Zhan Long

Chapter 1272: Life and death in the sky

High temperature armor piercing!

In just one moment, the Yangyan fire armor of the whole body suffered a heavy blow, and a piece of firearms produced a subtle disintegration, and I even created a sense of disengagement from the air, resisting the attack of high-temperature armor-piercing projectiles, which means that I consumed At the expense of infuriating, there has never been any constant in this world, and some are only the conservation of complementary increase and decrease.



A missile deviated from the trajectory and a large pit was blasted from the roof behind me.

I endured the pain of the whole body. I walked to the big pit with a stagger. When I reached out, I grabbed a raised floor and grabbed it with a low voice. The floor with hundreds of pounds was in my hand, and my knees were slightly Shen, suddenly thrown it out, the incident suddenly, the helicopter in front of it can react, "Peng" a loud noise, then the helicopter was hit in the fuel tank, the volley exploded.

In the other direction, the "beep" is the railgun, and the other helicopter has become a fire.

Only the last one left, the driver turned to the panic and wanted to go, but the sound of "砰砰砰" was endless, it was the blow of sniper rifle by Xing Lie and others, and they had already replaced the high-melting armor-piercing projectile. The head directly penetrated the outer casing of the helicopter. The driver was already headshot in the next moment. The helicopter lost its direction, and the dragon fell to the place. The propeller was scraped on the ground and made a deafening sound.


At this moment, with a bang, a shot was shot on the fire armor on my chest. The body swayed and squinted. The main building was less than 100 meters away and there were two villas. It was from there. Gunshots, there are still people from Wang Zecheng.

When I was planning to order the axe and Xing Lie to break through the two buildings, suddenly there was a calm voice in the communicator: "Li Xiaoyao, I am Sun Xiang, two 歼-20 suspension precision missiles are approaching you. , arrived in about two minutes, marking the point that needs to be hit, and you quickly evacuate there."

Me: "Lock my current position, a total of three villas, blasted together!"

"it is good!"


Time does not allow me to think about anything more, carrying a butterfly and jumping down the villa, heading straight to the forest in front.

In less than two minutes, the whistling sound of the fighters came from the air, and the three volleys of the volcano fell. The next three sets of villas of Wang Zecheng were instantly crushed. The power of these three missiles is not covered. The villas turned into ruins almost instantly, bombing the shockwaves and even sweeping me hundreds of meters away, the impact of people almost unable to open their eyes.

"Head, what should I do now?" Xing Lie asked.

I said: "The people of the base were mobilized and quickly martial law around them. Wang Zecheng and his remaining party were arrested. Wang Zecheng was injured and broke his arm and went not far."



When the sky was bright, it suddenly rained.

I carried the butterfly and walked on the mountain road. The sea was scattered, but I couldn't find the atmosphere of Wang Zecheng. Where did this S-class colonizer go? Is it true that extracting my DNA code will make the mortal become a strong yang? In fact, this does not seem to be the case. It just gives them the power they should not get. As for the battle, Wang Zecheng can see it with a shock. The Yang Yanjia of the colonizer is like a joke under the power of my Yang Yan. general.

Step by step, the sword is walking on the mountain road. There is only one belief in my heart. I find Wang Zecheng and bring it to justice. Otherwise, this scum will continue to harm people.

Until near noon, Wang Zecheng was still not found. The villa area on the west lake was completely surrounded by the police and the army. This time our movement was too big, and the surrounding residents must have been disturbed, especially two. With the precise bombing of the J-20, Hangzhou City is a quiet city. The last war was more than half a century ago.

Wang Xin has always wanted to hide and squat, for fear that the public knows the existence of our group, in order to maintain a stable social situation, and even take our lives as a bargaining chip, but this time he has no reservations, and cooperates with the military. Direct strikes, this move also shows the attitude of the Chinese military to Buster.


There was chaos in my mind. When Xing Lie and the axe found me in the mountains, I was soaked. Xing Lie saw that I was not normal. I hurriedly touched my forehead with my hand and couldn’t help but horrified: "It’s hot... ... you have a fever!"

I nodded. "Well, just sleep."

At this time, a strong sense of fatigue finally hit, the power consumed this night is too much, but there are enough people to kill, a savage cultist, 10 dragon blood warriors, plus dozens Wang Zecheng’s party feathers, but how is Wang Zecheng’s ruthlessness, he will not feel sad when he loses so many people, and I, losing one of the ice, is enough to make my heart twist.

"The Wang team and General Sun Xiang are both down the mountain. Let's hurry up?" said the axe.

"Well, go."

When I stepped again, I found that my legs could hardly move. The axe and Xing Lie hurriedly supported me. The members of the five guardian squads clenched the submachine guns and stood around. They knew that I had lost the fighting power now. Only they can protect me.

