Zhan Long

Chapter 1205: Looking for Peer

After the new version is updated, it seems that NPC also knows the identity of the player. It is assumed that we are "different people" from different worlds, and are blessed by the temple.


System Tip: You accepted the SSS level super main line task [find the truth]!

Task content: Entering the magical territory alone, find the purgatory purple Lei? Pei, to find out her life, but you must be very careful, Pei's character has become very violent, and there are many different magic masters around Protect her in the dark, if you fight to death, the mission will fail on its own, to find out the truth and then reply to the frost, you will get very generous rewards!


"Li Xiaoyao."

The frost stood in front of me and said very seriously: "It may be too dangerous for you to enter the aliens alone. I will send 10 dragon knights to cover you in the air. If something happens, you can start a scream. As a warning, the dragon knights will cover you."

I looked across the window to see the figure of the dragon dragon flying dragon in the snow outside, could not help but smile: "Forget it, the life of the dragon knight is so precious, don't take risks, I can get it alone. You are here waiting for me to come back."

"Well, come back early, if you can't get close to Pei, then don't get close." There was a bit of hesitation in the eyes of the frost, saying: "I am so terrible that we will fight with the devil's territory!"

I took a deep breath: "No, I am leaving!"

Turned around and went out of the door of the administrative hall. After closing the door, I looked at the snow outside, but I heard the voice of the Queen Shu: "You should not hesitate, you should hesitate, you will not let Li Xiaoyao went to find out the true identity of Pei, you have to understand that the overall situation is more important than personal safety. I know how much you value Li Xiaoyao, but there are things that must be done by him."

The sound of frosty is powerful: "This must be the last time. I let him be alone. I will have such a thing in the future. You should not persuade me, otherwise I will never be polite!"

Zi Shu, Lan Nasir: "Know, you calm down, so you are the leader of the Dragon Field, not so impulsive."

Flowing frost: "Hey."


The feet slowly drifted off the ground, and the ice wing was swayed behind me. I quietly entered the snow and opened the mission map. The mission has indicated the general direction of Pei, which seems to be the direction of the storm abyss, her The territories were sealed in the Scarlet Mountains, but they did not stay in the Scarlet Mountains, but patrolled in the devil's territory, which is more suitable for her identity as the commander of the alien army.

Action by one person is quick and easy.

Breaking through the snow, entering the blood, and then passing the ghost cableway in the air, but seeing a group of dragons from the dragon domain are carrying various supplies busy on both sides of the abyss, they are rebuilding the ghost cableway, not to This ghost ropeway was rebuilt, and the dragon domain could not reach the magical territory.

Speeding up to the peak, the whole person is like a meteor across the sky.

After flying for nearly 30 minutes, I arrived at the Shura community, but now the Shura Mountain has disappeared. Instead, it is a fiery red abyss. Countless white souls are dying in the abyss of purgatory, and on both sides of the abyss, There are a lot of death mage wearing blood robes holding up the scepter and singing a spell that I can't understand.

They are refining the souls of those players who have been captured. Although the players who have died are already resurrected, they should also know that one of their shadows is being left here.

For these, I can't do anything. I can't do anything about it. The death mage is not far away from the Shura Ride. I am stationed here for more than 10W Shura Ride. I have no interest in comparing with them. Besides, except for Shura. In addition to the chandeliers that make me jealous, the spirit worms in their stone lamps are the nightmare of all the peak players. Even the players who ask swords, square songs, and paper paintings can't stand it. The second spirit flower worm hits me. I am definitely here alone and I have no choice but to single out these thousands of horses.

Continue to fly forward, and then go to the Scarlet Mountains.

Today's blood-colored mountains have been different. The whole mountain range is no longer bloody, but full of lush jungles. There is an ancient beast living in the jungle. It is also faint to see the players shuttle in it, killing the evil from ancient times. The beast comes to gain experience and equipment. These people are players of the Seven Mile City, Indians.

As the players join the system of the demon army, the demon territory seems to have opened a lot of "back door" for them. Actually, these beasts are hoarded in the mountains to kill the players to gain the experience of promotion. This makes me slightly worried. India After the server won the Seven Mile City, the strength is responding quickly. Although Qingmo Tumo promised me, she will not participate in the third and fourth national wars, but can she really believe in her words? In any case, I am still going to make some countermeasures for this Tianzhu City Grand Gobi and Dragon Dragon.


Soon after, flying over the Scarlet Mountains, there is a vast plain, a plain filled with death and fear, and at the end of the plain is the storm abyss, this map is too far away from our Tianzhu City, to me The flight speed is about one and a half hours, and it is relatively close to the Iron Crest City and Zeyuan City.


