Zhan Long

Chapter 1192: Ambush

In the early morning of the next day, I designed and continued to work.

In fact, I didn’t have any thoughts to do things. I gave everything to a few colleagues and ran to see the webpage. Fortunately, several colleagues also knew who I was. I knew that I was bored and helped. Don’t count on me. I can generate income for the company, and I don't take any salary, it is equal to a volunteer.

On the forum, a brief introduction of the major BOSS has been revealed. The second big BOSS string of the gods is originally a fairy who is good at temperament in the gods. After being degraded, it became a powerful demon in purgatory. Captured her godhead, re-created a magical deity to her, and made this piano song a powerful assistant.

Greedy desire to drink fire, this is also a super strong BOSS, the ultimate manipulator of the flame.

The judge is a guardian of the ancient order.

The chewster Stella is a prehistoric behemoth, the biggest hobby is naturally chewing, about the kind that is swallowed.

The end of the storm Layla, this is a passing BOSS, from the end of a certain plane, good at electromagnetic attacks, seeing the introduction is quite a female future warrior.

Among the 11 BOSS, only the introduction of Pei is missing, and there is no one page.

I sat in front of the computer and couldn't calm down for a long time. It seems that more and more signs indicate that this BOSS is Pei, but after being conscience, can Pei return to Tianzhu City?

Even if Pei returned to Tianzhu City, is the owner of this city the mother, or Luo Shaolin?

At the thought of this, I began to have a headache. If Pei really returned to Tianzhu City and Luo Shaolin to compete for the throne, who should I help this big gang?


After reading the forum for a while, I found that many Chinese players have already assembled in the area of ​​the cold dragon city and the non-returning sea before the map of the demon territory has been opened. The name is “gold rush”, and the real intention is many. People have already planned to fish "epic artifacts" on the new different demon kings. The end of the storm, Laila, guarding the death plain, greedy desire to drink and guard the Shura community, these two BOSS have become the target of the player, and mirror Iron Cranial City, Jiuyi City, Zeyuan City and other servers, it seems that many players are squatting with the new different demon kings, intending to go fishing.

Among them, the Western League co-hosts stationed in the Iron Cranial City are the most enthusiastic, and at least millions of people are planning to rely on human tactics to kill BOSS.

The most harmonious one is the Indian server. The Seven Mile City originally belonged to the system of the demon territory. They could not kill the demon king. However, it is possible to consider killing Luoshenlin, Lin Biao and Zhuhai. These BOSS, maybe you can still earn a little artifact, but most of the epic artifacts are not played, I don't think that NPCs in Scorpio City can have epic artifacts.



A forum news, from Yan Zhao unparalleled: "Happy, you also visit the forum?"

"Well, it’s boring to go to work!"

"You still go to work?"

"Yeah, I am a hardworking, hardworking and hardworking office worker."

"Cut." Yan Zhao unparalleled sent a very mocking expression, followed by a message: "Fang Ge, asked the sword, Jianfeng cold, they all decided to send troops, the magical territory immediately refreshed, immediately sent troops, this time players To take the initiative to attack, start the map of the ones that are the same as the monsters, what do you think?"

I thought about it and replied: "The dragon looks at it for a while, I don't think it is too optimistic. It is not so easy to be destroyed. After this system maintenance, the attributes of the different demon kings should also increase sharply. It’s not so easy to kill.”

"Well, I think so too, then look at it together."

"it is good……"


The level is your own. If you don’t know yourself or know yourself, don’t try to challenge the different kings. However, there may be a set of thoughts in the hearts of the songs, swords, etc., relying on the level of the losing players to defeat the different kings. Live a rare opportunity to get an epic artifact, after all, the epic artifact is limited, the level can be practiced back, and the epic artifact is not so easy to get.

Now, mainstream players are generally above 190, and 200 players are running all over the place. The current version of the game is already in the middle and late stages. It is also the strongest period of each guild. It may be able to improve the influence of the guild and the ranking of the Billboard. As long as the guild is famous, it will be easy to do, whether it is to continue to be destined or to enter another game is very beneficial.

The militants such as Xuerou, Li Mu, Wang Hao, and Yan of the dragon seem to have intentionally invaded the magical territory. The players feel that they are full-fledged now, but I feel that this is the title of the king. It is definitely not that simple. The new demon king may make the player unable to eat and walk.

So I sent a message to Matcha and Li Mu, so that the players with them can only kill the mobs on the periphery of the core map of the Devil's Territory, and they are not allowed to kill BOSS.


Until 11:30, the two beauty managers got off work, and took me away in the office hall. The three people went back to eat at the outside fast food restaurant and went back. In the afternoon, the game was in the game. The hard time, Dongchengyue and Lin Biaoer are also good masters, and they are willing to see their level and equipment pulled down by others.


