Zhan Long

Chapter 1327

    Retreat Command npc sailor to turn the bow and return! ”

    On the warship, the Fourth guild Guildmaster Reichon in the Indian War zone held axe, but no war, looking at the Maple forest drunk, Magic Mountain together was chopped off, has been about to have a fractured liver, yelling command retreat, in fact, he has no other choice, this is the deep sea area players can not fight in the sea, and I am a divine player , gallop, passageways, and relying on powerful properties and impact can easily destroy NPC warships, which they cannot imagine.

    It’s hard to protect yourself, but in this case, there is only one way to retreat.


    The sound of the drums changed from dense to slow, and the blow of a blow seemed to hit everyone's heart. This is a sign of retreat. People in India + Germany began to retreat, never Sea of no return across the sea. The strategy of the war has been aborted, and the initiator is just me alone, I don’t know what they think in their hearts.

    I must be very heavy.

    Floating a lot of corpses at sea, and the player's equipment all fell to the bottom of the sea, I simply can not salvage, the sea is too deep, the deep sea there are all kinds of sea demons, go down may not be able to get what cheap, and will delay the pace of time and national war, and even Magic Mountain, Maple Lin drunk burst equipment I did not go to the bottom of the sea to look for it, but watched each other's warship disappear into the night and then flew to the regional direction between the iron cranial city and full Moon city.

    Soon after, arrived over a lush dense forest, this woodland is called "Howling Wind Forest", known as the continuous 700 miles, in fact about 400 miles, the player needs 5-7 hours walk, riding words to be about 3 hours, to my flight speed, an hour trip is about the same, it is this howling wind forest across the iron cranial city and full Between Moon City, become a natural barrier between the two cities, if not this howling wind forest is very vast, I am afraid full Moon City has long escaped the sky Rose's iron hoof trampled.

    Flying altitude at least 5000 meters above, hidden in the clouds, looking at everything on the earth, almost every move on the ground can earn eyes, even the lion culling antelope scene can be clearly seen, the rise of the Divine field after the vision is clear a lot, then "drop" a sound, Q-sword sent a message, They have confronted the people of the city of Zeling, just south of full Moon city, at the height of the war.

    I didn't think so much. The battle there will let them solve it. Q-Sword, Ye Lai, Jian Feng Han, Misty Clouds are all enough to cope.

    Continue to fly in the air and look for any details in the seven hundred miles of the wind forest.

    It stands to reason that the sky rose is impossible for Chinese players to enter the Iron Cranial City map. This is certain. The American style is the same. If the battlefield is set outside your home, then the seven hundred miles of Xiaofenglin obviously It has become the best battlefield.

    Soon after flying, I found out that there were three or five players in the jungle, but they were not the players of the Iron Crest City, but the people of the Western Alliance Covenant. The players of Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam and other servers all had a few Later, more and more, the total number has been more than 1000w, densely distributed in the middle of the Xiaofeng forest.

    If you want to look at it carefully, it will not work. They are all hidden under the big tree. My vision in the air has been greatly hindered.

    Go Down

    The body rushed down and looked for places where the crowds were scarce. The "brush" rushed into the bushes and immediately entered the stealth effect of the grass. They still couldn't see me.

    Fortunately, there are too many grasses in the jungle, and they continue to provide me with excellent hiding places. They are also hidden in the grass, but they can't see me. This is really good.


    Secretly in the jungle [stealth] Nearly one hours, soon found in front of the NPC Army, is the army of the Iron Cranial city, a door under the cover of branches, turf under the tree, pointing to the east, and a large group of NPC cavalry holding heavy shields are also covered with vines quietly lying there, Nnd, Even the NPC knows to ambush us, the sky Rose is really ready to be complete.

    Under the tree, several important figures in the Japanese theater were there. The first person in the jbn battle network, Frost Forest, caressed the dragon's faucet, and the other hand pressed the hilt and stood there silently.

    Guildmaster of the new moon Guild, beautiful woman Yue Yue carrying a spear, instigating the horse to move slowly, with a group of people, with a trace of impatient look on his face, said: "Frost Forest, are we waiting here endlessly? ?"

    if not?Frost Forest glanced at her with no expression.

    The new moon licked his red lips and said, "Are you really willing?"

    "What are you willing to do?"

