Zhan Long

Chapter 563: Purgatory hound

"How can people in Prague become like this?" I looked at the movements in the distant forest and couldn't help but ask.

The moon is shallow: "Uncles have killed two Xianlin BOSS in succession, so the loss will be so bad, especially the previous BOSS, the three groups of killing skills, the loss of Prague, most of the main forces have been killed, now the Lord There are only less than 100 people left in the league, but there seem to be two alliances under the mountain, and there are about 5,000 people."

"How many people are there in the alliance?" Li Mu asked.

Lin Biaoer said: "There are still three sub-committees standing by the city, about 3,000 people are not, they are all new low-level guilds. They can't be counted. Their level is too low. It is purely sent to death. Just look at the NPC Corps. How to deal with this war of alien invasion."

I nodded: "Well, we are holding it!"


At this moment, there was a low roar in the distant forests of the northern part of the city. A wolf-shaped monster with a hair on its head appeared. The body was very large, at least two meters long, and the limbs were strong and powerful. Blood red, it looks like a mad dog crawling out of hell, the fighting power is certainly not bad.

I looked far away and muttered: "Purgatory Hound, 114-level 3rd-order demon, everyone is mentally prepared, the attack power of the Purgatory Hound is certainly not too low, shrinking defense, we only need to hold 50 now The position of the code will be fine. Deaf children, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Matcha, Yong Jie, Tang Xin, all of us who have actual defense power of 1.5W are all on the front line, and we will compete against these 3 levels according to their own defense advantages. As much as possible to reduce losses, leaving most of the area on the city to the NPC Corps, the 14th wave, it is time for the army of the Eight Desert City to do their best."

All the people nodded, Matcha, a second hero, Tang Xin, Yue Yao Yan, no tears, Lin Xiaoxie, etc. The first-line knights of the dragons have fallen to the ground, and I and Li Mu, Wang Wei, Lin Yier, and the moon Players such as shallow attackers are interspersed among them. It can be said that the front players in the distance of 50 yards are the few heavyweight players in the eight wild city. It is basically known that the ID is basically known.



The roar of the Purgatory Hound came from the foot of the mountain. On the side of the dragon's position, Luo Lin held the king's flag and gave a low voice: "What are you waiting for? The Red Rock Cavalry of the Imperial Army Corps gave it to me, using your solid barriers to give me To hold the position, you must hold the cold dragon city, otherwise the cold dragon city will be razed to the ground, and the borders of the eight deserted cities behind us will be flat and become the object of the devil!"

There were hooves on the wall, and at least tens of thousands of squadrons of the Eighth City were appearing in the city. One of the knights wearing red armor came with a red shield and smashed into a shield at the edge of the city. In the head of the warhorse to meet the charge, while the right hand clenched the sword, ready to fight back.


A fierce scream, the first Purgatory Hound rushed out of the wall, waving his claws and plunging into the position of the first squad of the hero, the two-claw waving three combos fell on a knight's shield, suddenly screams It was said that the three damage figures flew up, and actually killed a 91-level knight in this second.





Wang Zecheng gave a slight glimpse: "Halo, what is this attack power!?"

Hurry to hold the shield to block the gap, while the players behind the firepower, Wang Zecheng's defense is still good, able to withstand a set of skills of the Purgatory Hound, but the player behind the attack is not very good, a purgatory hound enough to kill them for at least 20 seconds The number of clocks is hard to beat.

A head of the purgatory hound culled, the position of the hero's first point has been faltering, the smoke locks the wind and the dagger, almost no longer dare to go forward, hanging is 3, she can not care, the level depends on I am desperately trying to level up, but I can't just exchange it with my boyfriend.

At the front of the Nine Dragons position, at least more than 10 Purgatory Hounds came to the rescue. I immediately single-handedly, and the Hongyao world locked in one attack. At the same time, Xuanwu Pool fell in front of the position to decompress everyone, and slammed Hong Zhong Lei Ming. Long Xiao, for the nearby players are blessing the BUFF, a double sword and a wave, with the wall of vindictiveness, Frost and Ice, two defensive skills, stepping on the monster group in a few steps, Jian Lie storm, seven stars The broken Yuelu broke out together and attracted five Purgatory Hounds to attack. The single damage to me was about 4,500 points, and I was able to survive. The water and the thousands of pools were already treated indiscriminately.

Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan and others have fought and swayed their skills in the monster group of the Purgatory Retriever, but no one dared to break away from the position like me. The attacking power of the Purgatory Hound was taught. Who would dare to underestimate the enemy?



A head of the purgatory hound hit the shield of the dragon camp, matcha, a second hero, Tang Xin, Yue Yao Yan and other people have taken a defensive stance, can withstand the attack of the Purgatory Hound, but the blood is Qi The brush fell to less than 50%. At this time, it began to test the treatment ability of the hanging pot. Fortunately, the team of the hanging dragons of the dragon was kept relatively complete. Nearly 150 people were treated with group therapy, and the blood of the front line players was quickly added. full.

