Zhan Long

Chapter 1198: Shura ride

"What happened?"

I urged the raspberry to move slowly. The raspberry seemed to realize what was happening on the mountain. It opened its wings and made a terrible dragon humming sound. It scared a group of retired Longxiang players to stop and dare not attack the dragon. The square array, the gun and a pot of wine also rushed over with a gun. I asked aloud: "What happened to the top, scared the people of Longxiang?"

The gun and a pot of wine pulled the horse's reins and quickly stopped. "The 9th-level demon, the gods and bones appeared, and there are a lot of spirits and insects. Our lord ordered the retreat, but did not think of an order." The retreat turned into a rout, and the mountainside collapsed for a while, and many people fell in."


In the square of the heroic squad, asked the sword to come out with a long sword and said: "Let the people of Longxiang not retreat, stop at the place, or they will disperse the lineup of several guilds. If you dare not go, Change us."

The flower gun and a pot of wine brow tightly locked, without refuting or agreeing, said: "The top of the mountain is the greedy old nest that wants to drink, there is a magic hall built there, the spiritual insects, the black worms and the gods and bones do not count Count, if you confirm that you want to go, I will not stop it."

Said, the gun gave me a deep look and said: "Happy, really, this time we entered the alien magic territory and some of the rash, there is no NPC heavy artillery, we are here is equal to bare hands, not an opponent."

Hey, he laughed: "The little flower is scared by the fire..."

The gun did not speak. He hung the gun on the edge of the horse and let the road open. He said, "If you can't help it, then go. I will organize the brothers of Longxiang to meet you in the back. Don't be too stubborn. Retreating, with the power of the eyes, we can at least kill the encirclement and find the road back to the city of Tianzhu, not a shame."

I nodded: "Well, let's try again, otherwise everyone will not agree to withdraw."

"Well, be careful!"


"Go forward!" Li Mu rides a red dragon and raises a long sword command in the air.

The dragons, myths, heroes, Prague, and other major guilds have advanced sharply and forwardly. Anyway, they have arrived here. It is impossible for us to retreat. The guilds of the major guilds are willing, members are not happy, and each one All the lords must consider the emotions of the members of the guild. Otherwise, the water can carry the boat and the boat can be overturned. The guild is not far from the collapse.

I didn't fly, I continued to move the raspberry to walk on the mountainside, and I was at the forefront of the dragon's front line. A group of melting gods and iron horses were pulled out of the blade, ready to meet the sudden attack. The result did not disappoint us. I saw a group of defeated soldiers who had seen the sun as a **** escape. They were mainly based on leisure and leisure. They looked like a total of 1,000 people. They lost their helmets and unloaded their armor. Many people have deep incisions on their armor. It seems to have been knocked out. A lot of durability.

I frowned, this is not quite right. Is there any armor in the army of the demon army that has the effect of shrapnel, like my sword, can tear the target's defensive device and directly crush the armor?

At this time, as soon as he looked up, there was a sound of silence in front of him. In the jungle on the mountainside, a group of cavalry wearing blood-red armor rushed out. Even the horse was blood-red, like a fish from the blood pool. This is the 8th level of the demon - Shura riding, but also a kind of alien magic we have never seen.

"Be careful!"

His Majesty called the Lord to pass the player of the Dragon, and said loudly: "This Shura ride has the effect of a broken armor!"

"Well?" On the ground, Xuerouxiu wrinkled, loudly said: "Be careful, ready to fight, the remote system keeps the fire output, try to put the Shura ride on our periphery, and melt the iron ride, give me all the shield!"

In front, a group of Shura riders have already killed, and several of them raised a long sword against me, Shurao!

A sword shines on the body, but it is not very painful. It just hits 8000 damage numbers, and I can kill hundreds of thousands of blood with a single stroke. This Shura ride really has a scream. Is the Lord saying so powerful? The next moment, the two Shura rides have passed me by, suddenly opened the arm, illusion of a death blade rotating around, directly rushed into the dragon's melting iron riders, is a piece of killing damage - Wan Blades are rampant!


The bladed edge of the blade cut through my overlord, and suddenly opened two Mars -

Combat Tip: [Sura Ride] Use [Wanblade] for you, dealing 17239 damage to you. Since your strength exceeds [Sura Ride], you can avoid the effect of armor attack!

Combat Tip: [Sura Ride] Use [Wanblade] for you, dealing 18718 damage to you. Since your strength exceeds [Sura Ride], you can avoid the damage of the armor!


So, is it necessary to have a power value lower than the Shura ride to receive the broken armor effect?

