Zhan Long

Chapter 1257: Challenge failed, go home!

The cloud is shallow as a god, naturally very confident to kill me, and he has never put me in the eye, from his own me to the heavens, it is my best The opportunity to capture the superior gods, the shallow depths of the sacred, frost, flame, thunder and lightning, and the more beautiful than his godhead?

Take advantage of the wind, a ride of thousands of homemade skills and the shield of the stars, the blade of the air spin are all sacred, cold ice, frost ice, ice and so on belong to the frost system, swords and storms, flaming swords belong to the flame Department, the thunder of nine days, the dragon nine days is the mixed magic of the frosty wind system, anyway, this cloud of gods I have to set!

The question now is **** him.



The shallow palm of the cloud gently swayed and condensed a shield to protect himself. He did not need weapons at all, as if his hands were the strongest blade, one hand, one hand frost, one hand flame, and the mouth raised his smile: "Boy, Accept the trial of death, here is the realm of the gods, but it is not the place where you can come in the world of clowns. I don’t care how much you have in the previous plane, but when you come to my field, you must die! ”

A violent drink, the **** emperor has launched an offensive, hands interact, frost and flame formed two sharp cones, spiral flying and spurting over, offensive, I dare not care, the left foot after the sinking, the right fist suddenly A shock, the stars and brilliance condensed, the huge star shield whistling out, so it was in front of itself.


A loud noise, the attack of the gods blasted the shield of the stars, and even the corner of the shield of the stars had collapsed directly. NND, the toughness value was suddenly knocked out by 55%, which is enough. Another hit of the Star Shield will be broken.

Yunshao didn't make me think too much. I screamed a lot of thunder and lightning in the body. It was actually Xuesha's thundering power field. Numerous lightnings formed a huge arm and banged over, and after a burst of fire, the stars The shield has been broken, at the same time, the shallow hand of the cloud is holding a golden sword and stabbing it. The spiral around the blade is dancing with flames and frost. The good guy, the god's offensive is fast and strong!

I held the sword, the blade just touched his long sword, and quickly moved back. The blade spurred and started. "哗嚓" completed a clever one, letting the cloud light hit the air. MISS fell, turned into a ride, took a ride, and once again, the sword and the storm broke through the Tianlei stunt combination, and the ice poles stepped away, and a set of skills played in the clouds.

The lightness of the clouds is not very good. It was actually sealed by ice to the ice. It lasted for 1 second. I took out the butterfly sword and the blade slashed continuously. Under the effect of the fate card, Yunchao eats me. The blow is about 30W of blood, and under repeated attacks, the blood strip can obviously see the missing.

This just made the emperor completely angry, and it was a shame for him to suffer such humiliation before many departments.


"The gods thunder!"

He suddenly snorted, and countless thunder and lightning swallowed the elemental elves in the air, so that I was completely covered by the Thunder Power Field. The thunder and lightning "啪兹啪兹" violently exploded and slowly condensed into one. The armor of the handle axe, spear, sword, and dagger form the center of the war, and at least more than 30 handles of thunderbolt are gathered together.

My heartbeat is about to stop. This kind of offensive has never really been seen. How should I face it?

Dodge, block, only this.


The cloud screamed and screamed. The sound of "brushing" came from behind me. A thunder and lightning axe flew past. I couldn’t wait to turn around. I raised my hand and once again condensed the shield of the stars. I broke off and the shield of the stars waved backwards. The arm felt a dull shock, and the Thunderbolt was blown, but as soon as it turned, it was a thunderbolt spear. The speed of the Star Shield was not so fast. It can only be used with a butterfly sword. Block, but when my long sword touched the spear, the spear actually melted in the butterfly sword, directly becoming the body of lightning power to kill me!


it hurts! This can't be done. After all the 30 thunderbolt blades have been killed, I can be killed seven or eight times. NND, this **** warrior is too tricky. Does the gods have such skills?

Mu Yushu returned blood, but there is a feeling of a glass of water, I look at all sides, listen to all directions, maintain the best state of alert, the next time the gods and thunder strikes, directly use the seven stars to escape, step into the array The moment of the eye knew that it was successful, but it was hit by another **** soldier, and the blood plunged a lot.

No, the resistance is still slightly worse. The shallow cloud attack is a double blow of physical magic. My physical defense is sufficient, but the spiritual resistance is slightly weak, so that it is still greatly broken.



The body has a sharp turn, and once again, the blade has rushed in, and has escaped an attack. At the same time, it has already approached the shallow cloud, and the two swords have been raised. After several attacks, it has been attacked by thousands of ordinary attacks and slammed on each other. Come back a certain amount of blood, but behind it is a dull blow, the blood is almost going to bottom out, the front, the cloud is not a good provoke, the palm rises, the condescending blow, actually waved a flame knife .

Not good!