In the back row, Dongchengyue, Lin Xiaowu, Xueyu Qianyang, Liulu Fox, Admiral Lianpo and other long-distance players in the security protection of the output, suddenly a purgatory hound screamed and fell to the position of the dragon In front, everything is going to be perfect. Although Xiaolong lost a lot in the past, it also created the current players in the front row, and experienced 13 waves of BOSS and the baptism of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd orders. The equipment has changed a lot, especially Li Mu, Wang Hao, Matcha and others. Basically, the worst thing in the body is the Scorpio, and it is the kind of JP equipment that adds attack and qi and blood. Big

In the battle for a cold and devastating dragon city, almost all intermediate and low-level players have been baptized once, but the advanced players have survived tenaciously. The attributes and strengths are bound to increase sharply. This is also the fact that several major guilds know that they are participating in this battle. If you will die for a lifetime, you must also participate in the truth. The big waves are washed away, and the self-styled people must be eliminated. This is like the Three Kingdoms in the Three Kingdoms. It is the first prince in the North but only self-protection, but ultimately Yuan Shao. A big defeat, died within the high walls that I built.

Jianfeng cold, Yanzhao unparalleled, ethereal clouds and smoke, flying dragons in the sky and other eight deserts, the group of heroes deeply understand this truth, want to stand firm in the eight wild city, must rely on the sword to fight out, otherwise no one will be crowned for you, and Even Wang Zecheng, not necessarily ordinary, Liu Ying, the ally of the two popular associations understand this truth, and it is also because of this, otherwise the cold dragon city may not be able to withstand the 13 waves of the previous attack.


"Keep the position!"

Luo Lin took the sword and stood in front of the position. He suddenly cut a purgatory hound into two halves with a sword. The blood swayed in the air. The eight-year-old prince was allowed to splash on his white shirt and blood. Explosively, a purgatory hound hardly stepped on his feet and turned into a pile of flesh and blood. Turning his open hands was a field attack. The storm raged and smashed dozens of Purgatory Hounds that had just smashed into the city. Meat, so that all players are stunned, this is the power of the most powerful people in the Eight Desert City!

The Red Rock Cavalry guarded the rear of Luolin, and the Purgatory Hound on the shield smashed and smashed, raising the sword with a vindictive attack, and suddenly let the Purgatory Hound screaming and slamming the tail back. The attacking attack of the purple star archers was like rain. Finally, the NPC army of the Eight Desert City suppressed the alien army once, mainly because the red rock cavalry’s armor was strong and its defense was strong, otherwise it would be difficult to resist the purgatory. The hound attacks very frequently.

Time passed by bit by bit, after the dragon died about 100 people, the two-hour killing time has arrived, the Purgatory Hound is getting less and less, and it is time for BOSS to appear.

"Come on!" Lin Biaoer stepped on the edge of the city wall and looked far away.

I squinted: "We are too few people, BOSS can not kill without killing, keep the brothers' lives and kill some magic to get the task points, or once you hang up level 3, you may not be able to make up for it... ”

Lin Biaoer nodded: "Well, listen to you, wise choice!"


As a result, not waiting for our players to do it, not far from the NPC's black rock 弩 has already attracted a very large dog head BOSS to attract the past, the high-level BOSS of the infernal battle level, holding the long scorpion to fight a bunch of red rock cavalry Among them, the wind and blood, instantly killed nearly a hundred red rock cavalry.


Luo Lin slammed low and slammed the sword to kill the past. The volley was a sword. "Hey," he screamed that the dog's head would be soft on his knees and kneel down on the knees. He looked up and smiled: "Luo Lin?! Haha... Luo Lin, this is the defeat of the adults of Ling Han, and you will dare to appear in front of the alien army, you will not know how to live!"

Luo Lin sneered, lifted his foot and flew, kicked the other's chin dislocated, blood splattered, and a long sword, dragging a long wound on the chest of the dog's head, almost a sword would smash the other 700W. The battle between blood and NPC is beyond our imagination. Luo Lin’s martial arts come from the distant ancient times, and there are many skills, and the power can crush the opponent, almost the power of the sanctuary, for seven consecutive years. Eight swords, a violent outburst, the dog head war will suddenly burst into the ground, turned into a pile of flesh and blood, it is a pity...


He took the Tomahawk and said: "Look, then we just have to defend our position, we don't have to rush anymore, then there is nothing to let Luo Lin block it..."

I shook my head: "Brother, this is only 14 waves. According to the time calculation, there are still 10 waves behind. We can stop it and talk about it..."

"Well, I am going to level 100!"

"Everyone is cheering! After the end of this mission, there are more people who have five turns!"

"Haha, it must be!"


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