Far away, I’m screaming at the head of the plain, the thundering beast of the thunder, and I’m screaming in the air, but unfortunately, I’m flying very high, they can’t beat me, and at this moment, suddenly there is air in the air. The black pressure of the piece seems to be the appearance of the two-winged demon, close to the abyss of the storm, they are already on the periphery!


The boots stepped on the air, and suddenly a speed was turned upwards. The whole person flew straight to the sky and entered the dark clouds. The things outside the meter could not be seen in front of the eyes. The system radar was used to fly. It must be affirmed by the two wings. I can't see me in the clouds, so I can avoid them smoothly.

Fortunately, I have the ability to fly, otherwise I will be discovered anyway from the ground.


I’m flying for about half a minute, and I’m already in the air of the abyss. I have been here more than once in this abyss, but now the storm has a deeper abyss and has fully realized the military management. The original several floors have all been Was opened, a ring road around the abyss through the end of the abyss, the ring is a piece of the different magic army, as well as small maps such as spawning ground, iron furnace, blood pool.

At the bottom of the abyss, the storm swept a flame and slowly rose up. I was in the air, an unbearable inflammatory force coming from the face, Pei, is it below the abyss?

I carefully observed the storm abyss for a few minutes, and repeatedly searched for the way I could enter. It was not realistic to kill it directly. There were too many monsters on the abyss of the storm. I haven’t seen Peer before, I’ve been dumped. If you fly directly in the air, it does not seem to show up. In the abyss, a group of two-winged monsters open their wings and circle around the Yanzhu.

After repeated considerations, I finally determined that the only way I can enter the bottom of the storm abyss is to follow the rising column of the abyss center. Although the central temperature may burn me half, the flaming column is at least tens of meters in radius and at least A few kilometers, the inside is full of flames, almost opaque, straight through the clouds, if I follow the Yanzhu from the clouds, I may be able to avoid the monsters along the way, directly to the location of Peer, which is more realistic, although too Bold, once you have any problems, you may die for a lifetime.

However, when I think of such an adventure, I become a little excited and challenged to be interesting!


Going forward for about a hundred meters, a column of inflammation that is rotating in the spiral has entered the cloud. This is the direction I want to go in. I don’t think too much. I open the wall of vindictiveness and the frosty ice rushes into it. Yan Zhu, when my body was wrapped in flames, smoke and hurricanes, a feeling of almost suffocating came, and the blood was also drastically falling, about 10,000 drops per second, my total The blood is 65W, plus the rain and blood return effect, can stay in the inflammation column for up to 120 seconds, can not hesitate to set off!


In the burning of the flames, the body couldn't help but make a sigh, but I didn't stop, my feet slammed into the void, and the whole person swooped down. The flames and the storm could barely open their eyes, only squinting. Flying fast, the oncoming is a death-like blast storm, blowing the tyrannical cloak behind me, seems to want to melt my armor, the whole person is like a countercurrent The fish is flying down desperately.

Every inch of skin is under the burning of the flame, and the blood is drastically reduced. I rushed to fill a blood bottle and continue to pay close attention to the blood strip. Once the blood is not enough, if necessary, the body will be opened!

At the same time, I also noticed that I was "counter-current" in Yan Zhuo, and a group of different demons in the abyss of the storm abyss seemed to me to be "indifferent" and did not notice that I was flying. Moths, one by one, are busy with their own things, some are cooking human flesh, some are consuming the bones of the animals, some are fighting each other, and they are so busy.





The blood is getting less and less, and I almost stop breathing. I continue to bite my teeth and push forward the unbearable heat waves. The closer to the bottom of the storm abyss, the more intense the storm, the wind formed by the storm. The blade also began to hurt the body, making my blood drop faster!

7 seconds of rain, 8W blood, as if it has become my life-saving straw, but the double damage of storm and flame consumes nearly 3W of blood per second, and it is still unable to support it.

Further down, almost the core of the bottom of the storm abyss can be seen. There, a huge, blood-red eye is seeing everything in the abyss, and the energy in the pupil of the eye is a storm. The source of the flame of death, and, next, you can see something like a sacral membrane. Through this layer of energy, you can avoid storms and flames and enter the bottom of the storm abyss!



The double sword was unsheathed, and I tried my best to rush out and the two swords slammed out!


The energy splashed and the energy film was cut out by a hard hole of about one meter, and I rushed in without hesitation!

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