In fact, this is not the case, but the more the strength value is lower than the Shura ride, the greater the chance of triggering the effect of the broken armor, and the similar value of the armor effect is only about 10%.

But in less than a minute, there was a constant exclamation in the Iron God Iron Rider: "Well, my chest was beaten 20% of the durability, and these Shura rides are really disgusting!"

Even the monthly shallowness has been knocked out by 20%. Players with less luck are continuously exposed to the effect of the broken armor. The durability of the armor has dropped 40% or 60%. There will be a lot of people like the players of the Rising Sun and Long Xiang, the durability of a piece of equipment will be completely emptied.


I slashed the sword in front, and all the skills were lost. I looked at the Snapdragon player behind me. The loud voice: "The equipment that is too low in durability will immediately retreat to the rear, and rotate the rest of the people as the striker. Don't be too reluctantly!"

Between this Shura riding will directly hit the equipment durable, Lin Biaoer no longer landed, but driving Xiaobai to attack at low altitude, and Dongcheng month is standing behind her, throwing magic into the monster group, will The output is maximized.

In the distance, the sound of rumbling rumbling is the magic release effect of Fang Geyu. The higher the spirit attack power of the sorcerer, the greater the movement of the spell, so that when Fang Songyu and Dongcheng Moon cast spells, With the faint thunder, the energy of the prelude that emerged every week is quite amazing.

Nearly half an hour after the **** battle, finally, we slashed all the Shura rides in front at an extremely fierce price. Then, on the foothills, we started running down a group of worms and we had to continue to fight hard.

The larvae are not afraid of fear. The terrible thing is the stag beetle. This kind of suicide bombing is very tricky. It is not afraid of death. Unless you can kill them remotely, you don't have to suffer from explosion damage.

At this time, the injury of Lin Xiaowu and Dongchengyue is more critical, especially the attack damage of Lin Xiaowu. The only one of the whole server in the world is in her hands, and it is also the strongest blade of the server-wide attack output. The continuous shooting of the Japanese arch can directly block a large number of nymphs to explode outside the 斩 阵 position, and the arrows will bring out the explosion effect, so that the heroes, Prague and other guilds will be envious. The attacking power of Shilin Xiaowu has been stable and it is the first in the Chinese theater.

However, one person can't save the whole situation, and the Linghua insects continue to explode on the front line. Our melting iron ride has been very resistant, but there are still people who are killed and the treatment of the hanging pots is too late. Can only rely on greed and other stunts to maintain the team's life value, Meng Yao also released the female virgin guardian stunt, to raise the upper limit of blood for everyone, everyone is doing what they can, Long Xiang, Rising sun and other guilds can't do things, we are working hard to complete!


This time it was a real **** battle. The front of the position was blown up by the spirit worms. The equipment and potion of the dragon dragon players all fell to the ground. The spirits were less and less, and our people also Less and less, when the snails and the larvae were almost killed, the dragon has shrunk rapidly from 11,000 to 4,000, which is really fierce!

Myths, heroes, Prague, and other guilds are even worse. They almost all come out of the nest. As a result, now only about 1W of players are left in each guild. Many elites have already died under the blast of the snail, one. The face of the guild ally is very ugly, no matter whether we can kill the greedy desire to drink the BOSS this time, our actions are all failed, even if it is killed, hang up so many people, all guilds The lord must also be self-examined for this failed action.

Halfway up the mountain is full of corpses, Li Mu, Wang Hao and other people commanded everyone to clean up the battlefield, and the equipment that hangs out the player's explosion is collected, and then continue to move forward, and then go up to the greedy hall of sacred fire!


Quickly crawling up, close to the foothills, there are a number of 9-level demon, the gods and bones, the gods and bones have a chance to explode the skills of the ancient gods, but everyone is also bearish, killing 100,000 may not Exploding a book, this chance is still going with it.

All the way to kill, the mountains are full of our players, but the feeling is that we have millions of players into the edge of the Shura community, but now only up to 20W players, which is the biggest reason for failure And this time is not a version of the task, there is no compensation for hanging the player, the level does not say, many luck almost lost the equipment, which is even more loss.

In the night, there is a black hall standing on the peak of the Shura Mountain. A blue light around the main hall illuminates the surroundings. It looks very elegant, but everyone knows that there is a king in the hall. Level BOSS, a possibility that may make us regret coming here.


When I came to the front of the main hall, the heroic people were not very good. Tang Gu took the iron gun and said to the sword: "Lord, go and let the BOSS come out and kill it?"

Ask Kendo: "Well, be careful."


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