Zhan Long

Chapter 536: The barbarian king

Nearly 30 minutes of battle, a large battlefield sorrow fell to our front, the moon was shallow, Song Han led a group of people to clean the battlefield, and the exclamations came one after another -

"Wow, it’s out of the box!"

"By... I didn't read it wrong? Level 1 is actually a 94-level scorpion bow? My family, like Frost Sister, finally has weapons, it's great..."

"Hey, there is a soul stone? The monsters here are really rich!"

"Cough, all the items that are not used are collected in the guild warehouse, look at them first..."


I put the dragon pool sword in the sheath and walked through the battlefield to see the damage of the members of the dragon. After this battle, we only had 500 people left, but it also meant that the rest were absolutely elite, most of them. Knights, swordsmen, and mad warriors have been able to withstand a fierce skill attack of level 1 sorcerer in the case of defense and vindictive bodyguards.

The entire battlefield is full of dead bodies. 1W players have only 3,800 left, and 3,000 NPCs have about 1,500 left. The survivability of these high-end NPCs is obviously stronger than ours. Understand, such as the frost, the level of Luo Lin, basically the level 1 magic can not form a substantial threat to them.

"This time I noticed..."

Ready to go, I pulled out Longchi sword, Zhenyuejian, and stood at the forefront of the dragon camp with one hand and one sword, saying: "How beautiful are the weapons and equipments on the side of the pipeline, how much you like, you can't get involved. Otherwise, it will bring trouble to everyone, and everyone who is a dragon is full of hearts and minds, can’t be handcuffed...”

Dongcheng Yue suddenly exclaimed, and stood up in a rounded chest. He said, "Wow, look at the side, a beautiful staff. Oh, it is also inlaid with rubies. Wow, I like it, who will help me? Come!"

A second hero raises his hand: "Cang Yue, don't worry, wait until the end will help you!"

Li Mu’s mouth twitched: “If you dare to go, your team will be embarrassed...”

A second hero slams the shield: "Then I will defend it in place..."

I glanced at Dongcheng Month: "Dongcheng, don't be arrogant, these are props items, can't be equipped, can't be equipped, let's be honest, don't provoke, the owner of the staff may be an ancient master, once resurrected It’s enough for us to eat a pot, our battle damage is already very serious, and another wave of magical monster attacks, then it’s finished...”

Dongcheng Yueshou said: "Well, don't be it, then the happy brother will finish the mission and ask me to eat Pizza Hut!"

"I pursued this point..." I snorted and didn't say anything more.


However, the people of Xiaolong did not start, and did not mean that others would not handcuffs. After a few minutes, a team leader of the Fairy Valley, a player in the armor, entered the wilderness, stepped on a pile of corpses, and suddenly “snapped” and grabbed it. A handle of a flame tomahawk, haha ​​smiled: "Fuck, is the fairy lining, MLGBD, is the immortal Axe, the attack limit is 5,000, and Laozi is developed!"

I was shocked. The sword was cold and the sword turned. I was angry and said: "The man in the fairy valley... you... what special gauze do you have?! Do you think that the weapon of Xianlin is so easy to get it? Hurry up. Stop, look for death!"

Yanzhao unparalleled raises the long sword: "Prepare for defense! Someone has handcuffed, this grandson, mad at me... can a good task not be completed with the lowest damage?!"

However, the team leader of the Fairy Valley still slammed the battle axe. As a result, the other end of the battle axe was connected with a broken arm. With a scream, a heroic barbarian battle of at least three meters high will be When I got out, the broken face was full of anger. There was a blood-red crown on his head. He shouted with a tremulous, as if from hell: "Damn, dare to blame the king's fire, boy." You have to use your life as a price to redeem your sins!"


The axe slammed directly into a flame axe effect, and almost slammed the team into two halves, and the big damage figures flew up, and everyone was so shocked that they couldn’t speak.


A fatal blow! But even a fatal blow, but the attack power is still terrible to the point that people can not afford.


I hurriedly glanced at it and immediately read the properties of BOSS in the guild channel. He whispered: "Hurry up, it’s definitely not just as simple as BOSS!"


[The king of barbarian? Lu Lin] (Xian Linjie BOSS)

Rating: 110

attack:? ? ?

defense:? ? ?

Qi and blood:? ? ?

skill:? ? ?

Introduction: The king of barbarian, once dominated by the southern part of the mainland, Lu Lin has the talent of natural power. At the age of 17 he became the leader of the barbarian. He led four expeditions and settled the southern part of the mainland, making the barbarian's footsteps crossed. In most of the mainland maps, in the battle of the gods and devils, Lulin led the barbarian elite warriors to attack the evil spirits, but all died and died. The soul was refining and became a member of the demon.


"I can't see the attack, but it's definitely not low!"

Li Mu took the Tianchen sword and said, "We should not provoke BOSS first. The surrounding barbarian soldiers are about to be resurrected. Those are our main goals. The people of Xianren Valley wake up the BOSS and let them resist for a while!"

