Zhan Long

Chapter 513: Entering Qinglinyuan

1000 people entered the Qinglin Valley, just in the late autumn, the maple forest in the jungle, the colorful leaves fluttering, carrying the dragon pool sword, I walked cautiously in the forefront, the flames and tigers ran away 100 yards in front of me. Reconnaissance, if there is an ambush, the tiger can definitely find out that it will be killed if it is killed. It is not too much loss, and it is not dead. In this activity, the player can’t go online within 24 hours. If you are a little tiger, you can be resurrected after summoning the CD in 10 minutes.



Suddenly, the jungle on the right side suddenly swayed. Song Han took the dagger and flew away. He shouted: "Who, come out!"

Another burst of twigs, I saw a MM carrying a staff, a long hair full of maple leaves came out, staring at us with big eyes: "Are you coming back?"

I can't help but laugh, this is not someone else, it is the chief hanging pot of the Scarlet Contract - who is blue-yan, who is behind the blue Yan, the cold monument carrying a large blue sword with a large group of people also came out, When I saw the 1000 people of Xiaolong, I couldn’t help but laughed. "I am going, so I am so surprised that I have encountered a free lord here!"

I look at the cold monument, his battle has been broken, the blade in his hand has also cut out countless rolls, the visual durability is less than 10%, and a group of **** contract players behind him are similar. NPC must have also caught a lot of oil and water. Many people are equipped with a scorpion and a scorpio. The equipment of the top ten people is not inferior to the elite players of the Dragon League.

"Working hard, brothers!"

I held a fist at a group of people with a **** contract and smiled: "The dragon is in trouble, so that you will suffer as well. This kind of grace is remembered by our dragons and will never be forgotten!"

Hanbeibei shook his head and smiled: "There is a small matter, you don't have to hang on your heart. The game is not just playing and killing. There is no such thing as a PK opportunity for us to create such a fun PK. Where can the **** contract show up?"

Who can't help but smile: "The NPC and the sharp three leagues played so badly, this is a show of glory?"

The cold tablet touches the nose and looks at the blue face behind him. He said: "The girl who loves the spit will not have a long chest. Oh dear, you have already got this vicious curse!"

Whose blue face is red, squatting: "Don't look around!"

Hanbeibei bowed his head and smiled, then looked at Lin Xiaoer, Dongchengyue, Yueyue, Lin Xiaowu, Tang Xin, etc. behind me, laughing with an envious look: "Hey, look at the welfare of others." So many water spirits and awesome beauty... Freedom of the lord, do you still collect the alliance? You see how our **** contract, do you want to add a league to play?"

I am a glimpse.

After the cold monument, a group of blood-colored contract players pulled out their swords and pointed at the back of the lord. They shouted: "The lord, pay attention to your fucking!"

Lin Yier, Dongcheng Yue and other MM all smiled, Lin Biaoer arms around his chest, the full peak of the leather under the hustle and bustle, but she did not notice, step forward to go forward: "Li Xiaoyao, your allies can be really interesting~ ~"

Hey, laughing and laughing: "How can you not call Li Xiaozi a pig?"

"In front of outsiders, give him a face..." Lin Biao's eyes are like water, laughing at me.

I touched my nose and smiled and said: "Well, let's not say that these are useless. I immediately went to the core of Qinglin Valley, and they met with Li Mu and a group of people. The cold monument, you are also ready to evacuate with the **** contract! ”

The cold monument sighed: "Going further south, there are players from NPC and Eight Desert City camps. You are not enough to carry the 1,000 people in this area. Are you looking for death?"

I smiled and explained: "We will not exceed 2W people in the three major guilds of Dragon, Blood, and Bing, and we can't resist the joint attack of these guilds, and the heroes. Already sent troops, Prague has been squatting again, the next 12 hours is full of unknown factors, with Chi Yuhan, Chi Yuqing, we are not useful where to escape, so I plan not to escape, with the dragon's elite Players enter Qinglinyuan and face all the challengers at the bottom of the abyss. We will win if we delay for 12 hours!"

The cold tablet screamed and pointed at the north, saying: "The brother who took the **** contract went to the north of the glacial river to go fishing for ice. Once the dragon needs anything, I will immediately let me know, as a brotherhood guild. The **** contract will never die!"

"Brother, be careful all the way!"



Say goodbye to the Scarlet Contract, a group of elite dragons continue to go south. Ten minutes later, a group of players with orange names flew over. It is the player of our loyalty camp, Li Mu, Wang Wei, Lian Po, Bai Qi and others. They are still alive, and let me put down a heart, and the next abyss defense war needs them!

"Allies!" Li Mu took the sword and flew forward. Haha laughed: "I don't know if you haven't been fart, I am relieved!"

