it is the first time I saw it.

The horseshoes are strong, the swords are cold and the cockroaches pass by, the swords straight through the other's chest, and then a cold wind sweeps, suddenly another big man under the sky rose hand is killed, the Holy Spirit treasure chest is falling, the sword is cold Raise your hand into the bag, the system also officially prompted the Holy Spirit treasure chest to change the owner!



The sky rose back to the fast speed, just in the moment when Jianfeng Han got the treasure chest, he was slammed several times in a row, and the blood plunged to 52%. Thanks to the sky rose, there is no armor effect like Lin Biaoer, otherwise Even 270% of the defense enhancements may not be able to stop the output of a set of skills.

"Lord, go, let's hold her down!"

In the crowd, the ball is not stupid, goodbye is also tears rushed over, the ball is not stupid is a far-range attack, actually hit, "嘭" hit the mount of the sky rose, dizzy it for 1 second The waved rifle began to spur, but the effect was not obvious. The sky rose's equipment level was too high, and almost did not break the defense.

Goodbye is also the tears holding the knife, the horse came to the other side, the Buddha light began to fall on the shoulders of the sky rose.

"Trick or treat!"

The sky rose quickly revived, the goddess of the Westland was completely violent, the lava breaks the lava blade, and the continuous attack of the general attack quickly makes the ball not stupid, goodbye is also the tears of the air, but goodbye is also There are also kinds of tears, a low-pitched spurt of the skills, the whole body is flooding the golden light, shrouded in the golden bell, and raising the arm is a Vatican resuscitation back to blood, that is, not dead.

"kill them, hurry up!" Sky Rose ordered.

Suddenly, the remnants of the gale rides have their own skills, and the Eight Immortals cross the sea, and all the magical powers are swayed on the second of the three giants. At this moment, goodbye is also the tears of the Buddha’s possession. The knife slashed around, the shield slammed the countless long-range attacks, patience, heavy shield block, Buddha light dawn, all kinds of recovery skills together with blessing, the bloodline up and down the waves, actually really surrounded by more than a dozen people In the middle of the sword, the addition also supports more than 15 seconds!

Aside, the ball is not stupid and can't hold it anymore. After a long gun picks up a gale, he grins and laughs: "I have been loyal to the country..."

Jianguang flashed past, the sword of the sky rose turned out to be not stupid, goodbye is also a tear to see the ball is not stupid, suddenly no intention to fight again, roaring to the nose against a group of American players, shouted: "Come on, there is a species to kill Laozi!"

A group of American players were scared by the nostrils. In the end, one of the top ten generals’ archers shot at the head of the goodbye and tears. In the middle of the ring, “plopping” a straight stroke, although not killing anyone, But support for so long, it can be regarded as a great battle.


It is also taking advantage of this precious ten seconds that Jianfeng Han has been driving a blast, holding the treasure chest of the Holy Spirit and galloping far away. In front of him, the fallen wolf, the floating knives, etc. are all mixed. And a group of Russian players trying to get close is even more squandered by a simple fire.

"Sister, get it!" Jianfeng Han haha ​​laughed.

Simply nodded: "Make it beautiful, retreat!"


The hate value instantly shifted, and the attack direction of the brown scorpion, the animal husbandry, etc. immediately turned into a sharp group of people. Moreover, the sky rose also angered the sword and killed the scorpion. Anyway, the Holy Spirit treasure chest started, it was hot. The Jianfeng cold will immediately know that this is awesome. The front guild has come a lot. Nearly ten thousand people are in the jungle, waiting for the command of Jianfeng.

Put the Holy Spirit treasure chest into the package, Jianfeng cold holding the long sword and retreating, while loudly saying: "And the war and retreat, here is too close to the Seven Miles City, it is too bad for us!"

The sharp man slowly receded, but the price was hidden by several major forces. The most fierce killer was the sky rose, and the American reinforcements soon arrived. The elite forces of tens of thousands of people appeared in the Seven Mile Forest. After all, this dispute is not good enough.

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