Zhan Long

Chapter 1244: First god

"Don't run, you are the scum!"

The strength of Kreis's deity is undeniable. After a break, I saw a huge flame six-pointed star in front of me. It just happened to block the route of my position. After about 0.5 seconds, a flame column emerged and it also directly impacted. My body, directly brought out a big damage number -


No, it can't be consumed!

What’s more deadly is that the flame column has the effect of slowing down. My movement speed has been reduced by at least 50%. In a hurry, raising the hand is a dragon hook. The dragon cone is “snapped” into the wall, with The body flew straight past, and the air brushing in the air was intertwined into a flame X-shaped smash. If this hit and then Kress hit it, I might have to be spiked on the spot.

Mu Yushu resumes, my heart has a lingering continuation to walk around, while throwing one injury skill on Kress's body, I must remotely effect him, me hard to fight me, there is no chance at all.

After 15 seconds, the flame six stars appeared again in front, but this time I have already prepared myself, a beautiful backward blade, and stepped into the seven-star position to make a displacement effect, successfully attacking MISS and turning back. On the other hand, the seven-star broken Yuelu was slashed on his head, and the ice effect was launched at the same time, but the luck was not good, and it was still lost by MISS. The resistance of Shenzun was very strong, and the probability of MISS for my state system skills. Not generally high.

Fortunately, the cooldown of the skills of the Star Shield is not long. The cooling pattern of the skill pattern is quickly rolled over. Once again, the shield of the stars is used to counter the attack of Kress. At the same time, the ancient tigers are commanded to walk. The roaring, twisting the **** has been moving around Kress, this is my two-line operation card, you must use the pet to affect the movement speed of Cres, otherwise his moving speed is enough to chase me. .


In the palace, a beam of light rises from the sky, mixed with my dragon's nine days, riding the wind and other skills, see Luo Wei, Yi Wei and a group of maids stunned, about they did not expect a travel practitioner to be with a **** Playing as much as you can. In fact, the blood volume of Shenzun is falling all the way, and my blood volume can always be kept above 40% under the factors of blood-sucking, rain-splitting and blood-staining medicine. The winner will definitely be me!

Especially when I turned over the fate card, the output doubled again, and Kress could suffer such damage.

The roar is endless. Kress is angry at the beginning of the game. He feels that his majesty is challenged. In the middle, he is angry and howling, and his war is high. When his blood falls below 30%, the **** There is already a trace of fear in the scream of respect, and he feels that he may be killed here.

"God respects adults..." A maid watched as the sword light shone, and fell to the ground, saying: "God respects adults, don't lose, or what do we do..."

These maids are actually the aides of Kress, and the body has already given Kress. If Kress is killed, they will once again become a state of no ownership. They have always relied on Cres in cultivation. The fate after the Lord is somewhat embarrassing.

However, Kress did not win because of the prayers of these maids. Under the restraint of my multiple skills, he simply lost his strength. Moreover, my swordsmanship is much more subtle than Kress, and I use the techniques of block, homeopathic and other techniques to continuously weaken grams. The attack of Reis made it violent, and then blind, and the damage to me became extremely poor.


Just as Kreis’s blood was reduced to 10%, the black flame city’s **** Zun suddenly snorted and said loudly: “Where is my bodyguard? Kill me this adventurer!”

As he said, he stood up and rushed out from the crack in the roof.

Want to go? Where is it so easy!

I also flew up and chased out, the speed was faster, faster than his flight, the double sword slammed on his back, the damage caused by the back attack was greater, and Krisna was poor. The blood and blood brush brushed straight down, and the blink of an eye is almost impossible. However, the gods in the realm of the gods are indeed very high AI. Kress knows what he needs, and rushes to the military camp in the city, and screams with a long sword: "Save me!"

A group of scattered spirits turned over the horse, but the person who saw him after him was me, and everyone was shocked.


A heavy blow, Cress cut down on the ground, wolf, I also sighed: "No one is allowed to save him, after I kill Kress, everything in this city belongs to you, then No one will enslave you!"

As a result, a group of Guards actually did not move. They also saw that I and Shenzun are stronger now. Good guys, it is still a group of mercenary guys. This **** and spirit are the virtues. , without exception.