On the line, Tianzhu City.

After repairing the equipment and preparing for the supply, he summoned the raspberry to prepare for departure.

Most of the dragon players are gathered in the cold dragon city area. Today is a season for players to counterattack. The cold dragon city is already full of people. Not only the players of the dragon, but also the rest of the guild players, the crowd The south wall was submerged to the north wall, and a large number of players crossed the cold dragon city and went straight to the north.

The snow flutters over the dragon field, but it doesn't seem to affect the mood of the players. Even I can see a small number of NPC troops accompanying the players. There is no way. I can only review the army operations in my big-go interface. The players of the ranks of the captain and the centurion want to call three or two soldiers to level together. I really have no way at all.


Later, the sound of the giant dragon fanning the giant wing came, and Lin Biaoer rode the white.

Farther away, the red dragon that Li Mu rode was also in the snow. He licked the falling snow on his shoulder and said, "Happy, I have been negotiating with softness, and Xiaolong has dispatched 3W people. Just look at the edge of Shura, just look at the state of BOSS, what do you think?"

"Well, just do it."

I mobilized the raspberry to fly to the north, overlooking the earth, and I could see the redness of the melting iron ride, and I could see the figure of Xuerou and Yan, and I smiled and said, "Amu, what are you with? Matcha is so familiar, it’s soft, haha...”

Li Mu looked like a young man: "Scratch you to whisper, this is a group of people I yelled with Wang Hao. I heard it and got it. I don’t want to blame us for a meal. You don’t know..."

He lowered his voice and approached him and said, "Was a woman who is so proud of Xuerou, how many men can you look at? Hey, I am afraid that you are one, you are not blessed in the blessing!"

I put the butterfly sword on the dragon's back and said, "I don't understand what you said."

Li Mu glanced at Lin Biao, not far away, and smiled: "In fact, I don't know what I am talking about!"


We quickly followed the main force of the ascendant, and then went forward to the ghost cableway. The ghost cableway was originally a few cables hanging in the clouds. It was very dangerous, and predators slayed in the air. I first came here. I almost didn't get killed, but now the ghost ropeway is much safer. It has been built by the players into a strong cable bridge with iron ropes. There are no problems with countless horses galloping on the ropeway.

Along with the dragon dragon melting iron ride over the bridge, there is also the heroic guild's Baiyuan ride, as well as a large group of spiritual masters, archers and other occupations, everyone originally said to laugh.

I am frowning, this is the devil's territory, and the players are too much to play here as a play?

"Be careful!" Looking at the clouds in the distance, I couldn't help but say it.

On the bridge, the elders of the first alliance, the 212-level Berserker Wang will hold the reins and look up at me. He laughed: "There should be no problem with the lord? It is reasonable to say that at least hundreds of thousands of people have passed before. It’s all safe, it’s not going to happen to our dragons here?”

I nodded: "Be careful."



We just finished, suddenly there was a sharp voice in the fog, some familiar, predators?

No, it’s a level 8 monster!

In the fog, one of the black shadows rushed out, and it turned out to be a double-winged demon. The claws of the claws on the bridge were so high that they did not ask to kill the player on the bridge. However, the barbs on the claws hooked the player and dragged the abyss. In the twinkling of an eye, the sky was full of twin wings, and the black pressure was over the cable bridge. The players of the dragon and heroes struggled to resist, but they still resisted. Many people have been killed, most of them have been thrown into the abyss. It must not be alive. Not everyone has an adventure in the abyss. Most of them are directly smashed on the stone.


I screamed and tried to kill the raspberry, and at the same time loudly said: "Raspberry, fire, kill these wings! Form a shield and protect yourself!"

The raspberry screamed and rushed into the monster group of the two-winged demon, spurting a circle of flames, while blessing the dragon's shield and the dragon's whirlwind, so that the two-winged magic can't be close, and I waved the sword and shouted at the black pressure. In the group of monsters, the wind broke out quickly and thundered for nine days. Not far from the side, Lin Daier, Li Mu, and Wang Hao also attracted the attention of the monsters and won the bridge time for the players on the bridge!

On the cable bridge, the sword is also among them. With the long sword and the horse rushing forward, the skills such as the fire dragon and the black dragon break out continuously, and the two-winged magic that will fall on the cable bridge has smashed a lot, but it still cannot recover the disadvantage. I hurried back to look at me in the air, loudly: "Happy, you cover for half a minute, I take people to rush, the people behind do not let them go on the ropeway, the devil wants to destroy the ghost cableway!"

I nodded: "Go!"


I just finished, suddenly in the fog is a shocking dragon scream, a gray bone dragon rushed out, is the BOSS level of the devil, NND, as I expected, as if consciously ambush here We are the main force of the two guilds of dragons and heroes!

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