    "Sky Rose allows us players in the Japanese and Korean theaters to set up in the seven hundred miles of the wind forest. It is obviously letting us take the lead. The momentum in China is flourishing. This is clearly making us a cannon fodder. You are really willing to let tens of millions. Are Japanese players accompanying you as cannon fodder here? Don't forget, everyone hangs at least 2 times, and then hangs once and loses 4 levels. We don't have a main city. The resilience is far less than that of China and the US. If we consume it, we can't afford it. ”After the new moon, he sighed and tried to stop.

    Frost Forest looked up at the sky, a long sigh of relief, a few helpless faces, said: "What about that?" There is no choice at all. Apart from cooperating with Americans, there is really no other way out. The Xiao Yao Zi Zai in the Chinese theater is too strong. It kills Moshan and Fenglin in a single step. What kind of strength is this? And Yao Yue, you should also know how many Chinese players hate Japanese. Do we have other choices besides helping Americans? ”

    On the side, Crescent vice Guildmaster the sword, Careless mouth: "In fact, the real situation is this, if the United States iron cranial city to win this war, we can also be divided into one or two sub-main city to rest the interest, but if the Chinese war zone won, to Xiao Yao Zi Zai, Fang Ge Que, Q-sword, Ye Lai The temper of these people, I am afraid that we will have to kill the players in the Japanese war zone. ”

    Frost Forest nodded and said: "Remember the heroic ambition we entered into the game? We vowed to let the whole world tremble because of the Japanese theater. We want the world to know our name, but now the situation is not as we imagined. The reason why I help the Americans is because I have not given up, I I still want to continue to work hard for this virtual war. Otherwise, why do you think I am looking for the sky rose to come back to the 10w man's npc army and 300 heavy artillery? Even if we will all die here today, I have to let the Chinese people shed a layer of skin, isn’t it? ”

    Yao Yue is a little moved, said: "Well, I am relieved to have you, you are the glory of Japan! Contact the Koreans, lee they should be ready, we will face more than 70% of the Chinese theater, [Zhan Long], [Hero's Mound], [Judgement], [Vanguard], etc. The guilds that are good at attacking are coming, we must go all out. ”



    I hid in the grass, took a deep breath, good guy, good luck, came over and detected such useful information, immediately recorded the coordinates of this magic crystal cannon and the ambush coordinates of the npc cavalry, as long as we made Precautions, these 300 magic crystal cannons will be buried here in vain.

    In fact, I can even choose to kill Frost Forest, Yao Yue These people here, but there is no need, this is tantamount to exposing myself, but also to let them know that they have been exposed, let them set up here, I have the most detailed deployment coordinates here, this is no problem, I have a cent confidence in the hard power of the Chinese region.

    Slowly retreat and retreat. After finding an opportunity, go straight to the sky and leave here.


    Continue westward, 700 miles of wind forest still has a layer of set up, the Philippines, Vietnam and other small server players have gathered here, and then fly forward for half an hour, a huge basin appears in front of the Fairy Basin, the natural barrier to the iron cranial city, the Fairy basin of the low-lying place is at least nearly 400 meters lower than the horizontal line , like a big bowl in general, down on the difficult to come up, very suitable for the siege in all directions, want to think of the sky rose should not let go of such a good ambush site.

    Flying forward, far away is a black "Great Wall", yes, the architectural style almost with the Great Wall same as, but all the city bricks are black, and stretches hundreds of of miles, only a barrier, this gate is called the cold blade, is to the iron cranial city of the pass, at this time the cold blade closed has been surging, A large number of iron cranial City players here to set up, countless fire-rock guns, magic guns, crossbows have been erected above the gate.

    My heart is slightly sinking, and there will be a bloody battle in the cold blade!

    The cold blade is going west again, and the distant shadow has been able to see the shadow of the Iron Cranial City. This main city is so close to us! Looking at the Iron Cranial City, I can't help but live up to the glory. This time I will conquer this main city and let the 3000w American players see the strength and strength of our Chinese theater!


    After a long time, "drop" a message from Li Mu: "Xiao Yao, [Zhan Long] almost all of the main players have arrived in Full Moon City, you come back, Wan'er Vice Guildmaster and Q-Sword After that, we will attack after an hour!"

    "Ok, you are ready, I will be back soon, are the npc troops coming?" How is the heavy artillery prepared? ”

    Li Mu turned on the communicator and smiled: "All come, Tian Ling Empire has used at least a million npc army strengths this time, almost out of the nest, I saw the Royal Forest gun, dragon crystal gun, fire rock The guns have been pushed over, and you can remotely order them to attack in advance."

    "do not."I shook my head: "The player will go first, and the npc will last, or it will be wasted."


    The monthly ticket list is over, ask for a monthly ticket, see my eyes tt

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