In a hurry, the star shield was quickly turned on, and the shield's toughness fell by 71%, which was too cruel!

Looking at the cooling state of the stunts, the bottom of my heart is even more desperate. There is still a lot of cooling time in the eternal realm and the realm of God. It has been used when killing the winter scorpion. Whoever wants to be intimate is going to single out the gods. It’s also a bad life for me. What I can do now is to fight hard. What can I do?

The cloud is full of laughter, constantly using my skills to consume my blood, and I am also difficult to play when the property is absolutely suppressed. More importantly, the level is also suppressed by 20, almost 30%. -40% of the attacks were dropped by MISS. It is heartbreaking to use a MISS. Finally, when the second time the cloud summoned the militia, my blood could not hold back.


The flame knives broke in from the cracks of the tyrants, causing 50W damage to me, and also ruining my last blood!



At the moment of death, I launched the Overlord Rebirth effect of the Overlord suit, which increased the total attribute by 30% and dropped the level 1. However, when I was lucky, I saw another hint -

System Tip: Please note that you have not met the 235 level of flying conditions, you will be transferred back to the original space plane after 10 seconds!

I have to be repatriated, but in this 10 seconds, I have killed more than a dozen swords with my swords and clouds. I also found that after the property has increased by 30%, it seems that I can still fight with the gods and thunder. My attribute lacks 30% and two big stunts. In addition, as long as I am careful, I can perfect my tactics.

"Kid, do you want to go?"

When I flew around the body to transmit the luster, the clouds were full of anger: "You want to go? No way!"

It feels like the **** is saying, "Are you forced to leave after you finished?"

However, the procedures prescribed by the system, the Emperor can not be reversed, I still left the world of broken gods after a ray of light, and a ring of bells came from, it was so heartbreaking -


System Tip: Please note that you have left the [Broken Gods] map, due to map restrictions, the "middle God God" in your package (Frost Law), [Lower God God] (Space Law)!


It’s a pity that the hard-earned godhead has been lost!


After the transmission came, the surrounding snow drifted, and it appeared next to the flying stone. The system reminded me that there are still 4 days to enter the broken gods again. I must abide by the 7-day rule. The sky rose will once again enter the broken gods.

Aside from the Ascension Stone, there are already many players around here.

Among them, a group of sharp people are here, and the goodbye is also the tears, the ball is not stupid and the Arctic are the three giants, with about 100 people on the side of the ascending **** stone, goodbye is also tears with a knife, caress The bead on the chest said: "Our lord and deputy ally have just entered the Ascension Stone. In order to avoid any accidental injury, no one is allowed to enter the illusion with the Ascension Stone within 1 hour."

Opposite to them, they are a group of Prague players. Yanzhao is just 235, carrying a long sword, and smiled slightly: "When is the edge of the arrogance, actually learned the hegemony leveling?"

Six 丫 丫 白色 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白Look here, the lord, we don't have to reason with this kind of person, let the brothers go together and marry him!"

I don't have time to study what it means to be "怼". In the air, I carry a long jib: "Hey, can you fight or don't fight, where is the world of broken gods, so fight."

Yan Zhao unparalleled looked up at me, could not help but laugh: "Li Xiaoyao, how is your kid... how to drop the grade?"

"I am not invincible, it is not normal to be downgraded..." I touched my nose and said, "When I challenged the Emperor, I was hanged, so miserable..."

Liu said: "That is really miserable."

I turned and looked at the sharp people, saying: "When you enter the broken gods, they are randomly transmitted. The big map of the broken gods is bigger than the map of the whole destiny. Your ally and vice-presidents are If you don't meet other players, you don't have to guard this flying stone. Besides, if you have insufficient resilience, you will not be able to enter the deeper maps of people, the realm, and the heavens."

The ball is not stupid, saying: "What do you mean, that is, Jianfeng Han and simply deadly?"

I laughed happily: "Unless they can find each other in the illusion, join hands to kill the gods, the gods, the gods, or they will die."

I still know more about their strength. The equipment of Jianfeng Han is very good, but there is absolutely no good for me, and the resilience and stunts are a lot worse than me. At most, I can single-handedly respect God and single-handedly Almost is a must, simple, the attack power is enough, but as a mage, single-handedness is a problem, God's attack power is not covered, hit me hurt, let alone hit a Master of cloth.


17K new monthly ticket plan, users can get a monthly ticket for each monthly subscription, and the voting users can get 5 monthly tickets after 2500 VIPs. Nothing to say, the leaves have been maintained in 17K for several years. There is no dispute in the world, but it is precisely this way that my rankings have fallen all the time. Now is the time for everyone to help the leaves. Xiaolong has been free, leaves begging for the monthly ticket, and helping the dragon to hit the rankings! Xiaolong, you have me, please help, don't let the game disappear completely! Remember, after recharging, you can cast 2,500 votes at a time, don't separate, or you won't have so many votes.

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