Under the mountain, the temporary command center, Sun Xiang and the other two major generals were there. A large number of troops surrounded him. Wang Xin frowned. When he saw me coming, he was relieved and asked, "Is it okay?"

"Nothing." I shook my head weakly and asked, "Have you caught Wang Zecheng?"

"Not yet, most of them have already escaped."

Sun Xiang asked: "Li Xiaoyao, Buster's China regional CEO, that Wang Zecheng is also a colonizer?"

"Well, the S-class colonizer, who copied some of my strength to strengthen the colonizer."

"Family..." Sun Xiang made a fist and said: "I didn't think that their cancer has fallen to this point!"

I asked: "Searching for Wang Zecheng's residence, have you found anything?"

Sun Xiang nodded: "Well, I found a laboratory for research and development in the ruins of the basement, and captured more than 30 of their scientists. This time the evidence is conclusive, and Buster is finished."

I sighed and said, "That's good. Under Shen Bingquan, I should be comforted."

Sun Xiangdao: "Shen Bing's position belongs to the military region. She has lost her job. The military region will not let her die in vain. It is planned to add the rank of lieutenant colonel and first class."

"There are no people, what are the uses?"

I smiled a little and said to Xing Lie on the side: "Xiao Lie, help me get on the bus, I have to sleep for a while, the Wang team, what are the benefits of my care, I will recognize."

Wang Xin looked at me and said, "I can still dispose of you... Go to rest! When your body recovers, the task of arresting Wang Zecheng needs you to perform it yourself."


I know that Wang Zecheng's current strength is far better than ordinary people. It is really too difficult for ordinary police officers to arrest this demon. Moreover, Wang Zecheng is not dead. I still can't face Shen Bing and A Lei under Jiuquan.


Going back to the car, I don’t know what’s going on around when I sleep.

When I woke up, I found myself lying in the sanatorium of the base, dripping, opening my eyes, sitting next to Lin Biao, she was boring to cut apples, Dongcheng Yue was playing with pixel birds, sly birds The sound of flying is very quiet here, I can't help but smile, and it is good to be alive.

“Wake up?” Lin Yier looked at me with surprise: “You have slept for three days and three nights!”

"Ah, how long has it been?"

"Well, fortunately, the doctor said that your constitution is different from ordinary people, and there will be no accidents, otherwise I will worry about death."

I can't help but smile: "Because you are so worried, don't hurry up and sit on the bed, let me hug."

"Yeah." The little girl was very obedient at this time.

"Wait, put the knife down..."

"Oh." Although obedient, but because of worry, but stupid, people feel funny.


Lin Biaoer hugged in his arms, his chest was pressed by the soft and straight 34D, feeling very good, while the Italian sea looked at the body, the strength has basically recovered to more than 90%, and the body's little trauma is already good. Seven or eight, it is the thought of Shen Bing's death, still painful and heart-wrenching, life is so fragile, then let us all love Shen Bing, said no more.

Dongcheng Yue put down his mobile phone and walked over and said, "When you wake up, it is the funeral of Shen Bing in the afternoon. You should attend."

"Ok, I know……"

I thought about it and said: "One of the wishes of Shen Bing is that I hope to join Xiaolong. I intend to contact the Tiansheng Division of Beijing and let them change the guild of Shen Bing to Xiaolong. I want to... Xiaolong Temple, she should not be so forgotten."

"Well, I will do it." Lin said.

"Okay, then please."

I thought about it and said, "Ouyang Yanyan still owes me human feelings. This busy woman will help me. Help me get up. I am active and rude. The whole person is going to rust."



In the afternoon, Shen Bing’s funeral.

The cemetery was chosen in the secret martyrs' garden. Standing in the crowd, I couldn't help but smile. Shen Bing's personality is like that. If I know that I was buried in the martyrs' garden after I died, I would rather not be tempted to feel like a virgin woman. How can I be buried in this place, but with a smile and tears, the tears will fall.

Xing Lie, the axe and others are also wiping tears.

At the end of the funeral, a group of people came together. It was very familiar. When you look at it carefully, you are a player who is called the Lord, Su Yan, Yue Yuchen, etc., and Shen Bing is a **** Buddha. people.


"Happy." His Majesty called the Lord wearing a black ladies suit and said: "Ink and ink are so good, in the sun as a blood guild... Everyone likes to get along with her, but she did not expect that she would actually... ”

I took a deep breath and said, "Wang Zecheng's identity, now you know it?"

"Yeah." Her eyes were red and said: "I... there is always a feeling of helplessness. Sorry Shen Bing her... I..."

I smiled faintly: "You don't have to blame yourself, Shen Bing has gone, it has nothing to do with you. As a policeman, this is our duty."

His majesty called the Lord to look at the badge of my chest. When the tears could not help, I fell down and cried and said, "You...you are so good...so good...all so good..."

I said, "Don't cry on the Lord, now you are the backbone of the sun, talk about what you plan to do?"


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