Kress wiped the blood of his mouth and raised his sword. He saw no one reinforcements and thought of continuing to fly. He flew straight to the east, and suddenly he followed the roaring voice: "God respects adults, you are seeking Is it help from the gods?"

Kress did not respond, but I almost knew that this is a warning to me, there is a **** in the East, and the relationship with Kress is good, you must kill him before he sees him!

In the air, two rainbows passed over the city. My double swords have been attacking constantly, and I have already filled my own blood, and Kress can’t see the hope of winning, just put all the power. Used in flight, but his flight speed is not comparable to the dragon girl's female raspberry, which is doomed to his fate.


The effect of the ice eruption out of thin air is very gorgeous. This time, the luck is good. The Kreis is frozen in the air, and the two swords are smashed. One ride is a thousand rides and the wind blows together, plus the double of the fate card. With the effect of double damage, Kreis's blood brushed straight away, and the two men fought for nearly an hour, and the gods were finally unable to withstand it.


The big mouth coughed out blood, and Cress looked pale and looked at me with gaze: "Boy, who are you? Why... why do you have such a strong strength?"

I bluntly said: "I am from another plane, known as the human world."

"People's world?"

Cres stunned: "Can you know the **** of the frost?"

I groaned: "Frosting is my mentor, but she is not a god."


Kress’s face showed a painful look and said: “I actually... I was desperately trying to sneak out with the gods, this is the most serious mistake I have made in my life, and it’s the next god. God, you took it!"

I naturally wouldn't be at this time of the woman's benevolence, after a stormy attack, Kress screamed from the sky, did not explode the equipment, gave me experience is also very small, but a flame-filled crystal However, with the body of Kreis's continually breaking down, it was caught, and it was good. The first godhead was ready!


This is the godhead of a flame element. The general meaning is that this godhead is soaring, then my flame system skill damage will gain God's general improvement, but my flame system does not seem to have much skill. The swordsmanship method and the swordsmanship storm only have the skills of the frost system. The skills such as the ice and frost, the frosty ice armor, the thousands of frost wings, and the ice pole are all ice systems. To fly, you must also choose a fine ice system. God said again!

However, this lower **** god seems to be good, put in the package, maybe there are other uses, but it is impossible to take it out to others, the godhead can not bring this plane, or discuss with other players in this Meet in the plane and throw it at him. There is still a possibility, but the layout is too big, and it is impossible to lose.


At this time, "咚咚咚" three times, someone is knocking on my game helmet, and Lin Liner’s voice came from outside: "Dear, you have been flying up the illusion for 11 hours, go offline and eat something? Send you a message Sending a text message prompts that I can't receive it for a while. I am going to eat with Dongcheng. If you hear it, I will go offline."

I couldn't respond. It was coming outside to close the door, and my nephew was ready to eat.

Fortunately, I seem to have done a good job here. I can go offline after I return to the city. I can go offline in the Magic Zone, but I can stay up to 7 days at a time. After leaving the illusion, I have to wait another 7 days for the cooling time. Entering, you can only go online once in the illusion, this is the setting, so I must make good use of this opportunity to enter the illusion.


Back to the city!

When I was flying over the city with my long sword, Luo Wei and others looked at me with a stunned look. A group of guards raised their swords at me and shouted: "What did you do to God Zun? ?"

I naturally didn't do anything. I smiled and took out the subject of Kress from the parcel and shook them and said, "You should understand what happened?"

Suddenly, this group of loyal guards screamed on one knee and shouted: "From now on you are our master, I am willing to follow the adults and drive for you!"

Sure enough, too much wind makes the rudder!

I fell into the city and stepped on the stone steps and said, "Well, this black flame city belongs to me from now on. Everything is as usual, do you know?"


Next, it is the question of how to go to the situation, the humanity of the gods can basically confirm that I can use the skills to kill, it is time to try to be a **** in the land, the king of God What kind of strength will it be? I think there is still some excitement and expectation!

Arrange everything, let Luo Wei lead the people of the city, in fact, the total number of troops in Black Flame City is only 200 people, all the scattered spirit, scattered is an important component of this plane, this is a group of broken gods The false **** is only a slave in front of the true God.

Go offline, eat enough and do the next thing.

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