Zhan Long

Chapter 557: Mushroom demon

On average, every 2 hours, a wave of attacks, the fourth wave, the fifth wave of the main attack monster is still the level 1 magic of the Ling Han army, in addition to the 2nd level of the digger ghost to give us a next Mawei, the rest are Level 1 Alien Legion, but still formed a very fatal impact on the player corps above the city, the defensive personnel changed one after another, a large number of players died in the city, death is reduced by 3, the punishment is very cruel, but The rewards are also very rich.

The fourth wave of BOSS was killed by the people of Longxiang. The gun was a pot of wine top BOSS. There was not much danger to life. The fifth wave of monsters was killed by Jianfeng Han, simply not too much. The accident.



The cold wind swept through the battlements, and I stood on the edge of the city with the dragon pond sword. I looked at the distant jungle, and the blood was dripping on the blade. The blood dripping off the blade quickly frozen into ice. The dragon was cold and cold. Behind Lin Biaoer, the moon is shallow, the players who are arranging for the alliance are coming to replenish their strength, but one thing is very gratifying. At least 1,000 people in the main league are stationed on the city, and the same kind of people can’t beat them. This group is The true core of the main force, these elite players are the future of the dragon and the world, galloping on the mainland!

"The sixth wave of monsters is coming soon..." I looked at the time. The battle of the devil's territory attacking the cold dragon city has lasted for 10 hours. It seems to be endless, and the news came from afar, Jiuli City, Fan The task of the book city has not been carried out smoothly, and the damage is amazing. The difficulty of this version is extremely high.

冉闵努努口, said: "The sixth wave, it is also the second level of the demon come..."

Matcha smiled slightly: "Hey, crow mouth!"

Sure enough, the sound of Soso was heard in the jungle. The next moment, a large seven-color monster appeared in the jungle, very amazing. This is a soft monster, mushroom-like, soft body, with four small details. Legs, with a colorful umbrella cover, below are a pair of blood-red eyes, "叽叽" shouting, a short arm swaying and holding a iron gun rushed to the cold dragon city!

I twitched my mouth and grabbed the attributes of these monsters in the guild channel -

[Mushroom Demon] (Level 2

Rating: 106

attack:? ? ?

defense:? ? ?

Qi and blood:? ? ?

Skills: [Pike spurs] [Terrorist 嘶吼] [Twisting Swirling]

Introduction: Mushroom demon, deep in the north of the mainland, living in a humid area with a group of mushrooms attached to decaying creatures. These poisonous mushrooms absorb the magic and gradually produce spirituality, which eventually leads to a group of ferocious mushroom demons. Strong strength, don't be fooled by their cute appearance


Matcha looked at the mushroom demon who was climbing the mountains, could not help but smile: "Oh, it looks really cute... I like it, can I catch one to be a pet?"

I shook my head: "Don't, unless there is a level 2 monster mushroom demon with a level of 1, or you can't catch it, but we have killed so many different demons, you have seen, no one is level 1, So, no play..."

Wang Shuo said: "Everyone is careful, this mushroom demon will fight the whirlwind, this is my exclusive skill... NND, the attacking power of the trench is very strong, everyone is careful, don't be spiked... ”

Everyone nodded, but they didn't have a heart. Finally, they came to a wave of level 2, and the level was higher. The pressure on the front row players was very great.


Lin Yier looked at the city and continued to order: "In situ defense, once the mushroom demon is close to launching the battle of the trenches, we must immediately fight the body of the Xuantian shield wall, do not underestimate these sprouting mushroom demon..."

"Yes!" A group of people nodded.

Not far away, the sharp-leading lord Jianfeng Han also carried the sword and walked on the front line to train: "The archer shoots every 10 people, the seven-star arrow stuns, kills these mushroom demon one by one, don't care, all Teams are all based on 30 people, and cooperate well to minimize the damage! Yunjie, let the 3 League, 4 League people get ready!"

Simply nodded: "Well, I know..."

Yanzhao Wushuang holds an iron fist in his hand and looks at the distance with a stunned look. He said in a clear and concise manner: "Prepare for war!"



A large group of mushroom demons rushed to the Dragon City. I stood on the edge of the city, and shot them according to the Qinglong Lianzheng. At the same time, the Zhenyue sword suddenly threw them out, and the air was swirled out to kill the mushroom demon. I saw two mushroom enchanting screaming and rushing over, suddenly squatting in the air, four small short legs kicked in the air, and the rifle in his hand turned into a gas spur on my shoulders!




It hurts, this stuff really doesn't look so cute!

I waved a rain and I swung my body. The swords danced and slashed out seven or eight swords. The foot slipped back and forth. I couldn’t stop it alone. I couldn’t stop it. My defense was about to be smashed.