Dongcheng Yuezui corner twitched: "This greeting is really warm, I am so moved to tears..."

Wang Hao wiped the blood on his cheeks and smiled: "Happy brother, is the second step of your strategy?"

I nodded: "Well! Immediately pick 200 of the top players from our remaining 5,000 people to go with me. Every profession needs to be remote. The hanging pot is preferred. You don't need too many shield players. The preferred killing power is super. People."


After a few minutes, the personnel have already chosen, and the most elite 200 people in the main league have formed two hundred people. Then, the lord of the 斩龙近卫军, Moon Devil MM, did not join. She is the highest commander to lead. 5,000 people went to the direction of the glaciers and met with the cold monuments and the clouds and clouds. They continued to swim in the northern edge of the Eight Desert City, and they were ready to respond to our actions. This is our final card.

Separate action, the moon demon face with 4,800 people quickly disappeared in the maple forest, I took everyone to continue northward nearly 300 yards, far away, Qinglinyuan has appeared!

This map is still so chic, the huge abyss can not see the end at a glance, there is no other way to go, only rely on the low vines on the big trees at the edge of the abyss to slide down.

"Hey, this map really tests the heartbeat!" Li Mu laughed: "Who will do the demonstration?"

I raised my hand to return the sword to the sheath and smiled and said: "I am coming!"

Stepping back a few steps, suddenly rushed forward, stepping on the cloud boots, "squeaking" the rock on the edge of the abyss, the whole person flew out, reaching out and grasping a vine in the air, the whole person was so suspended in the air, watching Everyone, said: "To judge the distance and strength, if you have no confidence in this, you can climb to the tree, and then grab the vines down. Everything is safe. Once you lose your hand, you will definitely fall into a broken body. The abyss is at least 100 meters deep!"

Matcha spits out the tongue and smiles: "Well, I still climb the tree, I can't be so confident about my judgment..."

Lin Yier, Dongcheng Yue, and Yueyue shallow MM did not hesitate, jumped and grabbed a vine, slowly descending, I also went down with them, above, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Song Han, one second Heroes and others have come one after another. Of course, more than 50% of the players are climbing trees down the vines, and they are not a joke.


In the middle of the abyss, the clouds are haunting. This is the reason why you can't see the bottom. The depths of Qinglinyuan are like this for a long time. The players of the dragons in the Green Valley should have become accustomed to it.

Sliding nearly 100 meters down the vine, I finally saw the lush green grass below, and let go, "brushing" a cloaking landing, steady landing, raising the hand and pulling out the Longchi sword.


In the depths of the grass, the sound of the pool's feathers came, and the hateful sword in his hand had been squirted to protect Chi Yuqing behind him.

I smiled a little: "No need to be nervous, it is us!"

When Chi Yuhan looked at a group of people who were dragons, they showed a smile: "It turned out to be you, great. You are alive and come back. I thought you would be able to rush through the aristocratic knights of the Eight Deserts!"

"Don't worry, we are not a fuel-efficient lamp! Next we are going to stay here, Chi Yuhan, you take your sister to the cave at the bottom of the abyss? So we can have nothing to worry about!"

"Okay..." Chi Yuhan turned and picked up Chi Yuqing to send her into the cave. Then she took the sword out and smiled. "This time, I will fight side by side with you and let the nobles of the Eight Desert City know." My pool Yu Han will not be foolish and give up the resistance to let the slaughter!"



The vines swayed in the air, and there were always dragons down. Soon after, 200 people arrived, and they stood at the bottom of the abyss. 200 people occupied the valley. It was not too dense or sparse. It was just good to display, Lin Biaoer, and the moon was shallow. The beauty deputy leader began to arrange the formation, the hanging pots and the remotes were protected in the corner away from the vines, and each vine was surrounded by 3-7 elite heavyweight players, so that the above people fell. To face our heavy armor attack and long-range shooting, we are here to be a battle for peace, unless the other side has a flying mount that can fly down without falling, but unfortunately no one is now 100, let alone what Flying mounts, and the space here is too narrow to use equipment such as 诛神箭, which is more beneficial to us!


A wave of hands, behind a green dragon flail, I stood in the core area at the bottom of the abyss, the dragon pool sword in the hands of a slight tremble, has been able to hear the player's voice far away, so in the team channel said: "all Note, someone came, is the assassin on the ambush with a vision?"

Li Mu smiled slightly: "Well, it is the person of Longxiang, go back and return, take a pot of wine leader!"

My mouth is rising: "Okay, waiting for them to come down, this time you can't let the kid of the gun escape again!"

Wang Hao, Yan, Yue Yan and others have clenched their swords and they are excited.

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