I nodded in agreement: "Dongcheng, Xiaowu, ready to respond to attack BOSS, all with control skills, how long it takes to hold BOSS for a long time, this BOSS may have to be killed by our players themselves!"

As we expected, after Lulin’s wielding axe hacked several of the main forces of the Immortal Valley, he immediately lifted it with one hand and shouted: “Sleeping barbarian warriors, open your eyes, when we return to the earth again Arrived!"

The bones of the "哗啦啦" are inexhaustible, and a skeleton in the battlefield has stood up. They are all huge monsters, and they are of good strength. They are wielding axe and spears and rushing to the dragon and the edge. The positions of the three major guilds under the dynasty of the city, we were too open, and the first impact was shocked.

"Be careful, shrink the line of defense!" He shouted loudly.

Lin Biaoer was shocked with a pair of beautiful eyes: "A pig, this group of monsters can not be underestimated, is... is a level 2 evil!!!!"


I am trembled, level 2, and this is a bit horrible... In the same way, we still can't see the attributes of these 2nd-level aliens, we can only touch the river.


With Matcha, Tang Xin, and a second hero, the three knight players rushed up. I raised the dragon pool sword far away. It was a seven-star broken Yuelu falling in the monster group. The barbarian warriors trembled. The blood has slammed a bit, and this kind of attacking power is so strong that it can't last forever. You must kill them quickly, otherwise their attack power will make us burst into tears.


A barbarian warrior screamed with a battle axe, and the flames ignited above the battle axe, leaping high, a high-altitude axe skill, and shouted: "Go to death, 34C's pretty little girl!"


In the case of the holy shield defense and the vindictive body, the matcha was slid back and forth by an axe -


The vindictive body can reduce 50% of the damage, which means that if the matcha is not open to the defensive body, it will be killed by a single blow. This level 2 sorcerer is far more horrible than the 1st level!


After a series of steps back, Matcha has a pair of eyes that are wise and loud: "The vindictive body should not be opened, the monsters will be skilled again, or they will be spiked. The attack power of the 2nd level is too strong. Can't live!"

On the periphery of the position, a group of squadrons of the heavy armor are resisting, but the screams are endless. In the blink of an eye, dozens of people are killed, and I also slashed the sword at the outermost periphery. In the meantime, a large number of monsters flocked, and the speed at which everyone died was not slow!

In the distance, Yan Zhao’s unparalleled face is green: “We don’t need two minutes, we will die, who dares to bet with me?!”

Jianfeng Han pulled out the blade from the barbarian warrior and brought out the organization that smelled like a cotton wool. He frowned and said: "No one has a bet, Yan Zhao, you should not be kidding!"

The ethereal cloud of smoke stayed in front of the position under the soldiers, and his face was pale: "I feel that I can't stop it, the attack of the monster is fierce!"


I bite my teeth, no longer hesitate, turn the right hand ring, the stunt of the king's ring is launched - the king's field! Lock the target to all players within 500 yards!


A golden light rose from the sky, and the light of the golden swords of the next moment broke out, turning at the feet of each player, instantly increasing 100% of defense, magic resistance, attack, and getting 10 per second. % Healing of blood, lasts 120 seconds!

"Kill, take advantage of the effect of the king's field!" Li Mu laughed: "The actor's stunt is too TMD to force!"

After the dragons have defended against the attack and improved their defense by 100%, they will basically not be spiked, and the attack power can be promoted all the way!

The fierce fight is continuing. Not only the dragons, but also the players in the guilds such as the front, the Prague, and the soldiers are also benefited from the king's field. The 120 seconds is not long, but the people are blocking the 2nd level. A wave of culling, disrupted the rhythm of the monster attack, and killed a large number of monsters, so that their foothold has stabilized.


In another ten minutes, the barbarian warriors in front of the dragons are almost dead.

I turned around and saw that Lulin, the king of barbarians, also slashed the players of the Fairy Valley and the other dozens of guilds, and Luo Lin and the frost were kept by a different demon army in front, and they would also smoke for a while. Without being born, the king of the barbarian can only be killed by ourselves.

I just looked at it, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Lin Yier, Dong Chengyue and others have already expressed their intentions. In the distance, simply carrying the staff, he said: "Don’t fight again this time, we have a few big lines. Will you kill this Xianlin BOSS together, and you will be able to do so?


I took Longchi Sword and said: "Let's go together. When the BOSS is killed, don't rob the equipment. We need a highly respected person to distribute the equipment!"

"Who is coming?" asked the misty clouds and the cold monument.

Together with the simple eyes of Lin Biaoer and Li Mu, I fell to the leader of the Prague League, Yan Zhao.


"Cough, high hopes..."

Yan Zhao unparalleled coughed: "I am only 49 years old... still young and middle-aged..."

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