Matcha rushed forward with a shield, and a illusion attracted a group of mushroom firepower. She immediately stepped back a few steps, transformed the shield, and blessed the bodyguards together. A group of mushroom demons had long guns and smashed the sway, matcha 呜The squatting in the same place, consumed at least 5 mushroom demon firepower, actually did not hang!

"Dizziness shot!" Lin Biaoer ordered a voice, he also carried the dagger to kill, directly blinded one, dizzy one, with the monthly shallow high-speed output.

One by one, the whirlwind of the war broke out on the front line of the player. Wang Hao and Li Mu rushed to take a defensive posture and greatly reduced the damage they suffered. However, the rest of the players may not have their strong operation and tactical awareness of attack and defense conversion. Nearly a hundred people were killed in the raging of the trenches, and even a dozen mushroom demons rushed directly into the crowd, killing the archers, the wizards, and the musketeers!

I rushed to the past, tied the beast lock to one, Xuanwu pool fell for everyone to decompression, shouted: "Come, come on quickly fill the gap, can not give them so easy to break!"

Moon demon, the elegy of death, nodded, filled the past with their elite players, and the Tang Xin MM of the main alliance was extremely strong and carried the Vulcan shield in the forefront, bearing the impact of the mushroom demon, Vulcan The Shield's defensive bonus is getting higher and higher, and the mushroom demon's tremble can only cause 6000 damage. This defensive ability is a bit horrible, and it is much stronger than me!

A messy defense, nearly half an hour, relying on the firepower of Lin Xiaowu, Dongchengyue and others to suppress the slaying of the mushroom demon, the position of Xiaolong barely resisted the impact of the 2nd-level demon mushroom demon, although the loss was heavy. But I didn’t lose my position, but when I turned around, I found that half of the positions in Prague were ruined. The melee was flooded with water. The war of the mushroom demon was like a massacre. Prague The people can't resist it.

"Halo..." Yan Zhao unparalleled sword in front: "How can it be like this?"

Heroes of the World: "The lord, back some, there are NPCs in the deserted city to help shoot..."

"it is good……"

Sure enough, about 100 meters behind the lineup of the players, a large group of archers from the Eight Stars Purple Star Corps have been arrayed, at least tens of thousands of people, raising the longbow is an intensive shot, the mushroom demons have been miserable Ground, but there are also a lot of mad rushing to the NPC with a long gun, killing a few people is still killed.

The frontal positions are smothered, and the positions of the guilds under the city, the Scarlet Contract, etc. are also beginning to move backwards. The impact of the mushroom demon is too strong, relying on the firepower of the NPC to defend together, this is a very sensible approach.

However, many small and medium-sized guilds were almost destroyed by the attack of the mushroom demon. In the interface of the cold dragon city, the number of players was rapidly reduced from 9W to 3W, and it was obvious how many people were killed by the mushroom demon.


"Kill! Hold it!"

I slashed my sword and slammed it several times. I killed two mushroom slayers. When the little thing hangs, it will scream and scream, then collapse to the ground, the body disappears and disappears on the ground. There is a red mushroom seed left on it, but the player can't take it, and can't pick up the mushroom seeds. I don't know what it is.

Everyone struggled to resist the fight, and finally got the upper hand in an hour. The speed of the mushroom demon has been greatly worse than before, which means that we are resisting the sixth wave.

I let out a sigh of relief, open the task interface, which shows the player's defending points ranking, no accident, I ranked first, but the points are hidden, I don't know how much higher than the rest -

1, happy and free

2, simple

3, Cang Yue

4, Jianfeng cold

5, the sky

6, Lin Xiaowu

7, a gun and a jug of wine

8, Yan Zhao unparalleled

9, hero 冉闵

10, snowy Qianyang


The top-level players of Xiaolong are very powerful. The top ten directly occupy 6 places. There is no way. After Lin Yier and Dongcheng Yue returned to Xiaolong, we have an absolute advantage in the elite of Eight Desert City, plus Lin Xiaowu and Tang Xue. These people are also equipped with more and more powerful equipment and more and more sophisticated technology. They have not lost to the simple and long-standing "great gods" that are simple and simple.

Continue to kill, no matter what, Xiaolong must hold this position, behind it is home, we have no way to go.

On the snow, full of the player's body, as well as dense mushroom seeds, a large number of mushroom demon have been killed, turned into rich experience and high-end equipment, the package of the front row of players in the dragon is almost full, according to In my judgment, once the 2nd level of the demon is killed, the chance of exploding the silverware, the goldware, and the purple lining is about 50%, the scorpion occupies 40%, and the remaining 10% may burst out of the scorpio. Not BOSS can burst out of the scorpio, which can be imagined.


"Be careful, BOSS is coming..."

Sitting on a broken arrow on the moon, he rolled over and smiled and said: "This wave of BOSS is appearing opposite our dragon's square..."

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